Vatican: Hitler and Stalin were possessed by Satan


May 5, 2004
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from the people who brought you "condoms dont work" comes this little gem of a story:

Daily Mail said:
Hitler and Stalin were possessed by the Devil, says Vatican exorcist

Adolf Hitler and Russian leader Stalin were possessed by the Devil, the Vatican's chief exorcist has claimed.

Father Gabriele Amorth who is Pope Benedict XVI's 'caster out of demons' made his comments during an interview with Vatican Radio.

Father Amorth said: "Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations.

"I am convinced that the Nazis were all possessed. All you have to do is think about what Hitler - and Stalin did. Almost certainly they were possessed by the Devil.

"You can tell by their behaviour and their actions, from the horrors they committed and the atrocities that were committed on their orders. That's why we need to defend society from demons."

this is the same loon that said this:

the Vatican's chief exorcist said:
"Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness, the devil,"

ummm harry potter is fictional

this new Pope Palpatine is really pushing the fire and brimstone rhetoric

he sure does look evil ...perhaps he's the anti-christ
I'm sensing you've been influenced by satan

/me flings holy water in kirovman's face

Of course, how silly to think that nazi's had something to do with the population needing a scapegoat for Germany's problems, combined with lots of propaganda demonizing the Jews and convincing the Germans they had the right to more 'lebensraum' and that it was all brought to them by a charismatic leader with deep psychological trauma.

It obviously was the devil then, such a simple and elegant solution! I knew that you could explain everything with "God did it.", but now you can also say "Satan did it." about bad things! Amazing.

Irrational idiots, all of them. Why do people even listen to those retards?

If people think God is interesting, the onus is on them to show that there is anything there to talk about. Otherwise they should just shut up about it.
-- Richard Dawkins
cuz god told them to

and conversely since I dont listen to those idiots it must be satan's influence
ah but you admitted being under Satan's influence.

Under God's influence you'd always tell the truth.
Under Satan's influence you'd always lie.

So you'd always say that you're "under God's influence".

I think I just broke religion :O
curses!!! stupid logic! there is no room for logic in organised religion!!!
who says I'd do satan? screw that I'd bitch slap him and make him my cabana boy
60 years ago The Vatican supported Hitler because they werent a happy with the UDSSR being an Atheist state.I think they helped Nazis escsape after the war.
This kind of shit just makes figures like Stalin and Hitler less terrifying than they truly were. Sorry folks, but these were not cases of posession. There were no feelings of ghostly apparitions running through their veins. These were examples of the entirely human capability of destruction, cruelty, and greed. That they were people instead of demons is what makes them disturbing.

This does, however, bring up an interesting question. If their crimes were products of Satanic manifestation, are they at all responsible? Are they burning in Hell, or are they instead knocking back a couple of brewskies with the Lord saying "Yo man, that whole mass murder thing? Totally not cool. Was not my idea." I know Hitler would probably be trading high-fives with Jesus for the Holocaust.
agreed Absinthe.
Even thoe Hiterl and Stalin definitely ill in their head.
if they where possesed by satan
why the exorcist didnt noticed at the time?
Hmmm funny because when they where both wher Younger were involved in church activties...According to the History channel.

Hitler was in the Church choir & he also had a passion for Art....His mother was loving & his father was a voilently over abusive parent.

Stalin was the same had Adoring mothers, voilent fathers, trouble's with women, Love for some art (in stalins case poetry), & responsible for te death of millions of People Most of them innocent civilians, people concidered "Enemy's of the state", & some family trouble's.....
Man, the school that denied Hitler twice should really feel like an ass :p
"if only we accepted this frustrated little dude"
I think German democracy prior to that and people who appeased him should feel like an ass tbh.

I wonder if he wrote the Teacher's names down in his little black book?

I say "little" black book, but that book had over 100,000 pages.
Wait, so the vatican is saying that Hitler and Stalin were good people all along?

This just in: The vatican is possessed by satan!

Believe me, because I am an expert exorcist!
I have stopped over four thousand demonic possessions before they even happened.

