Very odd picture...need help


May 19, 2003
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Friend just got a new 9600XT and the game was fine on his previous card which was a geforce mx something but now his game looks like this. He has the newest drivers from ATI, windows updates, and like i said stuff was FINE before he got this card.

I've come down to maybe unistalled previous drivers/card improperly? What else could this be?

1.7 AMD athlon XP Pro
756mb ram
Radeon 9600XT 256mb 4x (newest drivers)

UPDATE: Bfield:vietnam runs fine and so does cs 1.6/other hl mod games. He thinks source is the only thing messing up. Also, the game runs perfect for about 3-5 seconds and then makes the player models look that way/textures.


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I have a 9600XT also, and have no problems on it. If you think it might be driver installation problems then trying using Driver Cleaner (just google it). A lot of people swear by it, so it might do the trick for you.
I get this now and then and it seems to be directX related, as a fresh directX 9c install improved but didn't totally sort the problem.
I think it might just be your card overheating, happens to me in EverQuest.
got the exact same thing yesterday after a 4 hours session of cs ... it went away after a reboot thou ..
Try using an Nvidia driver cleaner/remover, and then uninstall and reinstall the latest ATI Catalyst drivers, also make sure all of your other components are up-to-date.
Overclocking problem

Dalamari is right. That is a classic example of what happens when the memory is too hot/ too overclocked on your graphics card. If you have overclocked it, wind the memory speed back slightly. If not, then you have either been playing for about half a day without a break, in a very hot room, or your graphics card memory is faulty...

I'm afraid changing drivers, even with a thorough clean, will not help unless your driver was overclocking the board.
I agree with the "too hot" theaory because I have 9600 Pro with no problems, and my friend has 9600 XT with no problems...

that "punched in screen" that you have is tsop memory operating beyond it's max. plain and simple.
My card does (old 9700Pro) that when it overheats, what you should do is open your case, and have a big fan blowing in there. if it goes away after about a min or two, then its over heating, if it doesnt it might be driver or setting issues. Try messing w/ the Texture/ Mip map details in the Advanced properties also, cuz some apps also get messed up like that on my comp.