Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent, Swedish Experts Say


Oct 16, 2003
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STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Video games can make children fat and, in the case of violent games popular among teenage and younger boys, aggressive and even criminal, Swedish experts said on Monday.

Continued Here

I'm so Tired of these BS studies with no proof whatsoever.
As long as no one tries stop production on violent video games and/or censor them, I don't care what they say.

By stop production I mean the President or something (I remember one of the Presidental Candidates saying he would try) trying to ban them.
Jesus christ, you become fat, violent, and SWEDISH!!!111
nw909 said:
Jesus christ, you become fat, violent, and SWEDISH!!!111
man if I werent so tired right now I woulda worked that into a Sig.
Overeating makes kids fat. A lack of exercise keeps them that way.

Really, I play lots of games, and spend lots of time on the computer, but I manage to work out on a regular basis, and keep from stuffing my face with burger king every chance I get, so I'm in very good shape. I get so very sick of this. I'm also not violent at all in real life. In a virtual world, of course, I'm a freaking sadist. But I wouldn't ever even think of harming someone in real life.
Whadd'ya mean games make you violent? *kills cat and drinks half-digested stomach fluids*
Who is bad mouthing fat violent kids! I WILL KILL THEM!! AND FRY THERE BONES AND EAT THEM!!!
coolio2man said:
Who is bad mouthing fat violent kids! I WILL KILL THEM!! AND FRY THERE BONES AND EAT THEM!!!

Try grilling them, frying chars the bone, but grilling gets all the marrow nice and moist...
Experts say that video games make children act more violent. WELL NO $HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost every kid plays video games, so ya some of them are going to act violent. Thats common sense, put a bunch of monkeys in a room together and eventually they will figure that out. I'm pretty sure that children acted violent before pong came out.
... maybe human society is getting more violent and the games are just trying to keep up?
REAL psychological studies show kid who play violent video games are LESS likely to be violent in real life.
Yeah, Video Games are an outlet for my anger.

Now Forcing me to watch American/Pop Idol, That makes me want to kill people.
LMAO did these geniuses just now come to this conclusion?

Scientist 1 "Since the release of pac man we have been montoring little jimmy's weight"
Scientist 2 "Your a moron Scientist 1, there is no hard evidence that sitting on your ass all day staring at the TV drinking sugar filled caffeinated beverages and eating bags upon bags of cheetos makes you fat! Its all theory!"
Scientist 1 "Gasp! Your right, /me kills self"
Government funder guy "retards"
I hate when professors say this...
I'm like:
"WOW!!! You really studied six years of your life to tell us all what thousands of others have told us? I'm amazed! Have a cookie..."
OCybrManO said:
... maybe human society is getting more violent and the games are just trying to keep up?
Whoa well said..
Our president constantly booms other countries, but yet video games are horrible atrocities in our society that make people violent...why hasnt anyone ever said maybe it is the president that influences children to act violent(yea I notice there is a difference just point out the hypocricy in it)? Why is killing in the military justified and encouraged, but not in the virtual world were no one gets hurt?
Sure some kids will turn violent from playing video games, not all though. Plus that has to do with bad parenting as well.
And your sending mixed messages when you have people saying video games are bad because it promotes violence, but turn the channel and you see a "join the marines" commercial saying (not literally) "hey come join us so we can send you over seas to kill people!"
Come on we need to stop pointing our finger at each other and just take responsiblity its our society we are the ones who make it what it is.
See, I never believe these things. Then I go online and play CS with other people, and begin to wonder....
Perhaps that guy who you just keep killing in CS and is really getting annoyed at you will be the one who does in fact turn violent.
WHAT?! I'd smack those swedish bastards if I wasn't so damn fat!
The majority of violent people that use computers end up dropping them out of the window within the first few weeks anyway, I dont think they are a problem.
using MS Windows makes me violent. playing games, nah. not another scientist groan-a-thon. sitting on your arse spouting rhetoric makes you fat, so stop doing it!

if kids are getting fat from playing video games it's their own fault. go out and play some sports, take a walk every now and then, just go outside for gods sake! if people want to stay inside and make themselves fat and just play games let them. they'll end up not having girlfriends and thus will not have kids and thus will keep the world free of their polluted seed.
You guys played Postal 2 ?

