Skin Texture


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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I know we have a lot of vain people on this forum(haha, not really), but I wanted to throw out a rather unconventional thread and see if it can help me out.

Do any of you do anything special to keep your face clear of acne and skin blemishes?

I don't have a large acne problem, but I do get acne from time to time. Changing my diet and continuing to drink lots of water hasn't seemed to help. Washing my face regularly doesn't help. Washing my face irregularly doesn't help.

The other issue is skin texture. Not entirely happy with my facial skin texture. A little too rough in appearance and not all that appealing to myself.

I've read all sorts of shit out there on the internet, but haven't really landed on anything solid. Not really sure if I'm going to be able to get much from you guys either other than teasing, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
Since the start of high school I wash my face nightly with a face wash (Aveeno namely). I used to have quite the acne in middle school but since I started doing that, I haven't seen a single pimple unless I stopped using it. I'm sure you can wash your face in the shower too but I prefer this stuff myself.
What fixed it for me:

1. Maintain a daily cycle for washing. Once in the morning, once when after work/school, once at night, etc. If you use Benzoyl Peroxide, also maintain the cycle with it. Also, combine the next step into this routine.
2. Moisturize. I recommend a non-oily kind that is mostly all natural ingredients. They get pretty expensive, but I've found them to be worth the money. This is what I currently use: (Yes to Cucumbers).
3. Work out. I don't know exactly why, but my acne has seriously taken a turn for the better within the past year because I now run and do weight work every day.
4. Eat well. Stay away from greasy/oily foods. You are what you eat. Vegetables, fruits, grains, and the occasional meats.
5. B vitamins. You should be able to sustain good nutrition through eating the right foods. If you can't, pick up some vitamins. I don't have a lot of time during the day to eat, plus I hate having to go to the grocery store several times a month, so I bought me some Vitamin C, B6, and B12 vitamins. A B vitamin deficiency can cause acne to develop.
6. The reddit pro-tip: Put a clean towel over your pillow before going to bed. It's been proven to work by tons of people. Sadly, this alone doesn't work for me. It certainly does help when combined with the aforementioned steps, though. I'd post the link to that infamous reddit post, but it seems reddit's servers are being pounded in the ass by the usual Sunday night traffic.
I have extremely sensitive skin, and it's been a major problem balancing it throughout the past 7-8 years. People really, really underestimate how sensitive and reactive some skin is and what a daily problem it can be. ****ing envy people who can just wash their face with some Dove Soap and be fine.

I normally use a medium amount of Cetaphil Facial Cleanser (lol facial) in the shower. After I get out I use Cetaphil Face Moisturizer, because the cleanser (pretty much any cleanser) will dry your skin out. It's important to find a good, non-oily moisturizer. If you don't moisturize, your skin dries, and prevents natural oil from coming out of your pores and causes acne. Cetephil is pretty much the only stuff that has ever worked for me. Also I use Clearasil Spot Treatment, but that stuff will also dry out your skin, so don't over use it.

The biggest factor for me with acne or bad skin has always been stress and sleep. Once I learned how to control my anxiety my skin got considerably better. Sleep however is always an issue, especially during school, which adds stress as well :p
I used to have a problem with ingrown hair and a little acne on my face where I generally shave (a fairly common problem with afro-caucasian biracial people) that I ultimately fixed just by changing the way I shave. Not completely fixed but to a point that's it's not really noticeable. Not helpful, but on topic...

I realised just this morning that since I've started moisturizing all my pimples are clearing. Apparently we're in sync Raz.
The stuff I use is called Lanolin Cream - Enriched with Vitamin E.
I wash my face with bar soap like every other day, and that's it. Sucks to be you guys. My friend has really sensitive skin when it comes to shaving, and has taken to using a straight edge razor as a result. At least he had a classy solution, unlike you guys with your faggy moisturizers.

I'm so manly that I don't even use shaving cream. You guys probably cry if you shave without some shaving cream with aloe and whatever the **** in it.
I use plastic cutlery myself. After I shave I tuck into dinner.

