Very disappointed in EP1

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Redneck said:
Are you kidding? The original HL2 formula didn't do it well! One of the things I liked in HL1 was the high variety of alien creatures there were in the game, but here?! Well let's see: head crabs, zombies (the other types don't count cause they are still freekin' headcrabs and zombies!), combine soldiers, striders, gunships, manhacks, antlions and those stupid barnicles. That's it? Well quite frankly that's not enough.

If that's your opinion so be it. But many of us did like hl2 better.
bigburpco said:
You are fvcking kidding. The Zombine is the most awesome enemy ever.

bigburpco, you are the classic fanboy that is being referred to here. Claiming that the zombine is the most awesome enemy ever confirms this. Your opinions for me are now void.
HL2 was superior to HL1 in pretty much every aspect.
One thing I'm thinking - why the hell does anyone want a game to last 30+ hours? Ep 1 took me 5 hours. HL2 took me about 3-4 days of on-and-off playing. Far Cry took me over a week playing in the same way, and by the time I was three-quarters through I was fed up, and waiting for it to end. If you want a game to take over your life for that amount of time, perhaps you've got nothing better to do? Let's be honest, as fun as they are, games are a bit of a waste of your time, and the longer a game takes to complete the more of your life you're wasting away from reality. That's why episodic releases are good - it's quality gaming, from a brilliant franchise, but it only takes up an evening of your time to appreciate. Then you can get on with something else. Anybody feel the same way?
pomegranate said:
Anybody feel the same way?

I don't know about everybody else, but I don't. The length of a game is IMHO always good to be long, but the problem is whether the game is interesting enough to keep you playing until the end. For instance I've never finished any of the GTA games simply because I would always find myself just ****ing about killing police men or destroying cars but not paying any attention to the missions. In HL2 I felt really immersed into the story at about the time where you get inside the citadel and you see those freaky new synths, but then shortly after the game ends:( . HL2 was too short IMO. So in the end it is good to make a long game only if the story and game play is interesting enough to make you want to play it for that long. A game that takes only an evening to complete isn't a game IMO it's just an appetizer:cheese:
Redneck said:
Are you kidding? The original HL2 formula didn't do it well! One of the things I liked in HL1 was the high variety of alien creatures there were in the game, but here?! Well let's see: head crabs, zombies (the other types don't count cause they are still freekin' headcrabs and zombies!), combine soldiers, striders, gunships, manhacks, antlions and those stupid barnicles. That's it? Well quite frankly that's not enough.
Perhaps HL1 had many alien creatures because the Xenians were the main enemy then? With the Combine being the main enemy in HL2, logic would have it that most enemies will be aligned with them. Plus the fact that both games have just about the same amount of enemies makes your argument somewhat void, eh?
Black Op said:
Plus the fact that both games have just about the same amount of enemies makes your argument somewhat void, eh?

:laugh: :laugh: yeah, right...

HL2: head crabs, zombies, combine soldiers, antlions, antlion guards, striders, gunships, barnacles, manhacks.

HL1: head crabs, zombies, marines, assassins, alien grunts, vortigaunts, controlers, barnacles, bullsquids, howndeyes, snarks, gargantuas, tentacles, gonarch, ichtiosaur, leaches, nihilanth, apache chopers
Redneck said:
:laugh: :laugh: yeah, right...

HL2: head crabs, zombies, combine soldiers, antlions, antlion guards, striders, gunships, barnacles, manhacks.

HL1: head crabs, zombies, marines, assassins, alien grunts, vortigaunts, controlers, barnacles, bullsquids, howndeyes, snarks, gargantuas, tentacles, gonarch, ichtiosaur, leaches, nihilanth, apache chopers

HL2: Poison headcrabs, fast headcrabs, normal headcrabs, poison zombies, fast zombies, normal zombies, combine helicopter, combine gunships, striders, metrocops, combine troops, combine elites, barnacles, ant lions, myrmidont.

HL1: Headcrabs, zombies, marines, helicopters, vortigaunts, alien grunts, gargantua, houndeyes, bullsquids, ichthyosaurs, snarks, barnacles, Nihilanth, controllers, tentacles, gonarch. (You can't honestly say leeches)

By my calculations, assuming I've covered all the enemies...
HL1 - 16 enemies
HL2 - 15 enemies

You lose a grand total of one enemy. Big whoop?

