Valve Software Pays Up

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MjM said:
cadaveca, this is andy hodges:

from: http://*************/news/082005/article1104.htm

Unno, i dont really know the 'legacy' of andy hodges, but this all just seems to bizarre to be true. You sure no one's gone and like 'guessed' his password? :p

uh, so? And so he deserves further attention?

15357 said:
STFU Treasonous Imbecile n00b


now that's more like it!

i'm not stnading up for the guy, becuase i tend to agree with ya'all, but really. Some poor sod screaming for attention, and here ya are giving it to him. Well done.

ALSO - you can clearly hear his asshatery with a gamesnet admin named cradly on this mp3 - the man is an idiot. good for a laugh at him. go ahead and skip the horrible music in the beginning straight to the goods.
Andy Hodges sucks at life. General Shrimpy says you are a dick wad.
Any one here found to be coordinating malicious attacks against other sites will be banned from our forums.

Feel free to voice your opinion here, but if people start causing trouble over there it won't be taken lightly.
AmazingRando, after my post above do you really think it's appropriate to keep on telling people to plot attacks against their site in instant message programs?

Any members found taking part in such a thing, whether they've plotted it on the forums or in private will be banned.
Doing that is useless. They will simply ban you there, its happened before when it was, and it was a good community. I didn't know there was a thread about this, but good. One sec, and I will give my opinion on this.
I was signed up here as Noir_deluxe, but that account for some reason is unusable. Either way, this is an issue that needs to be addressed by the gaming and Half-life community.

Andy Hodges has obviously lost his mind. Many of you may or may not have heard about the whole fiasco with the merger of and *************, but anyways, since that time, gameSHOUT had decided to take Valve to court over something involving one of the websites GS owns. Apparently due to the Bill statement, many people thought that this website was technical support for Valve, although I never interpreted it as such. Andy proposes he had to hire 30 more staff just to keep the website up and running, and to deal with all the people coming to the website for help. Shortly after the lawsuit for 25.5 million for damages was announced, it was subsequently announced that an agreement had been reached with Valve.

Apparently this is the agreement. Valve is giving a percentage of royalties from online Steam accounts to *************.

Andy Hodges, who was once the owner of has bitten the hand that feeds him. ************* was birthed from Halfliferadio... and this is how he repays the company that basically gave him a job (although indirectly)

************* obviously bought the mentioned web domains for the express purpose of using them for financial gain from Valve. He knew that online viewers would associate them with Valve Software and Steam, and thus knew that eventually Valve would want to buy them, to protect their name. Andy, and ************* in general is nothing but a website of waste and despair, full of shameful individuals with nothing more than money on their mind. They have no respect for the games industry, or the companies that produce them. They seem to forget that without these companies, they would have no job, no place in this world.

There is more about ************* however, which must be brought to light. There have been allegations of fraud in terms of member numbers on the website forums. Inflated figures, multiple user accounts, fake accounts etc.

At this time, there are 3454 members approx who have posted the ************* forums. Most of these are 1-3 posts. There are over 5000 members with NO POSTS AT ALL. In any case, this is odd, and I do not trust them at all.

I would sincerely hope that anyone who reads this decides to boycott *************

When trying to reach Andy for comment, all I got in response was, "we owned you, and you got nothing, we owned you!"

Oh and a bunch of this : " Right over your head! You got owned, you got nothing, we got everything."
Wow. For an administrator of a website, Andy Hodges sure is quite immature.

This was my original post about the article, which has sinceforthe, been deleted from *************
Chris_D said:
Any one here found to be coordinating malicious attacks against other sites will be banned from our forums.

Feel free to voice your opinion here, but if people start causing trouble over there it won't be taken lightly.

I suppose its lucky that my posts got deleted, then?

I suppose back to the DDoS....
Man i love the drama in the Half-Life community sometimes. This is great stuff.

*sit back, eats popcorn, drinks watered-down pepsi.

Edit: Went over to ************* to check it out and that frigging pop up radio is so damn annoying. Every single time i close it, it pops up when i click a new page. How annoying.
I just recieved unsolicited email from support@************* "Half-Life 2 Pays UP - Steam Pays GameSHOUT Radio"

Now that site should not have my email as i have never been to the site but if i recieve any more unsolicited email they will recieve a large ammount of mail returned to them.
And how did the f*** head get my email since it is not im my profile?
wassup said:
I just recieved unsolicited email from support@************* "Half-Life 2 Pays UP - Steam Pays GameSHOUT Radio"

Now that site should not have my email as i have never been to the site but if i recieve any more unsolicited email they will recieve a large ammount of mail returned to them.
And how did the f*** head get my email since it is not im my profile?
You must have been a member of or as they ported their forum database over. They can't just magically obtain your e-mail address.

Also, for them to be able to send you an e-mail, you will have had the "Receieve e-mail from administrators" option selected.
Got any response from Valve yet, Chris_D?
Nope, doubt I will get one.
Didn't get one either. Maybe hes playing starcraft...last time I talked to him I mentioned starcraft he was like,
"Haven't played Starcraft in years. hmmm.".
Chris_D said:
You must have been a member of or as they ported their forum database over. They can't just magically obtain your e-mail address.
Also, for them to be able to send you an e-mail, you will have had the "Receieve e-mail from administrators" option selected.

i dont think i'm a member at either of those sites.
Know i've never been to
On this site anyway i dont have e-mail from administrators on.
I talked to Andy, and apparently Valve will not make a statement because they want to keep it hush hush or something. Confirmed by another GameSHOUT employee, but don't know if I trust him.

Oh and apparently he was acting drunk, because some of the staff was on his email... Uh huh. Um, if you are stupid enough to leave your email accessible to any of your staff, then you are well not smart enough to run a web community, even I dinky one like *************. Rofl.
dear andy hodges
please run in front of a fast moving bus.
tia :cheers:
After he gets dragged from one stop to the next, I'll run after and charge his bleeding broken ass for the bus ride...
ok enough wishing people harm so closing this thread. If anything else newsworthy about it appears one of us will reopen it.
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