"Video games promote hatred, violence and sexism"

And not just any game... THIS game.


Kelvin Mackenzie only supports real war, where actual dark-skinned people die, not computer game representation of war.

Well done to Tim Ingham though. It's probably a sad reflection of the lack of spine in the gaming industry that he is, I think, the first mouthpiece I've ever seen hold his ground against the moral majority with any real eloquence or insight. He countered every point well and even had more or less the last word, good job.

BTW Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock's tits called - they want half your celebrity back.

This is absolutelly rediculous... How on earth would you comment on games if you aren't atleast a little a gamer?
Another point - children who play video games are devided into two groups: those who have a reputation/nature of being violent and those who 'understand' what they are
playing and are not affected (myself as an example). Again it deppends on your nature and likings/dislikings.

This is why I haven't broken the computer to shreds or hanged myself by the mouse cable yet.

R.I.P. mad gamer kids:

Lol, i'm still laughing at the fact that Call of Duty 2 was in the list.

(Though I think he meant MW2.)
Call of Duty Two, Modern Warfare Two.

And the Scottish division one game between Taste of Dunfermline and Strathcarnage cannot be stopped
It's always the older generation of people that complain about this kind of shit and its basically because they are unable to understand what video games are or what they have to offer. They turn round and say they are bad but they haven't even played any games.

It's only going to stop when the younger generations get older and start replacing these retarded positions and TV hosts. People that have grown up with video games will be in a much better position to judge.
There is no doubt in my mind that this tasteless and anti-social rock and roll music will lead us down a road of self destruction and anarchy in the next few years.
R.I.P. mad gamer kids:

*angry German kid video*

That video is an act. Hell, if you understand German, the joke is pretty obvious. He's made a lot of videos playing different extremely exaggerated characters. I really wish that journalists would show exempts from Romeo and Juliet on how love makes teenagers violent, and present it as fact. That would be cool.