
Are you...

  • ...a meat eater.

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • ...a vegetarian who eats fish\poultry.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • ...a vegetarian.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...a vegan.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...a person who only eats fruit.

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Ive just been reading in the paper and apparently the are going to be more veggies (in england at least) than meat eaters by 2047. Like 2 thirds of people wont eat meat.
/me runs away screaming "arrrggghhhhh the vegetables..."

oh and btw, Farrow, are you a veggies, vegan or what?
There are only a few vegetables that I like (carrots, potatos as an example) Other than those I eat a ton of meat and alot of fruit. I wouldn't last more than 2 days as a vegetarian, not even a day as a true vegan.
Meat 0wnz.. it helps me to get trough the day ^^
I need my meat, I can't live without it :) Mmmm, stake... mmmm
Ive just been eating bacon. Man it was nice :burp:
Hopefully some more vegetarians will be able to muster up the strength to vote :)

Ok that was a joke.
My ancestors didnt pillage, destroy, and consume their way up the food chain so that I could eat grass.
hmmm, we have a lack of Vegetarians, oh well

If i could and only survive, I'd live of meat, me only like a few vegetables

and on a random note, cheese is nice!
Which guy said he only eats fruit?

Perhaps he collapsed after using his energy in voting.
lol, mebbe......I love meat, a friend of mine is a veggie, but he loves meat, lol, he just thinks its cruel!!! Heh, I bet vegetables scream like hell when they get boiled, its just that its so hi-pitched we can't hear it. Thats why dogs won't sit in a room with boiling vegetable.,.....think about it, I'm right ;)
I tihnk we sohuld live off oxygen, that way noone gets hurt. Except possibly us, but as long as the trees and animals are ok it doesnt matter.
No, my dog stayed perfectly still, oh yer Tramps been dead a while, hmm need to find a live one.... off to the neighbours to take revenge on their pets!
Meat eater here. I can't stand having veggies as a main course. I have to have meat at every meal.
vegetarian who only eats fish and poultry??!? Both are forms of meat in my eyes!

Btw... thats what i guess i am because i dont eat red meat for health reasons. My family has a history of heart conditions and eating red meat can add to the risks. Although i have just eaten a plate full of roast chicken and a granny smith apple! :cheese:
Originally posted by |MaTT|
vegetarian who only eats fish and poultry??!? Both are forms of meat in my eyes!

Btw... thats what i guess i am because i dont eat red meat for health reasons. My family has a history of heart conditions and eating red meat can add to the risks. Although i have just eaten a plate full of roast chicken and a granny smith apple! :cheese:

Dont be so surprised. Ive met many vegetarians who do eat fish and/or poultry. But they dont think its cruel to kill a fish because it has such a short memory it wont remember the pain. They didnt understand it would be dead it has been killed. Another excuse was that they are as clever as other animals. Then there were people who said its ok to eat cows etc but not dogs because they are too intelligent.

The whole thing was a bit weird to be honest.
no i never, I was on bout the dogs not moving with the boiling vegs, so grr, to you badger :P
Originally posted by |MaTT|
vegetarian who only eats fish and poultry??!? Both are forms of meat in my eyes!

Btw... thats what i guess i am because i dont eat red meat for health reasons. My family has a history of heart conditions and eating red meat can add to the risks. Although i have just eaten a plate full of roast chicken and a granny smith apple! :cheese:

The definition of a vegitarian is a person who doesnt eat meat but still eats fish, egg and other milk products (cheese and such).

A vegan on the other hand eats nothing that has to do with animals
Originally posted by FireBall
The definition of a vegitarian is a person who doesnt eat meat but still eats fish, egg and other milk products (cheese and such).