My face does get flaky skin, but thats because I'm a Reptile. I'm tempted to send David Icke a picture of my face.
I also use a rusty dull razor blade. YAAAAAAArrrrrrr!

Hell yeah, I don't swap out my razors cartridge for like 3 months. I don't give a shit if it pulls my hair out rather than cuts it, it's still off my face isn't it?
I wash my face with bar soap like every other day, and that's it. Sucks to be you guys. My friend has really sensitive skin when it comes to shaving, and has taken to using a straight edge razor as a result. At least he had a classy solution, unlike you guys with your faggy moisturizers.

I'm so manly that I don't even use shaving cream. You guys probably cry if you shave without some shaving cream with aloe and whatever the **** in it.

Yeah but when I'm 30 I won't look like I'm 50. I think that might be worth it considering how far looking decent gets you in the world these days.
When I was a teenager I had massive amounts of acne all over my face. I went on every medication under the sun for it, which not only made my skin burn but attempted to rape my liver at the same time. I eventually got referred to the hospital and got put on Isotretinoin (this drug that people have tried to link with teen suicide and depression but it's mostly BS and it didn't have that effect on me) which cleared it up after a few years.

I'm 20 now (21 this year) and all I do nowadays is use a daily Clean & Clear face wash every morning in the shower and if I get any spots, which I still do from time to time, I use an overnight gel stuff that is pretty effective.

If your acne isn't that bad then try different types of over-the-counter shit until you find one that's best for you.

As for rough skin, just accept that YOU ARE A MANLY MAN WITH MAN-SKIN.
Good skin is a side effect of the contraceptive that I take, as is shiny hair and slight weight loss. It's awesome.

Aside from that, I moisturize and/or exfoliate whenever I remember to. Which is not often.

Interesting. A friend of mine was on some BC and it made her break out hella hard, gained a little weight too. I had heard most contraceptives do that. But I guess I heard wrong?
When I was a teenager I had massive amounts of acne all over my face. I went on every medication under the sun for it, which not only made my skin burn but attempted to rape my liver at the same time. I eventually got referred to the hospital and got put on Isotretinoin (this drug that people have tried to link with teen suicide and depression but it's mostly BS and it didn't have that effect on me) which cleared it up after a few years.

I'm 20 now (21 this year) and all I do nowadays is use a daily Clean & Clear face wash every morning in the shower and if I get any spots, which I still do from time to time, I use an overnight gel stuff that is pretty effective.

If your acne isn't that bad then try different types of over-the-counter shit until you find one that's best for you.

As for rough skin, just accept that YOU ARE A MANLY MAN WITH MAN-SKIN.

I'm on the liver destroying acne drug as we speak (accutane), it's my last hope for my horrible back acne!
I'm on the liver destroying acne drug as we speak (accutane), it's my last hope for my horrible back acne!

Yah, that's the stuff, Isotretinoin is just the name I remember for it (marketing name I think). I bet you have to keep having blood tests. That shit sucks, man, but it worked for me with time. Plus my liver is fine and dandy meaning I can continue to abuse it in other ways such as drinking copious amounts of Amaretto and Rum.
I have mild acne that I don't really bother trying to stave off since it's minor and doesn't cause much concern to me.

However, it was a little worse when I was younger and I used to use clearasil or other stuff like that once a day as well as washing my face in the morning and at night.
Thanks for the information guys.

I've been trying to find different moisturizers, since I definitely need it. I'm a reptile person like DEATh eVADER if I don't moisturize after cleaning my face... especially around the nose area.

I got some vaseline men's facial moisturizer, and it says it's good for the face but honestly it leaves my face feeling oily and I don't really like it.


I guess I need to find some other better stuff. Hrm.

And yeah sixteenth I've been working our regularly, six days a week so hopefully I'll see some progress from that on multiple fronts.
I used to have pretty horrific acne during middle school, ended up being put on Accutane during my Freshman year of high school. Certainly did the trick though, haven't had an outbreak in more than 6 years.

