Vaporization in HL2 looks retarded...

GorgeousOrifice, great wit! I like your style :)

As for the effect. I think its great. The person who complained about the effect saying it should just have a slight fade out... is the same person that would come back saying the effect is too weak and needs to be beefed up. The point is to make it stylish and not boorish.
of course we have already invented hand held weapons that can vapourise a target so we know EXACTLY what it looks like and can reproduce it! ... oh wait ive just woken up.

for an effect for a weapon which doesnt exist its damned good imo. you show me a weapon that can vapourise someone (A HAND HELD GUN) and the vaourising effect in a movie file and then yer can moan.
Personally I don't like it, it looks out of place. Shooting someone, they float and then become Yellow Chaff. bleh.
I don't mind the effect, but the one from Red Faction (rail gun thing) was very cool.
I disagree with the thread starter...............Its very cool effect. Maybe valve need to add more effects to it such as Gas coming out of the vaporizing process or some other kind of effect...........that would be nice.
It's neat, but it could be better. I've always thought that a decent vaporising/atomising/call it what you will gun would be pretty decent if it utilised something like glow shells. Ever used a shock roach with violence disabled on unpatched op4? They die, get the glowing blue aura, and slowly fade away (aura and model) from a standing position, the shell slowly growing smaller. Unintentional, but a souped-up equivalent of that, either with multi-coloured icandescance or fiery glow, would in my eyes look better than a simple yellow filter and a slow-motion float.

...*ahem* But it doesn't exactly matter, does it?
Well it's not the vaporization I don't like, I love when ppl get desintegrated in games (*drools over the sniperrifle in Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy games*), but the effect simply looks a little too simple.. they float around and then just *poof* and they're gone and some sparks around them..

Jesus you got a game with some of the most advanced shader effects there is nowadays, USE THEM!
brettt said:
Personally I don't like it, it looks out of place. Shooting someone, they float and then become Yellow Chaff. bleh.

Floating seems logical to me. Because they disintegrate to vapor they become weightless, so they begin to float. When they float, they seem to be together but they're not, they are already disintegrated and the matter gets blown by the wind, so they disappear. They glow because every atom of the body received so much energy that the atoms start glowing. Actually everything about this vaporizing thing seems quite logical to me. And it looks at least cool if not realistic, admit it. :sniper: :)
It's pretty cool, and that no-grav ragdoll is creative, which goes to show they still got it. And of course, given that the weapon that causes it apparently radically warps space and gravity, I'd say it sort of fits.
It would be really awesome if they blew up into tiny small pieces and then those pieces burned away...
Its no worse than the green despawn in UT2003/2004
If you play Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (the orginal) the Compression Rifle's alt-fire has a kickass disintigration effect. Great sound too. I'll bring back a picture of it if I can.
I heard in gamespys doom3 XBox review that when u shoot a zombie point blank with the shotgun, it magicly turns into a skeleton... that sounds dodgy to me!
CrazyHarij said:
Well it's not the vaporization I don't like, I love when ppl get desintegrated in games (*drools over the sniperrifle in Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy games*), but the effect simply looks a little too simple.. they float around and then just *poof* and they're gone and some sparks around them..

Well said.

Vaporizing people is cool. a big arse gun that you can lug around to do it is cool. But after watching the entire E3 vid, the effect just seemed kinda weak compared to everything else.

I like how people shot with it float in the air for a moment with the little burning aura around them, but then, right when you expect them to explode into a fireball (or something to that effect), they just poof out. It just needs a little more visual pizazz :).

Eh, but that's my opinion.
I like the effect, especially since it's used in addition to rag-dolling, gibbing and catching on fire (and probably more). Variety is good.
I kind of liked the effect, but I think something like blowing apart in firey ashes and sparks that fade away would be better.
Half Life is weird (but also cool :D ),, it needed a weird effect. Valve have final say... the end
I like the disolving effect that the weapon has. It looks cool.

It's like a digitizer. It digitizes whatever it shoot, and because you can't have digital data in the physical world, the data just self deletes itself, thus causing death.

OT: has anyone translated what Dr.Breen is saying? If not, i've just done so. If you want me to post what he says.......just tell me...
The effect as I've seen it so far is undoubtedly original and it looks pretty neat. (I'm a sucker for hovering/floating effects.)
The main issue is the sparks, but we can't tell what's going on.
They may be disintegrating, or the gun could turn the guy into three dozen white suicide butterflies.
I'm going to wait for a clearer video before I make a set opinion.
it makes no sense, if his mass is nothing, he should just stay on the ground or be blown around by the wind, rather than floating up. why should he float? it looked like the effect from metroid prime when you blast them with plama beam (i was a little disappointed by this effect)