HL1: Headcrab, Zombie, Houndeye, Alien Slave, Bullsquid, Barnacle, Ceiling Turret, Portable Turret, Human Grunt, Osprey, Tentacle, Gargantua, Leech, Sniper, Itchyosaur, Assassin, Alien Grunt, Apache, Tank, Snark, Alien Controller, Gonarch, and Nihilanth. That's 23 enemies.

HL2: Scanner, Metrocop, Barnacle, APC, Manhack, Hunter-Chopper, Headcrab, Zombie, Dropship, Poison Headcrab, Fast Headcrab, Poison Zombie, Fast Zombie, Combine Sniper, Combine Solider, Antlion, Gunship, Rollermine, Antlion Guard, Sentry Turret, Combine Elite, Shield Scanner, Hopper, and Strider. That's 24 enemies, and adding the Stalker and Zombine gives us 26 should anyone care to use EP1 enemies. It seems like we're not using the same list..... <_<
Every type of headcrab and zombie must be taken separately since you can't use the same method to kill all of them, and their attacks are different.
The multiple types of combine soldiers head crabs and zombies don't count, damn it understand that. I'm talking about completely different species here not "different" iterations of the same thing. Black Op, how the heck you can include scanners as enemies is beyond me, why don't you include Lamar too while you're at it.

HL2: head crabs, zombies, combine soldiers, ant lions, ant lion guards, striders, gunships, hunter chopper, APC, barnacles, manhacks, hoppers, roller mines,portable turrets, fixed turrets, stalkers.

HL1: head crabs, zombies, marines, alien grunts, vortigaunts, controlers, barnacles, bullsquids, houndeyes, snarks, gargantuas, tentacles, gonarch, ichtiosaur, leeches, nihilanth, apache chopers, tanks, mines, portable turrets, fixed turrets.

But, lets end this discussion it's obvious that neither side will convince the other, so I'll stop here.
Redneck, read :

99.vikram said:
Every type of headcrab and zombie must be taken separately since you can't use the same method to kill all of them, and their attacks are different.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :sleep: No they don't count and no argument that you can possibly think of can convince me otherwise. End of discussion already. God, this is getting old quick.
Redneck said:
No they don't count and no argument that you can possibly think of can convince me otherwise.
They don't count because you refuse to bested in an argument you have very clearly lost, and you cannot be convinced otherwise for exactly the same reason.
Redneck said:
The multiple types of combine soldiers head crabs and zombies don't count, damn it understand that.

Why not? All are significantly different from each other in terms of their functionality. Why exactly should an entire different species be introduced, and what would that accomplish.

But you seem content to stick your head in the ground and yell "NYA NYA NYA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!".
The argument that more enemies makes the game more fun is similar to the argument that more weapons make the game more fun, or more levels makes the game more fun.

Surprisingly, paying more money for a game does not make it more fun. :P
Redneck said:
Completely destructible roof, eh? And in another spot with a roof made out of the exact same material it is solid like a rock. That's the most stupid thing in games and I'm sick of it and the fact that the parts of the buildings that are destructible have a different shading then the rest is just meh.
Actually, no. This is just about the only time you spend in a wooden building, for the very reason that it's the only building they want to be destructable
Redneck said:
HL2: head crabs, zombies, combine soldiers, ant lions, ant lion guards, striders, gunships, hunter chopper, APC, barnacles, manhacks, hoppers, roller mines,portable turrets, fixed turrets, stalkers.

HL1: head crabs, zombies, marines, alien grunts, vortigaunts, controlers, barnacles, bullsquids, houndeyes, snarks, gargantuas, tentacles, gonarch, ichtiosaur, leeches, nihilanth, apache chopers, tanks, mines, portable turrets, fixed turrets.
HL2: Xenians, Human Zombies, Combine Zombies, Combine Soldiers, Ant Lions, Striders, Gunships, Hunter Chopper, APC, Manhacks, Hoppers, Roller Mines, Portable Turrets, Fixed Turrets, Stalkers

HL1: Xenians, Human Zombies, Humans, Apache CHoppers, Tanks, Mines, Portable Turrets, Fixed Turrets.

