Valve's SOURCE


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
In my opinion source is never ending... Half-Life 3 and all future valve products will be on source or upgraded source... SOURCE 2 comes to mind... but in any case I think that the "source" project is one that will never really end.. discuss here what you think valve's future and the future of the source engine is :naughty:
I think it should be renamed parallax, who's with me!? :D
Shuzer said:
I think it should be renamed parallax, who's with me!? :D
Not I! :rolleyes: I like Source :)

Yeah, I feel Source is going to be around for a long time much like the Unreal engines.. There were many unreal games just with modified engines :)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
:D .............wait thats a terrible game engine name :D

Tell that to the parallax mapping thread.. :)

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see how Source progresses.. I kinda picture it being like Counter-Strike 1.6 is now.. constant updates, and never a version change (I know, bad comparasion, but..)
Any coders here who could explain what actually is a game engine? I've always wondered that. How does it work, like what difference does it make what engine a game is using. I know it defines the graphics or something
What is not to like about the name Parallax? Babyheadcrab, don't make me parallax you. :D


You can blame my insanity on college. Parallax, mwwhaaa.

Show me the parallax. :LOL:

*lapses back into sanity*

Most game engine are partially reused for next generation engines. ID software has done this with their Quake engines and the Unreal developers have done that with the Unreal engine. It takes a looong time to build an engine from scratch.

*lapses back into instanity*


Check out my movie it was ripped from a Simpson's episode.

Blahblahblah: No parallax and no HL2 makes blahblahblah something something.
Shuzer [Timid voice]: "Go crazy?"
Blahblahblah: Don't mind if I do!
*Blahblahblah makes crazy noises*
I think HL3 won't look very much better, it's just gonna have more special features. Like liquid physics and simulated damage, simulated smoke... Maybe they are gonna use a very special bone system for animations. I heard on this forum about a bone system one time that 'teaches' the computer how to walk with gravity (ruled by the limitaion of knee-bow and the strength of the legs' muscels, etc...).The animation can be blended as in real life, so no clipping.

:rolleyes: But I'm just hoping they do:)
Shuzer said:
I think it should be renamed parallax, who's with me!? :D

I am.... or maybe we could... make our own 3d engine and call it parallax!!!!
Could be a winner chimp. Although I have no clue where to start!
-JeZ- said:
Could be a winner chimp. Although I have no clue where to start!

I'll start!

// Parallax.. THE ENGINE!!!!!~~~!!!!111
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
half alive said:
I think HL3 won't look very much better...


HL3 is like..2-3 years away. How can you possibly come to that conclusioN!?!
Shuzer said:
I'll start!

// Parallax.. THE ENGINE!!!!!~~~!!!!111
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Well, why don't you compile the engine already and call it done? lol :cheese:
half alive said:
I think HL3 won't look very much better, it's just gonna have more special features. Like liquid physics and simulated damage, simulated smoke...

Riiiiight, this reminds me of Bill Gates saying "I dont think computers will ever have more memory then 640K, it ought to be enough for anybody."

Be serious, if a game like Stalker already has better graphics, HL3 will be SICK when it comes out in the year 2030 AD.

The source engine will be around for awhile just like the Q2, Q3, Unreal so on and so on. It will be no different, it will last 4 or 5 years then be completely obsolete, and by that time, Valve will be working on The Source 2 engine or whatever it will be called.
If I wanted to start coding an engine, where should I start? Would the commands I wrote basically tell the engine to draw a line from point A to B?
Source extended will be great. Think about it - SM3.0 might not bring a whole lot, feature wise, to the table but you can sure as hell expect amazing things from VS4.0. It is also common sense that the rendering power of computers will do nothing but increase as time goes on. HL1 ran acceptably well on my p166mmx with a 4mb voodoo add-on card at its release but HL1 fully patched running CS 1.6 on the same system would be an utter crawl. My point being that there is headroom for more impressive (and therefore more demanding) game content even within engine that hasn't been upgraded significantly. We already know that Valve will use Steam to add higher res content and SM3.0 when the retail hardware catches up - so you can sure as hell expect more impressive looking games based on Source technology in the future...
Seppo said:
If I wanted to start coding an engine, where should I start? Would the commands I wrote basically tell the engine to draw a line from point A to B?

Well, I would probably go take a course on game desig or computer engineering or something like that. That would be a good place to start.
I'm not really planning on to start coding an engine. I'm not even planning to learn coding. I'm just interested in how a game engine works.
Valve said they're already planning for HL3, which means they probably will just be using an upgraded version of the original source. A whole new engine probably wouldn't be used until HL4, by which time we'll all probably have jacks into our neurocanulla and valve will be using our minds as the game engine. or something.
Gossoon said:
Valve said they're already planning for HL3, which means they probably will just be using an upgraded version of the original source. A whole new engine probably wouldn't be used until HL4, by which time we'll all probably have jacks into our neurocanulla and valve will be using our minds as the game engine. or something.

That "or something" was the best possible way to end that. :)
half alive said:
I think HL3 won't look very much better, it's just gonna have more special features. Like liquid physics and simulated damage, simulated smoke... Maybe they are gonna use a very special bone system for animations. I heard on this forum about a bone system one time that 'teaches' the computer how to walk with gravity (ruled by the limitaion of knee-bow and the strength of the legs' muscels, etc...).The animation can be blended as in real life, so no clipping.

:rolleyes: But I'm just hoping they do:)

the last XSI demo video that you can download on fileplanet shows the unreal 3 bone feature thing. its really cool. check it out
Yeah, source is groundbreaking in the way it uses physics and other effects but imo it is nothing compared to U3, and thats just the first of the next next gen game engines seen.
EVIL said:
the last XSI demo video that you can download on fileplanet shows the unreal 3 bone feature thing. its really cool. check it out
Ehh I mean Half Life³ bone feature thingy :eek:
really. How can you say SOURCE is nothing compared to the U3 engine?

For starters the source engine will be constantly growing, and for seconds hardly anyone has seen the U3 engine (apart from those few screen renders).
Half Life 3 will be out in the year 4065fd

fd stands for freeman death, when the earth really does get took over by aliens and combine cause Half Life 3 will be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.