How the hell do you have such a huge group gathered to play Mortal ****ing Kombat? Bunch of NEERRimRRRRRRRRsoRRRRRRRRRRlonelyRRRRRRRRRRRRRDS.
How the hell do you have such a huge group gathered to play Mortal ****ing Kombat? Bunch of NEERRimRRRRRRRRsoRRRRRRRRRRlonelyRRRRRRRRRRRRRDS.

The guy was having a birthday party. And he was using the excuse that Gearbox let him have an exclusive trailer for Borderlands 2 so that he could get people to sit and watch a video.!5795148/when-your-favorite-game-is-proposing-marriage-the-answer-is-yes

edit: it is a sweet way to propose and congrats to the couple. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to see people getting married. Or maybe that's the drugs.
edit2: also, props to gearbox for being awesome.
I can't wait to see the next generation of actors who were raised on youtube and can't do more than a single sentence in one take.
I can't wait to see the next generation of actors who were raised on youtube and can't do more than a single sentence in one take.

I think it's supposed to be like.. "oh yeah he was telling a much longer story and we edited it down" kind of look... except they did it 400 times and that's everything he said.
^ LOL @ the comments

4 Wheeler made in Japan $7500.00,Flag made in China $10.99, headband made in China $3.99 Handgun made in Austria $399.00 Acting like an inbred piece of garbage priceless.
What other answer did she expect from a bunch of drunk guys on what they would do on their honeymoon? Yeesh.