Not to pick a bone with the mods or anything, but why is sexually explicit content normally censored, but graphic content is allowed more often than not?

I'm sure there is some good reason for it, but I cant think of one.
The video itself has a black background before played, and the picture is in poiler tags
That's censorship :|
I understand that, but I was refering to the fact that sexually explicit content will be physically removed regardless of whether its put in spoiler tags or not.
Wanted Bob looked at porn everyone! ALERT THE MASSES WE HAVE A PERVERT ON OUR HANDS!

But rly, I know what you're saying. But thats just the society we live in. Gore and violence are much more socially acceptable than the human body is.
Its sorta strange when you consider how sexually oriented the media is nowadays, I've yet to see anything resembling the shreds that used to be someones face.

In any case, gore bothers me way more for some reason, but obviously its not the case for everyone. Ahem, now that I've wasted a good part of a page, I'll post a video...

EDIT: Now this is the way to die in GTA (yeah I know, massive irony in my post)

Also, who has had this happen to them?
Request to the mods: lock that shit Krynn posted behind spoiler tags. All of it. I'd much rather see a naked woman spread her legs than seeing a dude's face fall off. Hypocritycal bullshit.
Krynn you can go around linking posts of your impressive contraversional content but the fact remains when we see it and it gets reported it will be removed and you do yourself no favours at all.
I understand that, but I was refering to the fact that sexually explicit content will be physically removed regardless of whether its put in spoiler tags or not.
And so will graphic content be removed, you are completely correct. Report it and it will be removed asap, regardless of how long people are members here, the rules are the same. You are obviously able to grasp the concept far quicker than our older members who enjoy taking liberties!
That was one of my favorites next to the monkey stabbing one.
At least he'll be able to legitimately walk on water.
Request to the mods: lock that shit Krynn posted behind spoiler tags. All of it. I'd much rather see a naked woman spread her legs than seeing a dude's face fall off. Hypocritycal bullshit.

How the hell was I being hypocritical? You're the one saying to "lock" the stuff behind spoiler tags (which isnt possible btw, and I already had it in spoiler tags) and then saying you'd rather see a woman spread eagle even though in the sentence before that you said to lock all of it. You wouldnt mind one form of inappropriate content but if another one comes along then OH GOD WHY.

Krynn you can go around linking posts of your impressive contraversional content but the fact remains when we see it and it gets reported it will be removed and you do yourself no favours at all.

Thanks for implying that I get off on shit like that and collect it in my free time by calling it "my impressive controversial content." And I apologize for not knowing where the line is when threads with videos of suicide attempts are posted or threads where people post "drawings" of essentially naked women or where both of them get posted in rather copious amounts. How completely idiotic of me. Maybe I should just kill myself for posting that and film it on a webcam so all you guys can watch it and then redraw it to where I am naked and being raped by tentacles.

And so will graphic content be removed, you are completely correct. Report it and it will be removed asap, regardless of how long people are members here, the rules are the same. You are obviously able to grasp the concept far quicker than our older members who enjoy taking liberties!

Oho! A slight made against my intelligence! How clever of you good sir.
It's like awesome German You've-Been-Framed. But awesome.
Maybe I should just kill myself for posting that and film it on a webcam so all you guys can watch it and then redraw it to where I am naked and being raped by tentacles.
Oh wow.

bet you guys 5 bucks this bitch wont do it

Also I don't see the big deal either, but then again I didn't look at it. Why? Cause I could care ****in less and krynn warned it was graphic thus I avoided it like the rest of you crybabies could have easily done kthxbye
Hmm, "4 double A batters" you say? Now where do you find those?
That was a great review. I especially loved the part where he showed us where everything was on it for the entire video.