Valve Software Pays Up

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Many of you watched what happened last week with ************* (www.*************). Here's a press release that's even shown on Google News, MSNBC, CNN, etc.

Valve Software pays up big by giving a percentage of Steam royalties to *************.

*************, once the owner of before it sold to Microsoft, Corp for leasing, has struck a deal with Valve Software, LLC.

************* has given up 4 domain names for Valve Software. These domain names include ",,, and".

"Our goal was not to settle out on domain names", says Andy Hodges, Excecutive Producer for GameSHOUT Radio. "Some people think that real estate on the internet is nothing. Or, are told that the space and domain is nothing." says Hodges. "Just buy what you feel and go with it. You never know, it may pay off."

Andy Hodges is the Executive Producer for GameSHOUT Radio (www.*************) that is growing near 36 million listeners as of July 2006.

Hodges was asked about September details, he stated, "We are giving away 1 million dollars in a tournament on GameSHOUT Radio. This Tournament is unique and doesn't require a full-game download. Announcements will be made by Setember 6th. The reason for September 6th is, well, I'm going on vacation and will be back on Sept 4th.

Enitre article: http://www.*************/news/082005/article1104.htm
Sorry, run that by me again...

Why are Valve paying you royalties?? I can understand them buying domain names, but where does "Valve Software has worked out a deal with GameSHOUT Radio to recieve royalties on Steam Paid Subscriptions" come into it?
Steam Paid Subscriptions.

Saw that on the front site.

What? the? ****?
No, no... I remember that... but why should he be entitled to a percentage of Steam sales?
tell him to **** off munro

edit - anyone want to buy :)
I don't understand :(

For a news article it holds about as much information as a cabbage.
I couldn't find anything about this on CNN (the last time CNN mentioned Valve, the developer, was in 2003 according to a search of their site) or MSNBC about this... and the only mention on Goggle News is a link directly to GameSHOUT, so that means nothing. I haven't seen one site other than GameSHOUT that is reporting anything, unless they heard it from GameSHOUT. I'm going to have to call "bullshit" unless you can provide links to other sites with their own articles about it... with a source other than GameSHOUT. If you can't, please GTFO.
OCybrManO said:
I couldn't find anything about this on CNN (the last time CNN mentioned Valve, the developer, was in 2003) or MSNBC about this... and the only mention on Goggle News is a link directly to GameSHOUT, so that means nothing. I haven't seen one site other than GameSHOUT that is reporting anything, unless they heard it from GameSHOUT.

I did the same, and got the same results.
I like how he talks about himself in the third person up until the last sentence: "I'm going on vacation and will be back on Sept 4th".

Well if it just happened, then theres likely to be no sources yet, except himself and valve, and you'd naturally post it on the biggest (and best) half-life 2 community around...right!??!!? If this is true, then it was a clever move, and congratulations on your gain.

Love the title though 'valve pays up' like they owe you big time! 'Bout time i got my cheque, do you know how long i've been waiting Gabe!? tisk tisk'
*cough* bullshit *cough*. VALVe would never give out royalties for a domain name, perhaps a single lump sum, but never royalties.
Andy Hodges is quite possibly the biggest joke the Half-Life2 community has ever seen..

(my own views and do not represent the views of
^^^ I agree. And if they have 32 million listeners why the need to SPAM it here?
36 million listeners?

What..daily? Rofl. ROFLMAO.

ok, Steam royalties? What the hell are steam royalties? Does that mean you get a percentage of the money of each game sold over steam? That sounds ridiculous beyond believability.
Mr-Fusion thats right.

Basically anytime you buy a game over Steam, apparently Andy Hodges gets a cut of it.

Now excuse me, but Steam is for developers to get paid better... Now it seems Andy Hodges wants to make money off them because they have STEAM GAMES listed in their billing (first of all, does anyone think that just because it says STEAM GAMES taht it means a domain name? No, that's just dumb first of all on Andy's account)

So, this is just stupid. I seriously hope VALVe lays a little smack down on Andy.... Back stabber! I mean VALVe was so nice to him during E3 getting him interviews and such, and now he turns around and tries to suck them dry.

I say they ban him from Steam forever.
Andy Hodges has all the charm and personality of a gential wart

[/my own opinion and does not reflect the opinion of]
I dislike Andy Hodges.

[my opinion is that of anyone and everyone who reads this]
SixThree said:
I dislike Andy Hodges.

[my opinion is that of anyone and everyone who reads this]
I second this opinion.

[torstitos are yummy]
What are his emails....
don't ask why it has nothing to do with the php's mail script.
ZoFreX said:
Air, of the warmer variety.

how about "of the hotter variety" :p
anyway...someone wanna email Gabe or someone over at Valve to find out if this is even real?
"Half-Life 2 Pays Up Big - Valve Software Pays *************" DAMN ANDY HODGES!

Valve Software pays up big by giving a percentage of Steam royalties to *************.

*************, once the owner of before it sold to Microsoft, Corp for leasing, has struck a deal with Valve Software, LLC.

************* has given up 4 domain names for Valve Software. These domain names include ",,, and".

"Our goal was not to settle out on domain names", says Andy Hodges, Excecutive Producer for GameSHOUT Radio. "Some people think that real estate on the internet is nothing. Or, are told that the space and domain is nothing." says Hodges. "Just buy what you feel and go with it. You never know, it may pay off."

Andy Hodges is the Executive Producer for GameSHOUT Radio (*******************) that is growing near 36 million listeners as of July 2006.