A vegan on the other hand eats nothing that has to do with animals

I don't eat eggs. But I do eat meat.
I don't eat eggs, (unless scrammbled on butty), but that's only because it taste nasty
There is nuffin nicer than a two-egg ham and cheese be honest I love all food, :) but I try to eat healthily....just in case :)
My uncle thinks hes alergic to eggs (he isnt)

When he was a child he was but he grew out of it as most children do. So now you feed him something with eggs in and he will be fine and think it tastes good. Thats is untill you tell him, then hes all like "Oh i felt a bit ill after that" and when we laugh he just like "Oh yeah har har real funny when you make someone sick"
I hate vegetarians..why dont eat meat..other animals eat each other!
f*ckin pinkos.......thats what an English teacher at my school used to call everyone who wasn't 'normal' in his eyes....
e.g. Communists, Hippies, Atheists, Buddhists, Anybody who wasn't Christain, etc!!!
Burn Burn Burn.:flame: Flame flame flame.:flame:

I cant think af anything to say so maybe that will do.
My god...what insight, we could all learn a lot from posts like that..... lol
I'm tired of hearing all these bleeding heart nancy-boys crying about animal rights. They should be eaten along with the animals they so cherish. Those stupid jerks at Disney keep making those damned cartoons about wimpy ducks and fish that talk so kids these days don't go to Zoos expecting to see a hairy, red, baboon's ass, but a cute and cuddly Simba or Rafiki (Disney's The Lion King atrocity).

Animals don't have rights. They don't have rights, because people like me don't give them any. If a Bear in the woods feels like you violated its territory, tough shit, blow its head off. You have the "right" to be in a Bear's territory just as much as he does. I don't subscribe to that "he's just as afraid of you as you are of him" bullshit either. If the Bear was afraid of you, it would probably run away from you, rather than try to attack.. Unless the Bear is stupid, which he is.

I was driving to school the other day, when I came across a dog in the street. I must have been 30 yards away when I saw it, but the dog didn't move. When I came within 10 feet of the dog, I had to stop the car so the stupid animal would get out of the way, and not until after I considered getting out of my car to kick it. The dog was clearly stupid, and would have probably been killed by another driver. Why is it so stupid? Why should people go out of their way to preserve animals?

Where do you draw the line between what deserves to be saved and what doesn't? Do trees deserve to be saved? Do plants deserve to be saved? What about insects? If so, even Mosquitos? Rocks that get destroyed at a construction site? Yes, everything should be saved. I have an idea. We should all sit down on the least impressionable piece of land we can find and try not to kill anything or to hurt anyone's feelings and eat only tofu and sing happy songs about dancing fairies and flowers and children and smiles and laughter. We should be so happy that it hurts. We should live in harmony with the animals and we should spend hours hugging old people and riding the "It's a Small World" ride at Disney Land, and we should protest against people that wear fur, because wearing fur is mean.

We should all sport those wonderful "Mean People Suck" stickers on the back of our cars.. oh wait, cars are mean, I meant to say bikes made of 100% recyclable eco-friendly materials that don't harm anything. Then everything will be great. Is that what you tree huggers want? Then will you stop your incessant bitching? Well it's NEVER going to happen. People are going to eat meat, animals are going to die, and there's really nothing you can do about it except bitch until someone gets sick of you bitching and runs you over..

Animals have made people happy, animals have infatuated some people's imaginations, and even motivated others. Animals have even saved lives. So what? I'm still going to eat meat. I'm going to eat meat until I die. And when I die, I hope someone eats me too. If animals weren't so damn stupid, maybe I'd care. But until then, I'm going to look forward to eating if I'm going to be eating dead animal. If anything, people shouldn't eat plants. Plants are what keep us animals alive, yet people eat plants. Plants are so important, that without the direct aid of plants, we cannot live. But is this of any concern to the eco-friendly idiot? No. He just wants something to bitch about because there isn't a war.

There's over a billion cows in India releasing the largest supply of methane into the atmosphere, and devouring tons of feed each day, yet the animal rights activists don't seem to be bitching about that. No, they have much bigger fish to fry, like sailors trying to make a living by catching fish to feed their families with. I don't know what I'm talking about. Bottom line: Eat Meat, use the Earth and everything on it for what it's worth, Disney blows ass, bears are stupid, and I'm tired.
I eat meat, my sister does too but she claims to be a vegetarian ^^
Ever get the feeling that vegetarians consider themselves morally superior to you? Like they think that not eating meat makes them so special that their shit doesn't stink? As if when someone stops eating meat, they suddenly become holy and dignified and it excuses them for the years of inconvenience and frustration they inevitably inflict upon their friends, family and co-workers who just want to go to a restaurant and order a damn steak without constantly being reminded that they're going to hell for eating an animal that spends most of its life shitting in a field. There are those of us who don't have a hyperactive sense of guilt and we don't give a shit about your mixed up self-righteous moral vegetarian agenda.