Also: Hitler and Stalin were huge enemies to eachother.
Are we to assume then that one of them was actually possessed by jesus?
Before you criticize the vatican exorcist for this comment, ask yourself what it means to be posessed. It isn't always the hollywood version of posession that they are talking about, with the pea soup and the spinning heads. Sometimes there are cases of perfect posession, in which the posessie shows no signs of health or mental problems. (read Hostage to the Devil by malachi Martin and you'll know what I'm talking about)
Before you criticize the vatican exorcist for this comment, ask yourself what it means to be posessed. It isn't always the hollywood version of posession that they are talking about, with the pea soup and the spinning heads. Sometimes there are cases of perfect posession, in which the posessie shows no signs of health or mental problems. (read Hostage to the Devil by malachi Martin and you'll know what I'm talking about)

[Malachi] Martin's writings cover a range of Catholic topics, such as exorcisms, Satanism, Liberation Theology, the Tridentine liturgy, Catholic dogma, and the geopolitical importance of the Pope. Martin was a guest on Art Bell's radio program throughout the 1990s.

His books frequently present a dark view of the present state of the world, invoking dark spirits, conspiracy, betrayal, heresy, widespread sexual perversion, self-advancement, and demonic possession, each being asserted as rife throughout the Catholic Church, from its lowest levels up to its highest.

Yeah, credible source there, lol.
Try getting a scientist maybe.

"Exorcism is real! That exorcist told me so!"

I'm the best exorcist in the world. 400 souls saved in just one day!
I can tell you right now that Malachi is an utter fraud.

He was actually possessed by satan when he wrote that book, in order to fill the world with lies.
Before you criticize the vatican exorcist for this comment, ask yourself what it means to be posessed. It isn't always the hollywood version of posession that they are talking about, with the pea soup and the spinning heads. Sometimes there are cases of perfect posession, in which the posessie shows no signs of health or mental problems. (read Hostage to the Devil by malachi Martin and you'll know what I'm talking about)

you know they used to think people with downs syndrome were possessed by the devil many of those people were really possessed by demons? I can pretty much point at anyone and say they're disturbed because I really dont need any proof ..the proof itself is that they're not "showing signs of mental health problems"

I cant fathom how in this day and age people still believe such rediculous stories
Hmmm funny because when they where both wher Younger were involved in church activties...According to the History channel.

Hitler was in the Church choir & he also had a passion for Art....His mother was loving & his father was a voilently over abusive parent.

Stalin was the same had Adoring mothers, voilent fathers, trouble's with women, Love for some art (in stalins case poetry), & responsible for te death of millions of People Most of them innocent civilians, people concidered "Enemy's of the state", & some family trouble's.....

Hitler was an Atheist,he wasn't a fan of Christanity

its Jewish in origin. :rolling:
The various christian churches across the world, however, were either indifferent to or supportive of antisemitism in nazi germany and across the world.

Jews don't believe in jesus. :rolling:
Before you criticize the vatican exorcist for this comment, ask yourself what it means to be posessed. It isn't always the hollywood version of posession that they are talking about, with the pea soup and the spinning heads. Sometimes there are cases of perfect posession, in which the posessie shows no signs of health or mental problems. (read Hostage to the Devil by malachi Martin and you'll know what I'm talking about)

So basically, posession that doesn't even look like posession?

The various christian churches across the world, however, were either indifferent to or supportive of antisemitism in nazi germany and across the world.

Jews don't believe in jesus. :rolling:

these guys do

there's a church(?) at eglinton and mt pleasant ..strange bunch
Judaism is based off Zoroastianism....****. Someone knows what I'm talking about. I forget how to spell it.
woa he's awesome! :p looks like Hitler stole not only his government system, and the "sieg" part, but also his act :p
I always laughed to that clip. Atleast he is honest. ''I have the power so screw you everyone''
'Tis a shame Mussolini had no idea what the hell he was doing near the end. :(
Mussolini was a good lad until he got in with that Hitler kid.
Cool. Now I can go around saying that communists are the devil's spawns and quote an 'authority'!

Hey! Aren't you Benito Mussolini, conquerer of Abyssinia and former dictator of Italy?
