What was the point of that video? I mean, I get the "message" but it didn't seem like it was from an ad, or from a movie/tv show.

Also, every one of those drivers deserved it. The texting bitch was in the other lane a good 10 seconds before the hit. The other driver was just as stupid for not paying attention.

Tredegar Comprehensive and Gwent Police Present a half hour drama 'COW'
Taster 001, featuring Jenny Davies, Amy Ingram, Laura Quantick

Anyway... onto something else.

I have a lot of newfound respect for Brad Pitt. I mean he was alright to me before, even though at some point I sort of hated him kind of unfairly. But this interview makes him look like a pretty awesome guy, and completely not what I expected him to be like.
Wtf was on his face? Also, that was a pretty terrible interview. And why does Maher do his interviews in such a creepy, uncomfortable way. Two chairs just sitting really close to each other in the middle of a open stage in the dark. Why.
Wtf was on his face? Also, that was a pretty terrible interview. And why does Maher do his interviews in such a creepy, uncomfortable way. Two chairs just sitting really close to each other in the middle of a open stage in the dark. Why.

He wanted to inspect the moss growing all over Brad Pitts face. He needed to get a closer look, so he made sure their chairs were right next to each other. Moss needs a dark, moist place to grow, so that explains everything.
Wtf was on his face? Also, that was a pretty terrible interview. And why does Maher do his interviews in such a creepy, uncomfortable way. Two chairs just sitting really close to each other in the middle of a open stage in the dark. Why.

Pfft. Nothing creepy about his interviews you crazy dog.
Man, I was already in love with Felicia Day, but my god I never knew she could be so ****ing hot when she wants to be.

I just noticed that she's the chick in that dollhouse epitaph episode. Weird.
anyone ever fear that trans-genetic animals are on the rise because of crazy ass scientists?? we keep seeing more and more of them lately
holy crap!! talk about horse power in that vehicle!! kept going and going and going