"I can't eat meat." The four worst words to hear when you're going to a restuarant with someone. I literally cringe every time I hear those words because I know it means that we have to drive around the city for 2 hours looking for some restuarant that serves "friendly" burgers, which ironically look and taste exactly like hamburgers--which vegetarians object to eating because it's either A) gross or B) murder. If it's so gross, then why go out of your way to eat something exactly like it, asshole? It's funny how vegetarians suddenly stop bitching about murder as soon as you point out their fancy leather belt or shoes, or that they drive a car and use electricity which contributes to polluting the earth and contaminating everything including the precious animals that they refuse to eat.

Well I'm tired of it. So what I've decided to do is sponsor a vegetarian! It's easy and spiteful, and we all know how much fun spiting people is! I'll explain..

What does it mean to sponsor a vegetarian? It means that you have to find someone in your life who's a really big pain in everyone's ass every time you want to go out to eat, and then you commit yourself to eating THREE times the amount of meat you'd normally consume to make up for all the meat that your vegetarian buddy isn't eating. It's that simple! That way, you can reverse the guilt trip that they've been laying on us for years by not only neutralizing their cause, but making it actually worse by eating more animals than would have ever been eaten had they not chosen to become vegetarians!

What if vegetarians say they don't care because we'll become fat by sponsoring them? I've thought about that already. All you have to do is exercise. I know it goes against the being lazy rule that I advocate so much, but this is so spiteful that it more than makes up for the exercise you'll have to do--which means that if you choose the 3 to 1 plan and sponsor a vegetarian, you're being so spiteful that you can't lose! If you have a choice, eat three separate types of animal to maximize your efficiency! Only offered beef? No problem: visit the zoo and eat a monkey!

The best part of it is that this plan is bullet proof. Finally those of us who don't have our heads firmly planted up our asses (with respect to vegetarianism, don't get me wrong, most people still need a crowbar up side the head) have a tool to combat these moral elitists!
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
I don't know what I'm talking about. Bottom line: Eat Meat, use the Earth and everything on it for what it's worth, Disney blows ass, bears are stupid, and I'm tired.
Well I didn't get to read your whole post but I got the gist of it. I agree, bears are stupid, Disney blows, and if we have bodies that can eat meat and enjoy meat and there is meat on this planet then why not eat it. Meat makes you big and strong (Popeye and his spinache are a conspiracy). If you don't eat meat because you feel sorry for the animals then I guess I understand though. My Dad used to be a construction worker for a part time job in the summer, one year they had to do work on a slaughter house, my Dad says that you could constantly hear and see the pigs scream when they were killed, for a few months after my Dad couldn't eat pork. He got back to liking it though.
I was assaulted by a vegetarian at work the other day. A girl was walking by as I was eating beef jerky, so I thought I'd offer her a piece. Suddenly she goes into super-bitch mode and says "I don't eat meat," and gave me an ultra crusty look (like someone just took a shit on her face). I'm tired of being treated like a criminal by these meat-deprived idiots.

To help you better understand the mentality of these saps, I've put together a rough outline of what I think are the three main types of vegetarians:

# Vegan/Nazi: This type of vegetarian not only doesn't eat meat, but he or she will try to impose their beliefs onto you with propaganda on TV and radio stations. Vegetarians of this type are commonly afflicted with accute bitching syndrome, or ABS. This is a mental disease not unlike feminism. It causes the victim to bitch about people who choose to eat meat. All animal products are boycotted by this group of fascists.

