A. The pen looked like it was made of plastic, how could he have got a shock from touching that?
B. Why the camera move when he was shocked?

I smell fake.
A. The pen looked like it was made of plastic, how could he have got a shock from touching that?
B. Why the camera move when he was shocked?

I smell fake.

Could be a plastic casing with a metal inkshot like those parker pens.

And he probably had the camera on the table and hit the table when he fell thus shaking the camera oh whatever it was on
Maybe he just got startled by the bang. Don't think it's fake.
A. The pen looked like it was made of plastic, how could he have got a shock from touching that?
B. Why the camera move when he was shocked?

I smell fake.

I think he touched the inside of the socket where the bulb was. Since the lamp was technically on, it shocked him.
So you push a ball across a table? What was that elaborate black case with all the multi-coloured balls in it for? I thought that was going to be the game. :|
I still don't understand how it cost him that much, it's a circular table with sides on it, with 10 cent super bouncy balls.
God, that was horrible to watch. I felt so bad for the guy, even if the game wasnt amazing to begin with.
^ Because he hit the ball quickly across the table, so it was going fast, like a bullet! Yeaah bulletball!
It's a high caliber game!..... because the table is large and round?
That guy reminds me of Morpheus. Hes like a mirror image in every way except for that he is a failure.
The thing is that the invention really is useless. The woman was right about not leaving anything living inside a hot car. What happens if the unit fails and then the dog inside dies or baby? You gonna sue the inventor or yourself? The invention is just as useless as any other cheap ShamWoW going for $19.99 sold by an Australian on tv. Just open your door for half a minute, you don't need to jump in your hot car instantly.
Jesus ****ing christ this kid is borderline pitiful.
The first "No" i though the kid was gonna shit himself but at the second "no" i thought the kid was going to do something he'd regret

What, like crying on national television?

Hyuk hyuk
jesus that's awkward/sad.

what I want to know is he still with his wife?

or was during that shoot...the "whole re-living a moment"-thing...but yeah I'm kinda stomped as to how he would need that much money on this.... maybe he hadn't done his market research properly and already had a 1000 tables made or something....or he got really screwed over by whoever made that comercial-thingie.... either way it's sad.

ps. game looked like crap.
the streetfighter thingie...that's sorta neat...wasn't aware you could do something like that.


at least we know he didn't blow all the dough on the website...I think the problem is that he blew all his money on actually putting the damn thing(table+balls) + apparel in production an mass before checking if there's really a market for it. lol apparel :shakes head: