
That's probably 'cause they're fuelled by corporate companies etc and so on.
I also came to the conclusion that it seems if you want to sing in a band playing heavy music, but can't sing for shit - you growl. As for pop music - you use that voice breaking/distorting effect so popular nowadays (is there a name for it?).
Didn't that video I just posted shows what happens when you put clean vocals into that stuff?!
Didn't that video I just posted shows what happens when you put clean vocals into that stuff?!

Which one? Whitechapel has growling and that screamo stuff has screaming and singing with that distorted voice effect I'm talking about.
I meant the one before that, I kinda' forgot I posted that Whitechapel video.

Ah, drugs.
I agree'd with you the first time I heard it, I guess you need to hear the band's albums to understand.

but it was meant to be more of a "Girl playing Blink 182 meet brutal death metal drummer" thing.

As in a "Haha Danimal is so funny I want to sick his dick." thing.
...I just had to show that I know more about drumming than you. No worries. :p

Btw, I would totally sick your dick. I would sick it like no tomorrow.
...I just had to show that I know more about drumming than you. No worries. :p

Btw, I would totally sick your dick. I would sick it like no tomorrow.

You would sick it?

Are you a ****ing attack dog?

But don't worry, I'm not really a musician or anything.
lol Steve Vai

Isn't the drummer and bassist meant to be the fastest in the world or some shit?
Okay, that was waaay funnier than it should have been. Whoever did those has some great timing.
Sounds like the same guys who did you suck at photoshop.
i remember that like it was yesterday. probably one of the most iconic parts of a game i can remember. in fact they should have put the bear on the cover
I remember that I somehow survived that entire sequence on my first time through, it was terrifying.
Damn you Monolith! Why can't you port this over to the PC like the first one.
I really want to play this...:(