See, I can stupidly generalise whole groups of enemies too.
We can even go further...

HL2: Xenians, Humans, Combine, Synth, Machines

HL1: Xenians, Humans, Machines

Basically enemies come down to this:

HL1: Enemies that shoot you, Enemies that fly and shoot you, Enemies that jump at you, Enemies that throw things at you from a distance

HL2: Enemies that shoot you, Enemies that fly and shoot you, Enemies that jump at you, Enemies that throw things at you from a distance

Even though a lot of enemies in in HL2 are different from HL1 they basically have the same attacks (shooting/melee/ranged, ect) . Some people feel cheated that EP1 doesn't have totally new enemies even though when it all boils down they have the same attack just like previously existing enemies. It's really cosmetic.

On a related note, Oppossing Force had new enemies. Which I initally thought was cool. But looking back they actually kind of suck. Shock trooper? Something that shoots spikes out of its head? A barnacle gun? A Zombie that throws damaging flesh at you? Please... I am glad Valve stuck with what works and added little touches that enhanced gameplay instead of going overboard with a bunch of "new" enemies.
Redneck said:
Are you kidding? The original HL2 formula didn't do it well! One of the things I liked in HL1 was the high variety of alien creatures there were in the game, but here?! Well let's see: head crabs, zombies (the other types don't count cause they are still freekin' headcrabs and zombies!), combine soldiers, striders, gunships, manhacks, antlions and those stupid barnicles. That's it? Well quite frankly that's not enough.

Opinion, so Im not going to argue that. But I thought the enemies in HL2 were perfect

Redneck said:
Completely destructible roof, eh? And in another spot with a roof made out of the exact same material it is solid like a rock. That's the most stupid thing in games and I'm sick of it and the fact that the parts of the buildings that are destructible have a different shading then the rest is just meh.

Well why dont you do it yourself? I dont think you actually realise you hard it would be to create a completly destructable enviroment. Id rather have a game with wood you cant smash through, than a game with smashable wood that took 6 years to make.
and how come we can't control videogames with our minds yet?
what a ripoff, valve
Antlion Guard
Leeches (could be argued as not really being an enemy)
Fast Headcrab
Poison headcrab
Fast Zombie
Poison Zombie
Overwatch Soldiers
Civil Protection
Shield Scanners*
Hopper mines
Cieling turrets
Floor turrets
Moveable turrets
Hunter helicopter

HECU Soldiers
Floor turrets
Knockable turrets
Xen turret
Apache helicopter
Alien slaves
Alien grunts

*Don't actualy attack directly

It's about equal but HL2 didn't have any once off boss :P
Kingreaper said:
See, I can stupidly generalise whole groups of enemies too.

Well congratulations you're stupider then I am:laugh: :laugh:

This counting enemies isn't getting anywhere. I was simply saying that I would like different types of creature. Different from each other like the head crab is from a gargantua, OK, got it now?! Little diferences like those betwene the types of zombies and head crabs aren't enough, that's what I'm trying to say. If you guys like it the way it is fine it's your opinion, but I don't like it.
so a soldier and an assassin are as different from each other as a headcrab and a gargantua
I see

damn half life and its internally consistent ecosystems
Redneck said:
Well congratulations you're stupider then I am:laugh: :laugh:

This counting enemies isn't getting anywhere. I was simply saying that I would like different types of creature. Different from each other like the head crab is from a gargantua, OK, got it now?! Little diferences like those betwene the types of zombies and head crabs aren't enough, that's what I'm trying to say. If you guys like it the way it is fine it's your opinion, but I don't like it.
Poison headcrabs offer a completly different gameplay mechanic to headcrabs.
Xfire tells me I spent 3 hours on Ep1.

What it really comes down to is me as a player, was not immersed in Ep1 as I was in HL2. I didn't feel like I was there, and it was a let down. I don't think episodic content can achieve this because yes they are short as the name suggests. Going from months of not playing the storyline and having a few hours of gameplay doesn't have the same effect as having a few hours of gameplay then another ten or so thrown on top as HL2 did.

