VGA awards



so just finished watching the VGA awards, it was soooo LAME!! the only thing i liked was tha chicitas.

they showed HL2 as one of the Most anticipated games of the year .. (no new footage from the game really just some scenes from the docks and one from the city with the tripod) BUT... HL2 didn't win!!!! HALO2 got it, can you believe this? I think there's a much BIGGER following for HL than Halo.. Although i think the extreme silence from Valve didnt really give a lot of people like us an incentive to even throw in a vote.

altho, i did vote for HL2 ;) me nice girl
k, im knew it would be owned by halo fanboys and xbox owners

/me realizes he owns an xbox wich he is currently playing lots more then other systems... but not halo thanks god (overated)
Yes, I'm pretty sure that they would have done their best to corny them up as much as possible... :dozey:
Originally posted by bate18
you didnt miss much, they were shittyer than ever

wow thats a pretty dumb ass statement, its the " 1st" VGA so how can they be " shittyer than ever" lol dumbass.

Oh and the reason halo2 won is because HL2 is the biggest joke ever.
*can see the flames now*

Ooooh the horror.

Have Fun. :cheese:
Originally posted by tHEmaCHInE
wow thats a pretty dumb ass statement, its the " 1st" VGA so how can they be " shittyer than ever" lol dumbass.

Oh and the reason halo2 won is because HL2 is the biggest joke ever.

:hmph: :monkee: :upstare: :thumbs:
Halo 2, who gives a shit about that. The first one was horrible. THe story line was good, but other than that, the graphics were nothing new, and it just had too much of the same thing over and over. It did not trully deserve to win(IMO). HL2 is much more anticipated than any other game, that and Doom3.

VGA Review:

Too much freakin crowd noise, i mean can't they ever shut up! can't hear what half the people are saying! It is the first VGA's created, and they have a lot to improve on, but damn those girls on DOA were hot, hehe, alright!

Take care all, HL2 is comming out soon:cheers:
Originally posted by gamblor
Halo 2, who gives a shit about that. The first one was horrible. THe story line was good, but other than that, the graphics were nothing new, and it just had too much of the same thing over and over. It did not trully deserve to win(IMO). HL2 is much more anticipated than any other game, that and Doom3.

lol, ya. I guess the thousands that voted clicked the wrong button!!

It ain't comming soon. I rekon cleefus.
Best thing about Halo is The Blood Gulch Chronicles machinima series.
Hmmm....Valve aren't doing themselves any favours.
what really ticks me is that HL2 has so much media attention (especially after the leak). We already know to some extent how it's gonna look and play and the feats it takes (if Gabe is right) in many technologies regarding AI and sound as well as graphics..

Yet, halo 2 who has only a CG movie, no large scale media attention, yet everyone wants it???? i smell bull-shiat. Like some here said, it's all an Xbox thing and a little PC for smell
some little douchebag probably sat on their pc for hours voting for Halo 2 over and over and over..........Thats why HL2 lost! I know it! Halo 2 - what a JOKE.
well i enjoyed the VGA's because it was the first time i have ever seen a video game award show...anyways i cant believe halo2 won...halo is the most over rated game.
The show was rigged, True Crimes streets of la won best action game!!!!!! Humm how about, i dont know ...Max payne 2, Call of Duty. the only award that was right was the 1 to Vice city nuff said.

PS. **** spike tv shit programing.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Where there any winning computer games at all in the VGA's?

Oh comeon, HELL NO THERE WERNT ANY COMPUTER GAME WINNERS!! ist called the video game awards for a reason. computer games were just placed because it would give them just that much more ratings. and yes halo 2 is now the most awaited game, i mean comeon, i cant wait to be put on ANOTHER damn halo with more of the same flood and shit. You all should have known it was rigged when star wars whatever won best stragety game over warcraft III frozen throne. besides, a lot of the audience was asian where video games ar e made.
I figured it was just a huge console-fest. That's why I didn't bother to watch it. All the games in the commercial were whack console games. I was just suprised they even nominated HL2 for most anticipated game of the year.
I agree....I played halo for the first tiome on my pc a month ago and i said to myself....Is this what those x box poeple were talking about? Damn...console games must suck then. I would have rather plaed the original half life over again
If one watches the halo 2 videos....omg! your see them flting into the city and you get to shoot aliens where? in a ruined city! and i heard some poeple going "oh aw!" when the master chief dove through the doors and became surrounded by the sword thingies. Holy Crap! Thats just a stupid movie! the gameplay looks the same! And what's the big deal with hijacking a ghost? So many poeple say "that's friggin awsome" I'm sure after you hijack your first couple of ghosts you'll be like "yep...i guess im gonna have to get another one *sigh*" i guess onsole players have so little to look forward to in games that they have to settle for crap.
Example: BRUTE FORCE!!!! most anticipated x box game of the year! It comes out and its just runing around and shooting alot

Not to mention the performance issues on the PC. I think it was microf=softs evil plan to make PC gamers jelous. Call fo Duty has better graphics and it ran like butter. Halo ran like a stuttering child reciting a poem. =)

Half life 2? :cheers:
Originally posted by csmighty1
Not to mention the performance issues on the PC. I think it was microf=softs evil plan to make PC gamers jelous. Call fo Duty has better graphics and it ran like butter. Halo ran like a stuttering child reciting a poem. =)

Half life 2? :cheers:

Maybe that's because Halo was developed for the PC port by Gearbox Software, NOT Bungie, the people that originally created it. They obviously did not spend enough time tweaking it for the PC. Ironic isn't it that originally it was conceived solely for the PC?
On the other hand Call of Duty was developed from the ground up as a PC game, and obviously had a lot more tweaking done to it to ensure better performance.
Something similar to Halo PC performance has occurred recently with Deus Ex: Invisible War. It's as if Ion Storm didn't even playtest the PC version on anything short of a monster rig! It runs like complete crap even on high end systems. The evident neglect to the PC version's interface is made more abundant by not even saving user settings when you exit the game such as controls and video options. They forgot to make the friggin' user.ini file not just 'read-only.' So please, before you bash the Halo port, understand that there are much greater follies out there. I mean, this was Ion Storm's own game, after all!
The PC port of Halo was horrible. The Xbox version is still one of my favorite games.

