Video Games Make Kids Fat, Violent, Swedish Experts Say

Majestic XII said:
Im fat, im violent AND im Swedish!

(no im not fat, not violent but im pretty sure att jag är svensk)

He's a monster! GET HIM!
Heheh, I aint fat, I am fairly violent if you get me started but controlled if no one really pisses me off and I don't think i'm swedish.....

But games didn't make me violent lol. Being attacked by little annoying bastards who think they are badass makes me mad.
Especially when they attack my friends..... but I won't talk about that. Makes me wana hit the wall and the last time I did that I broke a knuckle.. :(
funny thing is, Fat swedish kids are usually too lazy to be violent.
Out of shape out of mind...

This is a total load of bull. However I can see where they are coming from with games like GTA or Postal. Imagine whatching bugs bunny all your life than seeing some horror movie, you would think the same about TV. Still what do you emmulate more as a kid, movies or video games? I havent seen any fat little kids running around saying "I AM GORDON DIE HEADCRAB!!!" and hiting their brother with a crowbar.
dulruogh said:
I havent seen any fat little kids running around saying "I AM GORDON DIE HEADCRAB!!!" and hiting their brother with a crowbar.

No of course you didnt, nothing to see here folks... move along...

whenever Im in a car I get urges to hit pedestrians walking across the street.... I think ooh 10 points 10 points....
however that doesnt stem from video games, more of what my father taught me.....
oooh 15 (+5 because he is in a wheelchair, extra metal extra score!)
Does this give me permission to sue McDonalds for making me fat too?

Actually, I'm very very skinny. 5'9 128lb :bounce:
my gosh 128? Almost 6 foot? dude you should watch out if the wind ever picks up
I'm only 4" taller and yet I have 50% more mass. :E

... and, no, it's not fat. :flame:
heh, I'm 6'2 or 6'3" and 155. I've lost weight since teh fall =|
nw909 said:
Jesus christ, you become fat, violent, and SWEDISH!!!111

You don't mind if I put that in my sig do you?
Lol that's too funny.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Being attacked by little annoying bastards who think they are badass makes me mad.
Especially when they attack my friends..... but I won't talk about that. Makes me wana hit the wall and the last time I did that I broke a knuckle.. :(

Haha, I remember trying to stick up for a mate by being violent one time. I was really angry but I ended up unintentionally bitch slapping the guy :eek: Luckily no one was watching, then he slapped back when everyone was, so I just looked at him and laughed, then everyone else laughed with me :D

/me crawls into a hole somewhere in the forum 'corner'.
Bad ^hat I have to ask while I'm thinking about this, is your avatar the crazy horse from family guy? That was freaking hilarious... Anyway, if video games make you viloent and fat, isn't that a contradiction?.. To be fat, you have to be lazy, to be violent you have to be aggressive, to be lazy and aggressive really don't work :)
Soo in conclusion: NEWSFLASH: Study shows swedish experts jump to conclusions from studying fattening, violent, video games' effect on kids!
Innervision961 said:
Bad ^hat I have to ask while I'm thinking about this, is your avatar the crazy horse from family guy? That was freaking hilarious... Anyway, if video games make you viloent and fat, isn't that a contradiction?.. To be fat, you have to be lazy, to be violent you have to be aggressive, to be lazy and aggressive really don't work :)

Yeah that's the horse, it was freakin hilarious indeed, had me and a few mates in stiches and rewinding for the best part of half an hour :D

And I know plenty of violent fat people, they were born fat and became violent, not the other way around :p

Coincidentally they're all gamers...
Am I the only one that absolutely freaking hate Postal 2?!? What a piece of shit excuse for a game! Seriously.............................. :hmph:

Fine, I don't mind violent games, but atleast the GTA series is something else besides violent, they're actually quite good games as well...

I watched the documentary, and it was so-so.. They only showed people that blame games for everything bad, and almost no pro-gaming people. :(

Whatever! As long as they can't do anything but bitch about it, it's fine with me! :p
AudioRage said:
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Video games can make children fat and, in the case of violent games popular among teenage and younger boys, aggressive and even criminal, Swedish experts said on Monday.

Continued Here

I'm so Tired of these BS studies with no proof whatsoever.

Argh, it's so GHEY. GHEY GHEY GHEY.

"Hmmm, little Johnny was in jail for 2 years because he killed someone. We've found evidence that he played "Mario Kart: Double Dash!!" before he was sentenced. This game is known to teach kids violent acts of "racing" and throwing dangerous items at each other that sometimes result in crashes that danger the other player."

I could just imagine. And that fat retard Lieberman. EERRGGHH.
Video games definetly don't make you violent. If they did, I would of killed someone by now. Instead, I am the total oppisote, I'm not violent at all. I've never hit anyone, or got in a fight.

As for the fat thing....if they went by that logic then TV would also make you fat.
Mmmm general violent swedish computer games....
Innervision961 said:
my gosh 128? Almost 6 foot? dude you should watch out if the wind ever picks up

5' 9" is four inches short of 6 feet. 6 Feet begins at 5' 12", not 5' 10".

But yea, he still should watch out if the wind picks up haha.
:farmer: I'm Fat, lazy, angry. But hell i'm sure GOOD AT First Person Shooters!!! Eat THAT YOU SWEDEN COMPLAINERS! I'll Pwn YOUR ASSES IN ANY FPS!!! That's why you're MAD!!
Baal said:
5' 9" is four inches short of 6 feet. 6 Feet begins at 5' 12", not 5' 10".
... and 5'9" plus 4" is 6'1" (or 5'13")... not 6'0" (or 5'12"). :E
OCybrManO said:
... and 5'9" plus 4" is 6'1" (or 5'13")... not 6'0" (or 5'12"). :E

Crazy "inch"system... :rolleyes:
Move with the times, people! :p

"We're moving towards the metric system, inch by inch!"
I'm a 15 year old freshman from Florida, 5' 6", 130lbs. I go to the gym (can bench press 170), wakeboard, play soccer, play the piano, play basketball, play golf, hang with friends, am on the school math team, academic team, key club, and I have a 4.0 GPA. I take out the stress from all that in video games. These Swedish scientists have their heads so far up their asses they're not seeing straight. VIVA LA Warcraft III, Half Life, Deus Ex, UT 2004 (If you haven't played the demo get it now!!!), Jedi Knight III, Starcraft, and Call of Duty!!! I'm not violent except in video games. I think I'm pretty well-rounded.

P.S. My first game ever was Dark Forces too :)

P.P.S. My parents only let me play an hour of computer a day :(

P.P.P.S I'm German all the way...I just found out today my other German friend's great grandfather was in the war, had an iron cross, and a signed copy of Mein Kompf (I'm not neo nazi or anything...just sayin' I find it kinda interesting).
Well I do agree(to some extent) with making kids fat, but once agian a thing that can be controlled by PARENTS!!!!

As far as making kids that's society's fault.