IMO. :)
VippiN said:
What it really comes down to is me as a player, was not immersed in Ep1 as I was in HL2. I didn't feel like I was there, and it was a let down. I don't think episodic content can achieve this because yes they are short as the name suggests. Going from months of not playing the storyline and having a few hours of gameplay doesn't have the same effect as having a few hours of gameplay then another ten or so thrown on top as HL2 did.
That's odd, I felt greatly immersed in an episode that wasn't as long as HL2. Besides, one can get the feeling that a game's dragging on for too long if there's a big stretch of finding a random enemy, kill it, move on, and repeat. That feeling didn't exist in EP1 and so I was able to get into it better. Afterall, not eveyone can devote at least three hours to watching a Peter Jackson movie. :laugh:
IMO I was far more immersed in Ep1 than I was with HL2 or HL1.

In the previous games, if it was getting late or I was getting tired, I made it
a point to save my spot to come back to it later. With Ep1 I had to fight to make myself stop,
even when I kept dying at certain spots because I was too tired to think straight. Because this
game made me want to finish each chapter to see what was coming up next to get out of the city,
where the previous games made me feel like I could play at my own pace.

I'm playing thru the second time with the commentary on, and listening to how the planning and
development and revision went into making it, I can't believe the people in this thread who say
this is just like a mod.
Or maybe they haven't tried playing most of the mods that are out there?

(There are some great mods out there, don't get me wrong; but few if any add as much overall
content as Ep1 delivered, and I can see even better mods being released in the future based on updates
done for the game engine as a result of Episode 1's release).

Keeping in mind as well, the whole storyline of Episode 1 is centered on the urgency of evacuating the city
before the Citadel explodes.
Am I disappointed? Well, no, not particularly. Mainly because I didn't have to pay.

Yes, I finished the game on normal mode, dying about ten times and making an attempt to explore broadly, in only two hours and 58 minutes. That's not so bad for a mere episode, and Valve did a good job of packing much action in my three hours of playing.

What is genuinely disappointing is the price. I would not rate my experience at $20 by any means. Fortunately, I have heard that the game is now $10 at Circuit City, a much fairer price for three to five hours of content. $15 would be okay, maybe.

Of course, I didn't shell out twenty of my own dollars for this... episode. Just like everything else I own from Valve, Episode 1 was a gift.

Now, for the people who think Episode 1 should have had something new, I will list the new things that I found [spoiler alert, or whatever you people say]:
- Zombines;
- Tripmines;
- Better Stalkers;
- Friendly Rollerball Things;
- Rideable, nondriveable vehicles;
- A nicer-looking Citadel with better entity effects than last time.

Naturally, Groundflyer and I can produce an FGD to let people make maps for Episode 1. Of course, given the relatively small number of people who will own it in comparison to owning HL2, anyone wanting to map for it is most likely not right in the head.
Raeven0 said:
Am I disappointed? Well, no, not particularly. Mainly because I didn't have to pay.

Ditto, but I don't think that would have hindered my liking of it. I mean, $20...that's nothing imo.
How many people actually shelled out $20 bucks for it?
Anyone that pre-ordered got it at a discount, I did and I got
(and am still getting) my money's worth.

For that $10 at circuit city, I'd lose another $20 in the cost
of gas and time spent that I saved by pre-loading it instead.

Edit: In the same timeframe, I went to see X-Men 3 at a matinee.
Even though I enjoyed the movie, I got more of a bang-for-the-buck
from the latest "episode" of the half life story than I did from the
last episode of the X-Men films.
AKIRA said:
Super saiya-jin striders?
Yeah. Some time between HL2 and Ep1, striders gained the ability to create some kind of blue energy field and push massive objects, in addition to their normal machine gun and impaling legs. They may also be a little stronger, given how many rockets it took to destroy the one I found.
cquinn said:
Hooray for you.
Raeven0 said:
Yeah. Some time between HL2 and Ep1, striders gained the ability to create some kind of blue energy field and push massive objects, in addition to their normal machine gun and impaling legs. They may also be a little stronger, given how many rockets it took to destroy the one I found.
The Striders had their warp cannon back in HL2.