Valve wins in Vivendi lawsuit

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
According to Valve's website , they've won summary judgement against Vivendi in their copyright infringement case regarding Cybercafes.

This means that Vivendi can no longer deal with the licensing of Valve games directly with cybercafes. It's only part of the battle won, though, as there is still the question of Vivendi's countersuit against Valve, where they're claiming rights to the Half-Life franchise.
pixartist said:
hope vivendi will loose the second lawsuit too

I'm happy too, so there are two lawsuits? I thought all was the same judgement. I just hope all Valve next products will come from Activision.
Congratulations Valve! Hope you win the rest of the battle.
ROCK! I'm sorry, but I just hate big-corporation types who abuse the people who do the REAL work (development, testing, product ideas). Way to go Valve, you stick it to the man!
Dear Valve (In Case You Read This),
Way to stick it to the man! I'm really proud of you guys! But please allow me to make a plea. In your continuing struggle against "The Man" I ask that you please not become "The Man" yourself. Did you see the Wal-Mart episode of south-park? Well I'm afraid you're gonna become that Pharmacy guy's place. So, try to keep an eye on yourself.
Remember, Karma is like a manhack, you can whack it once with your crowbar and send it flying, orange lights flashing, but It'll come back to haunt you. It'll come back to haunt you just around the same time that you're dealing with a poison zombie and all you have is a manipulator gun and a radiator, or a 10-speed. Just remember that analogy.


OK, maybe you didn't quite get that analogy. I'll try to explain. Ok, see, you're Gordon Freeman, and see, like "Karma" is like a Manhack, except Karma doesn't have spinning blades. Now, the crowbar represents a weapon. No, wait, it IS a weapon. Yeah. Now, you're under Nova Prospekt, and Nova Prospekt represents the Gaming Community. Now, all those physics-enabled 50-Gallon drums in the corner? Those represent us, the gamers. If you're really in trouble and have nothing else to use, you can use us as a LAST RESORT to save your skins. All you need to do is call us to you, and we'll do our best to try to protect you from Combine (copywright pirates) or maybe even a Zombie (lawyers) or two. Unless a big Combine Airship (our moms/girlfriends/significant others) step in, and we are powerless against them. They can snatch us away from your gravity gun quicker than Anna Nicole Smith snatches Xanex off her dresser.
I hope that cleared things up with you.

I think you might need a legend.
Valve = Gordon Freeman
Karma = Manhack
An Attack Against Something = Crowbar
Gaming Community = Nova Prospekt
Loyal Fans = Physics Enabled 50 Gallon Drum
Pirates = Combine
Lawyers = Poison Zombie
Women With Significant Power over us = Combine Gunship
Anna Nicole Smith = Anna Nicole Smith
How can VU even think of getting the rights to hl. I feel thats just retarded. Valve are no way losing that.
Illuminat said:
OK, maybe you didn't quite get that analogy. I'll try to explain.

Wow, that was friggin hilarious. Brilliant analogy ;)

---no sig.
Raziel-Jcd said:
How can VU even think of getting the rights to hl. I feel thats just retarded. Valve are no way losing that.

I'm with you. How the hell does vivendi think they have any rights whatsoever to TAKE AWAY HL FROM IT'S CREATOR There is no way valve would ever ever agree to anything even hinting at that. Vivendi is is just being a little child bully about this. they're like "You wanna tell on us for breaking the rules? Oh yeah, well I'm gonna take your favorite toy!"
Vivendi is a bully in the schoolyard trying to steal Valve's juice money. Valve must tell that bully "No way José! I n33dz my juice!"

Vivendi will then proceed to viciously beat Valve, but in the end, Vavle will have his juice money tightly in his hand. Then the bully will get bored with Valve and go pick on another nerdy kid called (insert Vivendi licensed game here).

In the end Vivendi wll end up cleaning toilets at McDonalds, or shooting cans off a fence with a shotgun.
Excuse me? Even though I'm not French, I'm kinda offended by that comment. Don't judge French people because there's a couple of high-ups in Vivendi who are making life hard for Valve.

Oh, and even though lawyers were the ones trying to sue Valve, you have to remember, there were lawyers in defence of valve. Those lawyers won the case.

Hurray for lawyers!