Now my usual schedule consists of brushing my teeth, shaving and washing my face with hot water and soap in the morning and before I go to sleep. Seems to work well enough for me, but with a lot of things involving humans results may vary.

As for moisturizers, I personally use them sparingly but I know of many a man who use them because their girlfriends/wives demand it.

Hmm... that's interesting. I bought more pillow sheets so I could change them more frequently, since I too noticed that it was overnight that I'd get new ones and I figured it was from mashing oils and dirt from wherever the source was into my face.

I do have a lot of towels now because I go to the gym frequently, maybe I'll try the towel thing.

The one week completely gone thing seems like bullshit though.

I've also been staying completely shaven without going too long with stubble or a goatee, since i can never seem to get rid of the acne that facial hair causes.

Acne is only part of my concern though... the other part as I said was skin texture.
If any of you are interested or have acne problems, there's this thing called AcneFree you could use. It's a three-step formula that gets rid of your pimples in a couple of days, provided you're consistent with it. I use it whenever I get unexpected outbreaks and need a quick fix for the day. Other than that, though, I just use regular soap on my face in the morning and night to keep my face clean and prevent the appearance of pimples.

By the way, AcneFree is only for the people that have huge problems with acne, not if you just have one or two pimples on your forehead.
I've also been staying completely shaven without going too long with stubble or a goatee, since i can never seem to get rid of the acne that facial hair causes.

For me, if I shave too often it irritates my skin and makes it a lot worse with ingrown hairs and such. I don't know if it's the same way for you. Hair is what keeps oil near our skin and traps dirt so I could see how it could be bad... but it is important to have a certain amount of skin oil to have healthy skin.
I didn't like the textures so I UPGRADED MY GRAPHICS CARD.
Washing my face regularly doesn't help. Washing my face irregularly doesn't help.

I'm guessing you've probably done this at some point, but on the chance you haven't -- have you tried not-washing your face regularly? Not a joke. Like, just using water and the mildest soap possible.

Some people think that by using strong soaps, we're actually removing too much oil so we start over-producing it. Some even switch to washing their hair with only baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo. Supposedly it works but there's an ultra-disgusting 2-week period where you're over-producing oils and not washing it off. After that your skin adjusts to produce less oil.

I've also read some weird remedies like this:

But never tried it. And sounds like something you'd only want to test on a small spot since some people seem to have a bad reaction to it.
I had moderate acne as a teenager. Everything I tried just made it worse, so I gave up and left it alone. That seemed to do the trick. I just use mild soap in the shower.
I'm guessing you've probably done this at some point, but on the chance you haven't -- have you tried not-washing your face regularly? Not a joke. Like, just using water and the mildest soap possible.

Some people think that by using strong soaps, we're actually removing too much oil so we start over-producing it. Some even switch to washing their hair with only baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo. Supposedly it works but there's an ultra-disgusting 2-week period where you're over-producing oils and not washing it off. After that your skin adjusts to produce less oil.

I've also read some weird remedies like this:

But never tried it. And sounds like something you'd only want to test on a small spot since some people seem to have a bad reaction to it.

I've tried just rinsing my face with water... which I heard some people have results with. The "no irritation at all" method. Didn't work for me.

That's kind of what I meant when I said irregularly.

I haven't done the water only thing for longer than a couple days though. I just felt too gross and I don't want to look (more haha)gross at work.
So after reading some amazon reviews and searching the web, I went out and bought some womanly Olay Beauty Fluid Original.

We'll see how it helps me out and if it's greasy or not. That's the problem I've had with moisturizers in the past. Feeling greasy, if not before, then definitely after a while.

On a partially unrelated note, I was looking at this review of the stuff, and I dig the chick's accent. I'm not normally into british sounding accents, and I don't know if hers is... but I like it.

I've always been attracted to Asians. They're my preference over others.