Hodges was asked about September details, he stated, "We are giving away 1 million dollars in a tournament on GameSHOUT Radio. This Tournament is unique and doesn't require a full-game download. Announcements will be made by Setember 6th. The reason for September 6th is, well, I'm going on vacation and will be back on Sept 4th.

I was signed up here as Noir_deluxe, but that account for some reason is unusable. Either way, this is an issue that needs to be addressed by the gaming and Half-life community.

Andy Hodges has obviously lost his mind. Many of you may or may not have heard about the whole fiasco with the merger of and *************, but anyways, since that time, gameSHOUT had decided to take Valve to court over something involving one of the websites GS owns. Apparently due to the Bill statement, many people thought that this website was technical support for Valve, although I never interpreted it as such. Andy proposes he had to hire 30 more staff just to keep the website up and running, and to deal with all the people coming to the website for help. Shortly after the lawsuit for 25.5 million for damages was announced, it was subsequently announced that an agreement had been reached with Valve.

Apparently this is the agreement. Valve is giving a percentage of royalties from online Steam accounts to *************.

Andy Hodges, who was once the owner of has bitten the hand that feeds him. ************* was birthed from Halfliferadio... and this is how he repays the company that basically gave him a job (although indirectly)

************* obviously bought the mentioned web domains for the express purpose of using them for financial gain from Valve. He knew that online viewers would associate them with Valve Software and Steam, and thus knew that eventually Valve would want to buy them, to protect their name. Andy, and ************* in general is nothing but a website of waste and despair, full of shameful individuals with nothing more than money on their mind. They have no respect for the games industry, or the companies that produce them. They seem to forget that without these companies, they would have no job, no place in this world.

There is more about ************* however, which must be brought to light. There have been allegations of fraud in terms of member numbers on the website forums. Inflated figures, multiple user accounts, fake accounts etc.

At this time, there are 3454 members approx who have posted the ************* forums. Most of these are 1-3 posts. There are over 5000 members with NO POSTS AT ALL. In any case, this is odd, and I do not trust them at all.

I would sincerely hope that anyone who reads this decides to boycott *************

When trying to reach Andy for comment, all I got in response was, "we owned you, and you got nothing, we owned you!"

Oh and a bunch of this : " Right over your head! You got owned, you got nothing, we got everything."

Wow. For an administrator of a website, Andy Hodges sure is quite immature.
Umm, this is just a bad day for Valve and a good day for a werid dude.
There is no way he would get royalties of game sales unless he owned something on the disk like a song or something and valve did not ask him if they could use it.

It would be sweet if you were getting royalties of Half-Life2, i'd be on a beach somewhere drink in one hand girl in the other private jet on the ready if i want to go to lunch; No chance i'd be on the internet telling people about it.

Buying a domain name is possible but i doubt they would rent domain names off him. I dont see what he got out of making a post like that though
ComradeBadger said:
Andy Hodges is quite possibly the biggest joke the Half-Life2 community has ever seen..

(my own views and do not represent the views of

Yes they do.

Andy Hodges has all the charm and personality of a gential wart

[/my own opinion and does not reflect the opinion of]

And again.

I mean, he's posted here boasting that he's a domain squatter? Go Andy!
Well its on gameSHout, seems excessive though.


Its a real slap in the face for valve, after all steam is suppose to be for gaming, thats corporate anarchy for you!

Assuming its true ...

Could valve do a rebranding exercise and screw him over?

Going by the comments, this could actually be counter productive for gameSHout.

Can you say BOYCOTT :p

Whether or not hodges owned them prior to this, the domains mentioned, do all redirect to
MjM said:
Well its on gameSHout, seems excessive though.


Its a real slap in the face for valve, after all steam is suppose to be for gaming, thats corporate anarchy for you!

Assuming its true ...

Could valve do a rebranding exercise and screw him over?

Going by the comments, this could actually be counter productive for gameSHout.

Can you say BOYCOTT :p

Whether or not hodges owned them prior to this, the domains mentioned, do all redirect to


damnit... seems I cannot say it...
What would be the point in a boycott? Hardly anyone goes to his site, and of this supposed 36 million listeners, I've not encountered a single person that listens to it. Maybe they're all hiding.
Pi Mu Rho said:
What would be the point in a boycott? Hardly anyone goes to his site, and of this supposed 36 million listeners, I've not encountered a single person that listens to it. Maybe they're all hiding.
It's the rule of 1 million, each listener accounts for every "million" listeners! *Sarcasm*
Sorry, you'll have a hard time convincing me that he gets 36 unique listeners.
Usually, when threads are pointless like this, the mod's close them. Usually. Instead, they have taken the time to bash the poster. I know about free speech and all...but frankly, the moderator's behavior belies the thruth of thier mentality...

ComradeBadger said:
Andy Hodges has all the charm and personality of a gential wart

[/my own opinion and does not reflect the opinion of]

Hmm, very family friendly.:thumbs:

Valve actually associates itself with people like this? I'm glad don't let my son go to fansites. I thought moderators were supposed to deal with sort of thing, not create it.:rolleyes:

glad to see staff making public statements like this. It's like george bush saying "i wanna urinate down the throat of the public, but that's just MY opinion."

Great. now i have stooped to your level.:rolleyes:
Pi Mu Rho, Andy has several computers in his room so that might explain it.
from *************:

JoWooD Terminates Development Agreement with Perception
JoWooD regrets to be forced to cancel the development agreement with Perception, the Australian developer currently responsible for the Stargate-SG1: The AllianceTM license title.

@Andy Hodges

JoWooD is a Austrian developer (you know, this nice little country in Europe: Mozart, Sound of Music, Hitler :/ ) not an Australian one.
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