I love how the person who answered correctly was actually asian
well you know that video i showed of Steven Tyler falling offstage?? they're canceling the tour because of it...he got hurt bad...and now i feel bad
When I first saw Youtube poop I was like " Hey, this is pretty funny. " But then I watched on, and realized it was just a bunch of 10 year olds coming up with elaborate schemes on making cartoon characters say "Shit" and "Ass".
I watched a youtube poop by accident once. It made me want to murder my eyes and ears. I have since made it a point never to watch another one ever. Those things need to die in a fire of eternal damnation.
this is actually much much worse than youtube poop. this is like flickr shit

What? What does that video have anything to do with YTP?

It's a great tribute fan movie to a great modern artist.
Looked like a gmod movie with ragdolls flapping everywhere.
Well I do own a copy of the artbook that video is based on, Medical Fun.
Guh you guys don't have good taste in poops.

Also Veg I'm sorry but I couldn't help but burst out laughing when the lolis started ragdolling.
I think it's the accents.

Or maybe I'm just a terrible person, but I still lol'd.
I would hate to die after sending a text like this, "yeah man, I actually did **** that fat chick last night from the party. also she likes it up the as...." *crash
What was the point of that video? I mean, I get the "message" but it didn't seem like it was from an ad, or from a movie/tv show.

Also, every one of those drivers deserved it. The texting bitch was in the other lane a good 10 seconds before the hit. The other driver was just as stupid for not paying attention.