-Angry Lawyer
|_HeLL_| said:
I just hope all Valve next products will come from Activision.
I'm hoping Valve ditches publishers entirely and handles their own releases. With the success of Steam, such a possibility is definitely viable. At the very least, Valve is the in the enviable position where they and not the publisher would be able to dictate the terms.
i'm pretty sure the current turn of events will be continued, and Valve will win the rest of the case. Worst-case scenario sees Vivendi getting a small slice of STEAM profits, but because the actual "merchandise" being offered by the 2 companies differs so greatly(um, 16 games on STEAM copies, or 2 on retail), it's hard to say who will come out ahead. I feel sorry for Valve, in that they have to spend the money on lawyer fees for this stupid, almost adolescent, prattle that Vivendi has started as a "counter-suit".

Retail versions of HL2 seem like a chained beast....STEAM provides the key to the lock. I will gladly buy any further games offered through STEAM...I hope others will do the same.
Vivendi is like Nihilanth, but Valve is... wait... Forget about Half-Life, Half-Life 2 is out. Um... Vivendi is a 10 year old boy, and the ladder is my pe... well nevermind.
Fight The Corporate Machine! Now valve once you finish with the next court case and squash vivendi with your gravity gun, Get on with HL3 and other excting and interesting source games :D.
Since Valve is on a roll winning their cases, they should sue Microsoft next just for the fun of it!

Has anyone seen "The Incredibles?" they stole ideas from Valve while making that! I have inside proof that cows go moo!
No one threatens to hurt the QUEEN (Valve), quickly, fellow drones we must destroy VU!
im sorry, but some of you people are such a joke with your idol worship. valve is turning into VU and a gigantic corporation, they lie to their fans, lied about steam, again, sold their mp early only to people who preordered from steam. get real people, well, i jsut need to quit harping on ya, this site is about 95% people who would kill their mothers for a chance to suck on a valve. VU shoulda lost this suit, but i think valve should lose the steam suit, from what ive read.

btw, why are frenchies called frogs? is it cause they're green with envy? :bonce:
polyguns said:
im sorry, but some of you people are such a joke with your idol worship. valve is turning into VU and a gigantic corporation, they lie to their fans, lied about steam, again, sold their mp early only to people who preordered from steam. get real people, well, i jsut need to quit harping on ya, this site is about 95% people who would kill their mothers for a chance to suck on a valve. VU shoulda lost this suit, but i think valve should lose the steam suit, from what ive read.

btw, why are frenchies called frogs? is it cause they're green with envy? :bonce:
1. The only lie they told us was the september 30th release date
2. They never lied about steam
3. I don't see why they couldn't give the multiplayer to people who pre-ordered early since the only way they had any possibility of knowing if you had in fact pre-ordered the game was if you did it off steam.
4. The reason we want Vivendi to lose is because if they win then all of the content relating to Half-Life will be Vivendi's to do what they please. If that happens then the next Half-Life game won't be produced by Valve and it will likely be a flop.
6. Vivendi is also the reason why people who order off steam must pay the exact same amount as people who got retail and why people who ordered off steam had to wait for the retail game to be released before they got to play it.
Omg you have to be kidding me, no wya in hell will VU win the rights to HL. Unless, the judge is stupid and if he makes the wrong move i'll blow his head off with my sawed off, if I may be so blunt!
I don't especially like Vivendi, but I'm not too fond of Valve either. Now, if Vivendi wins, doesn't this mean the end of Steam? If I remember correctly, Vivendi was opposed to the idea of Steam. I don't plan on buying another Valve game because of Steam, and I have friends who won't buy HL2 because of it. So I would be sort of happy if Vivendi took over. Valve kind of reminds me of EA...
Hmm... anyone know if the counter-suit is going to be handled by the same judge?

My money is that if he awarded Valve the CyberCafe distribution rights of the original game, he'd give them ownership of the franchise by ruling that the retail distribution of Half-Life and Half-Life 2 was an agreement limited to the retail channel distribution rights.
You need to remember that Vivendi Universal is nearly in the European equivalent of Chapter 11. They will fight hard to preserve any rights they think they own. If you want to hurt them, stop buying CD's with their associate labels and don't go to Universal movies.