Valve's Lifetime Retail Sales Revealed


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Gamasutra revealed Valve's Lifetime Retail Sales For Half-Life, Counter-Strike Franchises. Revealing that the studio has sold over 32.8 million games since the 1998 release of the first Half-Life.

  • Half-Life: 9.3 Million
  • Half-Life Opposing Force: 1.1 Million
  • Half-Life Blue Shift: 800,000
  • Half-Life 2: 6.5 Million
  • Half-Life 2 Episode 1: 1.4 Million[br]
  • Counter-Strike: 4.2 Million
  • Counter-Strike Condition Zero: 2.9 Million
  • Counter-Strike Source: 2.1 Million
  • Counter-Strike Xbox Port: 1.5 Million[br]
  • The Orange Box: 3.0 Million

All of the above statistics were described as Valve's estimates of worldwide lifetime-to-date retail sales only. Valve declining to reveal digital download numbers.
CS Xbox :LOL:

It's a shame Blue Shift is basically a HL1 mappack due to the lack of new/op4 content, otherwise it would have been more popular
Heh, still would like too see how much online sales they got.
omg bbq if they put blackmesa up on that shelf thats another 15 mil easy, right??
What? The mod? Yeah, it would totally make as much as half life and halflife 2 combined. :rolleyes:
What? The mod? Yeah, it would totally make as much as half life and halflife 2 combined. :rolleyes:

thax, someon agrees with em. maybe even 20 milion if add in machinimas like the one with ghordon.
I wonder how many Day of Defeat Source sold. Hopefully it was alot too so that they make another one eventually.
Episode One and the Orange Box are rather useless without knowing a rough estimate of their Steam sales. Even HL2 would have a significant percentage of Steam sales by now.
Episode One and the Orange Box are rather useless without knowing a rough estimate of their Steam sales. Even HL2 would have a significant percentage of Steam sales by now.

This is the thing. Knowing Steam figures would be another point in favour of PC gaming, too. Or maybe they suck, in which case, keep 'em to yourself :p
These figures don't really mean anything without Steam figures imo. I haven't bought anything Valve retail since HL GOTY, and it's hard to believe that orange box sales would match CZ :p

Want: Steam figures, and L4D figures!
Condition zero sold more than CSS :| :hmph:
But then again it has been out for longer
In the other thread there was some talk about how Garrys Mod sold something like 300K copies through Steam, which given it's a fringe sort of thing to buy must be indicative that Steam probably shifted quite a few copies of HL2 and The Orange box (Factor of 5, 10 maybe even 20?).
That's a lot of copies sold!!!! (Trying to add up amount of money valve has made!)
Again, most hl2-based games would easily have 1 million more or more if they included Steam purchases... Nice to know valve kicks ass with sales!!!
No, to Reflex.

# Half-Life 2 Episode 1: 1.4 Million

It seems that Episode 1 was nothing more then a pure failure.

Um, so not only is this not including steam, but it also was the first episode, which valve never really garned a lot of attention around in the first place. Its not a pure-failure, it did quite fine. sure, the game itself is a bit lacking in some respects, but still fun...
Orange box sold more than CSS. :O Hard to believe....
yea i thought that was strange too, but is the orange box including the console versions too since it is retail? :|