# Anti-Meat Vegetarian/Dumbass: This is the most common type of vegetarian. A vegetarian of this type will not eat any beef, poultry, or fish products (less cheese and milk because they're irrational). The ones that keep to themselves aren't a major problem, as they're usually stupid, close minded, and fragile because all of that "organic health food" bullshit has made them weak. On a side note, these types of vegetarians are very fun to tease. Occasionally, you'll find a vegetarian who has backed him or herself into mental corner, so afraid to hurt or kill something that they'll even try to avoid stepping on bugs-- because bugs are living things, and they have feelings too... right? Bwahaha. Worthless.

# Pseudo-Vegetarian/Coward: This is possibly the worst kind of vegetarian. He or she will only eat poultry or fish products. The only rational explanation for this is that these types of people don't actually care about animals or animal rights, but rather they're looking for a convenient way to lose weight, and they try to make themselves feel like heros while they're at it by not eating beef. This is completely inane and it accomplishes nothing. If I was an eco-idiot vegetarian, my mentality would be "I won't eat meat because killing animals is cruel, and they don't deserve to suffer blah blah blah.." It doesn't make sense to me that eating chicken and fish is okay, but eating beef is somehow less human, as if chickens and fish suffer less than cows, pigs, whales, and any other animal these idiots won't eat. Fools. This type of vegetarian not only doesn't have the will power to be a full vegetarian, but sometimes even has the gall to criticize the morals of people who eat all types of animals.

There are many different types of vegetarians, but I believe all of them fall into one of the three major categories, and all of them fall under the main category of "Asshole" (not the good kind). I can't help but compare vegetarians to hippies and other such do-gooder bullshit. I can't wait until they day science might discover that plants and trees have feelings, so that all these morons will have to either starve to death or live with the fact that suffering is unavoidable.

I may have to share this planet with animals, but I'm doing my damn best to eat every last one of them.
I agree, Vegans are assholes, sorry to offend anyone on this board.

BTW, your poll seemed to have timed out, I can't vote :(

But I eat meat.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Dont be so surprised. Ive met many vegetarians who do eat fish and/or poultry. But they dont think its cruel to kill a fish because it has such a short memory it wont remember the pain. They didnt understand it would be dead it has been killed. Another excuse was that they are as clever as other animals. Then there were people who said its ok to eat cows etc but not dogs because they are too intelligent.

The whole thing was a bit weird to be honest.

Pigs won't remember being shot after a bullet to the head, lets eat!
I think it's funny that you say "Anti-Meat Vegetarian/Dumbass"es are closed minded and then sit there and go on about how all vegitarians are assholes. That seems a little closed minded.
Also, what is the point in killing anything just to convenience you in a tiny way or just for the hell of it?
I eat meat, but I still think about the fact that an animal has been killed.
Even a bug doesn't deserve to die for annoying you or getting in your way.
What would happen if there was a species of animal that was bigger, stronger and more intelligent than humans, who took over the earth. Would it then be OK for them to kill you without a second thought for your life, just because you're stupid.
Killing for survival is one thing, killing for no reason is something totally different.
Also, what you said about taking the earth's resources is totally rubbish, if you take what's there just because it's there, then what happens in the future when there's nothing left? It's exactly that sort of attitude, along with the need people seem to have to start wars, that will ensure that in the end he human race will destroy itself and take everything with it.
Also, if an animal deserves to die just because it doesn't seem to be doing anything worthwhile, then I'd like you to justify your existence to me. What is it you are doing that means you are worthy of life and that you are worthy of raping the earth and taking it for all it's got.
Anyway, that's just my opinion, I would like to reas your reply and please try to refrain from taking the piss out of the language I used, any mistakes I made in typing it and trying to put me in a box where you won't have to deal with what I've said and can carry on in ingnorance.
Please try not to judge me.
Originally posted by Hazza
that will ensure that in the end he human race will destroy itself and take everything with it.

Amen Hazza, I agree with you

actually, that quote was also in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (the book, not the game. Great book)
Welcome to the food chain.

One animal indoubtably feeds on a lesser animal species.

We are at the top and it's gonna stay that way.

BTW Meat has more than a 'little' effect on us as animals.

Begies rairly out live 80.

We are designed to be omnivores, thats the way god/nature intended us so thats the way we should be.

We need the protein and vitamins supplied by meat.