I think games like this are a means of releasing stress/anger/violence etc that is already built up inside us...

Its easy to see how people can think they make kids violent though.
Pobz said:
You guys played Postal 2 ?

I think games like this are a means of releasing stress/anger/violence etc that is already built up inside us...

Its easy to see how people can think they make kids violent though.

Well I do believe they can make kids violent, especially if the kid knows no better. But yea I agree, although IMO GTA is a better "stress buster" (if you wanna call it that) heheh nothing more satisfying than running people over in a ambulance and killing cops...
I first read the topic like this: Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent Swedish Experts Say
MaxiKana said:
I first read the topic like this: Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent Swedish Experts Say

It could also be:
Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent, (and) Swedish...
Frank said:
It could also be:
Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent, (and) Swedish...

Thats the way I read it, except with like a movie commercial voice that gets more intense, Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent, Swedish.
odd then that I am one of the skinniest and least thuggy people in my school. and I spend probably like over 20 hours a week infront of this magic box.

'course, I do row.

I'm going to blame bad role models (*coughrapcough*) and peoples wish to avoid all movement on those charges. as for the swedish thing, that certainly is an oddity.
lol that crappy documentary is on tommorow..gotta see dont make me violent..idiots that say games do makes me violent..
If people actually took age rateings seriously there would be far fewer problems!

But nooooooOOOOOooooo!

They sell these things to anyone! :angry:

(I am not saying all young people who watch violent movies and play violent games will turn out dearranged, just pointing out that they are there for a reason. If someone is educated enough to know there is a violent game they really want anyway and know how to get it then I don't think its gona affect em. These people could download them illegally and in theory it would not affect the games company at all since they would not get them any other way...... Wow I went off on a tangent....)
Let's see:

1: The kid becomes fat? Is that the developers fault? Or the fault of the bad parents who throw their kids behind the TV or PC so they both can get to work because they need to pay of the car (you can't let the neighbors have a nicer car than you right?)
Send the kid out once in a while, gaming isn't unhealthy, TOO MUCH gaming is unhealthy, like with all things. It's again not the developers fault, but the parents' fault.

2: The kid becomes violent? Same thing as above. I can guarantee you, a kid who receives proper education about the game, can play GTA without turning into a murdering psycho. If you teach the kid what's wrong and right in the game, who the bad guys are and why they are bad guys, they can even get better understanding of what's allowed and not allowed in the world.
And besides, is it the developers fault that an 8-year kid becomes violent after playing a 16+ rated game or is it the parents' fault for even allowing him to play a 16+ game without education and support?

Goddamn so-called experts blaming the problems of society to a scapegoat like games instead of finding a solution.... makes me sick. And it's one of the few things that make me violent and not games!
yes but parents are too nieve to even concider they are bad parents and either outrage at that claim or completely ignore it
parents are the cause of all neurosis, yet they won't admit it. they'll blame it on tv/games/music/books (well they used to blame it on books back when reading was popular..).

the real problem we're looking at here: dipshit parents raising dipshit kids who in turn flood the world with more dipshits.
Thats odd, I'm not Fat Violent OR Swedish. (thats how I read the topic, thinking: "Silly experts! How can playing games make you swedish?" :E )
Generally the most violent people I have come across were violent before they ever played a violent game.

At the end of the day, nobody here has to worry about computer games suffering from this because they won't do jack shit about it. There will be another Postal type game and it proberly won't be banned ect...
Lol, tomorrow there'll be a documentary here in sweden about violent games. Nice! Not much comedy shows nowadays on TV, it'll be fun to have a few laughs.
You want to know what really makes people violant? Gangs...and drugs.
This is all such BS, I'm not fat. I wouldn't mind being Swedish. My parents turned me into an impulsive, homocidal sociopath. :frown:

At least I can enjoy some violent games, rather than having to torture kittens ALL the time. :eek:

The above is obviously a joke, don't bother forwarding this to PETA. :cheers:
Im fat, im violent AND im Swedish!

(no im not fat, not violent but im pretty sure att jag är svensk)