Valve Suing Users With Illegal Versions of CS:S?

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The guy reckons he saw it on the news, surely more people would have seen it by now?

Sorry to be a pessismist, but I doubt that it's true.
He doesn't quote a source of the material other than on TV - sounds like rubbish to me.

No one has taken such large scale action as this because it's simply not worth the time and money.
Why in the blue blazes would you pirate a game then play it online.

Its just screaming for you to get caught. If i downloaded a game illegally, id turn off my modem so it didnt transmitt anything and play it single player. Nuts to play MP.
They are able to see people doing it. I found out of that during the CS: Source beta.

Their claim has pretty good evidence, and they just have to do something like the DMCA, and send out mass letters, either you pay something like 10000$ or you go through court and will get to pay 20000$

They just have to forward their information to their lawyers, the lawyers will send letters/emails. The users will either pay the fine or go to court and be forced to maybe pay double the price.

Of course if they would do it i don't know, but they do have a very strong case to do so. It would make more sense to ban their accounts though.
FISKER_Q said:
It would make more sense to ban their accounts though.

Yeah, why can't they just automatically ban every IP address they detect running warezed code?
DarkStar said:
Yeah, why can't they just automatically ban every IP address they detect running warezed code?

IP ban could cause a problem for people behind proxies and dynamic ip services.

The account ban would also force the users to buy the game again and make a new account. And i think that's a reasonable "fine"

Valve already told that they could as well light themselves on fire as they could screw customers over. So that's why i think that the lawsuits are rash, then again they aren't really customers.

Maybe other groups didn't touch CS: Source since they know that the first person to do the offense would be tracked easily. That would give problems to the folks in the scene, and they have enough problems already.
They won't sue all of them, it would take way too much time and money, they might sue a few to send the message out, beyond that they'll probably update STEAM to try and combat the problem.
Yeah I doubt that's true, and if it were I doubt they'd get 10,000 dollars from each person in fines, I'd say $1000 would be pushing it.

Besides the guys name is Trickster for gods sake.

And why only in Trickster land did the news report it and not anywhere else?
i doubt it's true but i would laugh very hard (at the pirates) if it was true ...... i would be uneffected since im being a good boy and waiting for retail patiently
"someone i know" "may have" played the leaked CS:S once it came out for us CZ owners to play, but the official version didnt work on "this person i know"'s computer.

is "he" in trouble? ("he" paid for a silver pack!)
Im not sure valve would even bother following many of these up.
Is it even possible to record the IP of each and every person that connects using the hacked version, determine what country they are in, conact each ISP and locate who logged on with that IP at that specific time? static IPs fair enuf but im not sure isp's would even keep a log of that for more than a few days. sounds a bit far fetched for me.

but still, if any 1 has proper knowledge proving me wrong please post it.
Wraith said:
"someone i know" "may have" played the leaked CS:S once it came out for us CZ owners to play, but the official version didnt work on "this person i know"'s computer.

is "he" in trouble? ("he" paid for a silver pack!)

Every time you download warez, God kills a programmer! Think of the programmers!
About the ip, isn't it possible to change it or to use some method where thye can't find you, it sounds to me like the ip method works onlyy with naabs, they should buil somekind of traker or something in to their games or so.But I myslef personally don't care if people warz css, the more people the merrier, en besides I heard it was complicated so most of the people are probably cs fans who have no creditcard and are going to buy it anyway.
10000 for a video game.. lol
how are they going to sue people in europe then, there is no dmca law here, they dont have the right to sue people here. Downloading is not a crime , distributing is . so they need to find out who you distributed it to in order to sue you.
smacky said:
10000 for a video game.. lol
how are they going to sue people in europe then, there is no dmca law here, they dont have the right to sue people here. Downloading is not a crime , distributing is . so they need to find out who you distributed it to in order to sue you.

Actually I do think downloading warez is a crime, ask Icarus for confirmation he's the man with the answers ;)
In my country we only have a law against distributing illegal software, not owning it or downloading it.
While i think Valve may sue some people, mainly the ones who distribute like the main warez groups, i think 10000 is a bit high, I would say 5000-6000 is the going price, well in the UK anyway, a guy at the local market was sued by EA for selling warez copies of Need for speed underground, he got a fine of £5400 and 8 months in prison.
AcousticToad said:
a guy at the local market was sued by EA for selling warez copies of Need for speed underground, he got a fine of £5400 and 8 months in prison.

regulary this kind of processes just end with a fine. being sended to prison by another person is quite uncommon, even in the uk.
You seem to forget valve is a rich corp. I takes one word from Gabe to his right hand man, then the proceedings come underway. No work for valve, just there lawyers :)

As someone else said, they got a pretty solid case

"Here is an example of someone connecting with the illegal version, and here's one of the legal version. See how they differ?"

"Yes i can, you either connected with the legal or illegal version."

Simple, easy money for valve.
"a friend of mine came over and installed it while is was in the bathroom. as i came back, he showed me cs:s, which he has installed on my pc without my permission. i immediatly kicked hís thievy ass out of my house and deleted this illegal copy."

result: no sue, perhaps a warning, and valve has to pay thousands of $ for their bunch of lawyers. valve would lost a bigger amount trough trying to sue all of those "illegal downloaders" then by the "illegal downloads" itself.
Darth Valium said:
"a friend of mine came over and installed it while is was in the bathroom. as i came back, he showed me cs:s, which he has installed on my pc without my permission. i immediatly kicked hís thievy ass out of my house and deleted this illegal copy."

result: no sue, perhaps a warning, and valve has to pay thousands of $ for their bunch of lawyers. valve would lost a bigger amount trough trying to sue all of those "illegal downloaders" then by the "illegal downloads" itself.

It's still your problem if its on your PC. If you were charged with child porn on your PC you couldn't say:
"my mate downloaded it whilst i was in the bathroom"

:| "ok..."

You need evidence that your mate downloaded it, like you mate saying "i downloaded it" in court.

"Hey bill can you take the rep for this 10 grand fine for me?

"No problem mate, any time"
"in dubio pro reo", the one who sues has to prove, not the one who is sued. comparing to cp is imho quite stupid.

"friend" is perhaps bad, say " a family member" instead, so you can't be forced to give out the name. and the pc is a family-computer with no access-regulation(aka averyone uses admin-account).

assuming those people will get sued after each other is totally dumb.
I had the warezed CS:S on my comp. I just wanted to see how the engine ran on my computer. I have deleted it now. EMPORIO are bastards not only do they pirate they game but in their release they got a spray named "gabeisfat" with the motive on gabe holding a chicken wing(you have probably seen it) The warez version worked excellent online i might add, but it made my computer reboot a couple of times..

(Downloading stuff is not illegal where i live)

ontopic: yeah and i think this is fake...its impossible to sue that many people at the same time..its not even worth the effort. Valve will probably make a fix that makes the warez version useless..
I love how we've got all these legal experts on the forums.
You might want to be a bit more specific there.

What reply?
I could have sworn I wrote a post here about different antipiracy laws in different countries and Valve not being able to tell who's playing the cracked versions.

If not, then I must really be tripping.
There's no deleted posts in this thread.

Time to put the crack pipe down and walk away :)
/me picks up the crack pipe...

what was the topic again ?
Pi Mu Rho said:
I love how we've got all these legal experts on the forums.

you mustn't be an expert to see that even the try to hunt those individuals down will be quite ruinous for valve.

@impakt: do you use "tabbed-browsing"? i do, and sometimes(really rarely) i get confused and reply to the wrong thread.