I find it very funny that everyone says "Halo 2 is a joke, Half Life 2 rules" When no one has played either. You all sound very ignorant and biased when you say things like that.
Originally posted by Shaihalud9
The PC port of Halo was horrible. The Xbox version is still one of my favorite games.

I find it very funny that everyone says "Halo 2 is a joke, Half Life 2 rules" When no one has played either. You all sound very ignorant and biased when you say things like that.

its because this is a ****ing HL2 message board!! DUH!! Now on to the VGA's...Obviously the majority of voters were console players (hence GOTY was Madden 2004 (GAY GAY GAY GAY)) so it was no surpirse that Halo 2 was the Most Anticipated game, you honestly didnt expect HL2 to win just cause it will be a great game, and HL2 actaully doesnt have a following nearly as big as Halo 2, and if you think otherwise you are mistaken, now if HL2 was being advertised as being with CS2, then it would be a whole different story. The majority of CS players dont even know what HL is, so no CS player support = Halo 2 a bigger following. And that was quite possibly ten times worse then the G-Phoria awards, and that show had a live action play of Kingdom Hearts (it doesnt get much worse then that). David Spade was hosting the 2 hour event, yet i think i saw him for about 3 minutes top. It was one big music concert, oh and the one thing i thoguht would be cool,Tony Hawks Boom Boom HuckJam, that sucked too.
Wow, you know too bad we don't have an Off-Topic forum for this kind of discussion... Oh wait we do.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Ironic isn't it that originally it was conceived solely for the PC?

Actually it was originally for the MAC.
i think halo 2 won because halo is newer than half-life. dumb people like newer games i guess and its the first game that is like that i think.
Congrats Bungie

Lol goddamn, this is almost EXACTLY the same as when people were comparing Doom 3 and Halflife 2.

Have you played Halflife 2? FRIGGING NO!!!!!
Have you played Halo 2? (Same as above)

Valve havent exactly done themselves any favours by being tight lipped about Hallife2, while Bungie have showed some key elements and movies of their upcoming Title "Halo 2."

People who say that Halo hasnt got a big enough following to take on Halflife should probably think again... I dont know one Xbox owner who hasnt heard of Halo and who doesnt love the gameplay and graphics. Hell, if you played Halo on "legendary" mode you would know what im talking about. The AI is bloody Tremendous, soldiers will automatically get into different tactical positions depending on the environment and the situation, while your enemy will do the same, and even try and flush you out with plasma grenedes, hide behind tree's and dive for cover, i dont know a game yet that has given me as much fun as Halo, well, except for the original halflife.

Im not biased towards any game, not even Halflife. I dont understand why people try to make comparisons when most game developers make their games to stand out in different ways, so how can you compare them? i hate 12 year old flamers who start up threads that compare games they havent even played yet!!! How stupid is that?!!

"Er Halflife 2 is WAY better then Halo 2!" < You havent played either, so shut your goddamn trap!!!

Personally im happy for Bungie, good on them, they deserve credit for making a very good game, and i cant wait to see what Both Halo 2 and Halflife2 bring to the Shoot em up genre.

Congrats Bungie, :)

Originally posted by tHEmaCHInE
HL2 is the biggest joke ever.

Thats why you have a hl2 character in your avatar and participate in posting on am i rite?
I liked how they went on and on about "The very first video game award show ever yep nobody else ever thought of ever doing anything even remotely like this."

.... GPhoria. The G4 TV cable network had an award show earlier this year. Had better presentations, less crappy music, and the selections actually made sense. Madden wasn't even close to being in the "Best Game of the Year" category, let alone winning it. Nuff said.
1) Regarding the VGAs. It was a mainstream videogame awards show on a mainstream male-focused network. It had no chance of being a show worth watching because they were going to pull out and use every cliche and stereotype of the male 20-30 yr the myth that we all love rap music and incredibly dumb, balloon-boobed sluts.

2) Regarding Halo 2 being more anticipated than HL2. In terms of the gameplaying public(console and pc alike) there are more console gamers than there are pc gamers and that alone made the difference. Halo 2 has much more recognition value among console gamers(doesn't matter if they are Xbox users) than HL2. I personally didn't mind seeing Halo 2 win this award since they've been kind enough to feed us a slow, but continuous supply of info whereas HL2 has been in virtual 'silent running' mode for the past 2 months.
NO! it doesnt matter that i havent played either of them! i know for a fact that HL2 will be better than halo 2. cause the first half-life was way better than halo.
Madden 2004 won Game of the Year... what a ****ing joke. Everything was based on user votes that went to their site and voted I think. Pretty sad.
well i have played like 100% of the leak, so i guess u can say i kinda played it.

and halo sux...sorry ass weapons that are unbalanced.

Valve havent exactly done themselves any favours by being tight lipped about Hallife2, while Bungie have showed some key elements and movies of their upcoming Title "Halo 2."

VALVE HAS shown key elements in hl2 movies, and has way more movies than halo2. so whats your point?