[Vehicle] Citroën 2CV


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Working on this at the moment.
For www.off-limits.be
4343 triangles, 2x 1024*1024.
Texturing is WiP, will post soon.


Wow what program are you using? That looks ace, by the way!
This is really top quality stuff, I love the car and the texture. Awesome work!
the car has been trough years of warfare, it's 75 years old, so i'd say it looks pretty good for it's age :p
some small updates on the textures (don't have a lot of time to work on it lately :/ )

Thats cool, the gumball sticker looks a bit out of place though, I think it looks too clean in comparason to the rest of the car. Other than that its great.
i've been reading that article about photo realistic texturing at: http://leigh.cgcommunity.com/tutorials.htm
and i was wondering...what kind of maps does halflife2 support? i only know bump map and normal map. does it also support like reflective, diffusion, ect.? i was also wondering how do you create a map, lets say bump map, and get half life 2 to recognize it? this is confusing for me. :(
The key is in the vmt files!! :) Extract some of the vmt files from the gcf and look at them in notepad, you'll quickly see how it works and what you can do with textures (almost anything lol).
vtf explorer. open the source materials gcf and look for the materials vmt you want to extract.
ok this is confusing. is there just a straight forward tutorial that skins a model and goes through all the other processes (bump map, normal, spec map, diffusion, transparency, ect.) and compile it to run in hl2?
You can start here : http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Creating_a_Material_Tutorial

but like I said an easy way to understand how it works is to extract the vmt and look at them.

Use this to extract the gcf : http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=26

Finally, as a base to start making basic textures you can use my VtexGUI utility (in my sig). It will create the diffuse texture and vmt files ready to be used in Hammer. The only thing you need to do is to add the line for the bumpmap in the vmt file.

like this:
"$bumpmap" " walls/brickwall_normal"

so your vmt will look like this:
    "$basetexture" "walls/brickwall"
    "$bumpmap" "walls/brickwall_normal"
wow you actaully read through the theory most ppl just ditch it and head on to the Video tuts .
that teture is damn sexy i dont supose i could spend 5 minutes alone with it?
are the textures supposed to be 512 x 512 in hl2? or is it limitless?
Technically, it's limited to 2048x2048 by most modern video cards. Realistically, you shouldn't go over 1024x1024 for a single prop, but like all rules of optimization, you can break it if circumstances allow. I believe most character models are 2 1024x1024 textures, but could very well be wrong about that.
someone told me there should me like 4 1024x1024 textures for each part of the character liek arms head legs torso.
for larger models i opt for 2x 1024*1024, so when you stand next to them in-game they don't look too fuzzy :)
so i finally finished it, here it is:
(its already drivable ingame aswell :p )



- Wesley
Looks great :)

Any chance of you finding (or redoing!) your uvmapping tutorial sometime?! A long shot I know but still....

unwrapping that model took quite some time, to long to record :)
if i do a small model anytime soon i'll try and remember to record it.
I'm doing a static_prop model next for one of our maps, maybe i'll record that.

- Wesley
Wow.. :O That's awesome. Maybe you could upload an ingame video or something?
simon said:
if i do a small model anytime soon i'll try and remember to record it.
I'm doing a static_prop model next for one of our maps, maybe i'll record that.

- Wesley

That'd be great! :)

Well, let me know if you ever get around to it.
I dunno how you use texport. It's pissing me off.
Gonzo: i'll post it here if i made one.
Psychofreak: using texporter will be on the video once i have posted it :p
w00tage. And nice car btw :P