View jerking when hit

Do you hate it when your view jerks around when a bullet hits you in an FPS.

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Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I personally I hate it when you're view jerks around when you are
hit by a bullet, at least in most games. The reason I bring this up
at this time, has to do with the fact that it's very prominent in
CoD 4, a game which a played a lot recently.

I guess it can make a game more visceral and it forces you to take
cover before firing back, but I would like to have a decent chance
to defend myself immediately, plus when you're in a situation where
there are many enemies all around you, some waiting in ambush, and
with endless reinforcements it loses its visceral impact and
becomes a constant annoyance.

I feel like I've spent half of CoD4 watching my view flash red and
jerk around. Now this may be due to me being a bad player. But I
think it?s very annoying when you walk in to a room there is a guy
behind you and suddenly you're whole view begins to jerk around and
you lose all sense of orientation or have no way to fire back
because you can't aim. Or when you want to pop up to take a shot,
and bam suddenly you're being thrown around like there is no

Cod is not the only game which has this, it annoyed me Bioshock
also, although to a much lesser degree, since you did not fight
endless streams of enemies. And obviously there are more games in
which it annoyed me.

I can understand if it would be used sparingly for certain weapons
like bombs or in horror games, but I don't think it fits in action

I know a lot of people like it.
A solution which satisfies both parties could be for a game to use
it when you are first hit, or maybe the first three times, but to
switch it off for a little while when you are in the process of
being constantly bombarded with bullets or have your sights set on
an enemy. Most players wouldn't even notice it, since you would be
to busy aiming for your life.

I would like to know other peoples opinion on this.
thank you in advance for participating in this discussion.

(doh!! I accidentally chose the wrong option myself in the poll, dear lord)
I suppose it just adds a realistic feel to games.

In TF2, trying to snipe a Heavy that is firing at you from range is fairly annoying, as a random bullet [1 of 300] can knock your aim right off.

I dont mind it too much though.
Yes, I hate it. You're a milisecond away from pulling the trigger then your view starts swaying all over the joint. If it defaulted back to where you were aiming before the sway it wouldn't be too bad.
I like view swaying, it shows that the character I'm playing is alive rather than a brainless robot with 100% precise aim.
I don't mind it.

It makes you want to take cover and get the hell out of the way of the bullets.
I like view swaying, it shows that the character I'm playing is alive rather than a brainless robot with 100% precise aim.

Indeed. Far too many games are designed in such a way that jack-in-the-box tactics using ultra precise high powered weapons become dominant. The idea that one can simply pop up, fire off a round or three and then dive back behind cover with no penalty to the ability to aim is utterly rediculous.
It makes sense to me. There should always be some sort of penalty to stop the person you've hit from shooting back as well as they normally would do. I mean, they've just been shot apparently. That way if you get the drop on someone and get the first shot in, you get the upper hand as you should.

Nothing too excessive though.
I don't mind the idea but developers seem to make it too dramatic that it becomes an annoyance.
The shakey view in Doom 3 was overkill, IMO. Haven't played COD 4 yet.
One thing that made that doom 3 even more annoying was the fact that the same principals did not apply to the enemies. It was like the shots didn't even register, no reaction from the enemies, no movement, they were totally unaffected and were heading straight for you. You might as well have been shooting at a train coming at you.
One thing that made that doom 3 even more annoying was the fact that the same principals did not apply to the enemies. It was like the shots didn't even register, no reaction from the enemies, no movement, they were totally unaffected and were heading straight for you. You might as well have been shooting at a train coming at you.

This is my biggest gripe with fps today - most suffer in this way.

I don't mind jerking when being shot, as long as it's not too distracting. The TF2 Sniper vs Heavy example someone mentioned earlier is one of this type of hit reaction done well. If being shot by the Heavy didn't knock your aim off a little it'd be far too easy to take them out in one hit.
I hate it, but you really do need it. Try killing a sniper from 25 ~ 40 meters with a SMG. Unless their view jerks, you're gonna get killed fast.
Half Life 2 does it well. When your actual reticle gets jerked up, no, that sucks. I did vote no, but only a few games actually jerk your reticle up.
I like it a lot when it's done properly, as it makes the game more immersive. Sadly it's not done properly a whole lot of the time.
Only ever annoys me in CoD. Its always when they shoot laser beams of bullets at you (happens SOOOOOOOO much on max difficulty) and your shooting at the sky.

I even ran into a checkpoint once, so the game saved. I died later on, and as it reloaded to the last checkpoint, the milisecond i could have control the same guy kept nailing me over..and over...and over...i literally couldnt do anything as he was to my left. Had to restart the whole mission because of it.

BUT i think it adds realism, i mean if you get shot irl youre gonna flinch arent you???
I honestly thought this topic would provide a link to a man getting hit while masturbating.

Any way, I like it. It makes the game more convincing and feel more responsive. Without it, some games just feel like static worlds where nothing seems significant.
not really, its part of making a good skills, and move fast.
I like it about as much as I like the shakey cam in movies :x
I remember getting scared in Perfect Dark! I think the game designer's went a bit OTT. Multi-player with kamikaze bot was a dangerous game. If he had no weapon and caught you unawares...AAHH! he'd slap you silly!
I like it when your view flashes red or such-like, like in HL2, but view-jerking can be annoying.
Half life 2 is the only game where it didnt annoy me. Other than hl2, I think the only time the view should shake from impact is a massive blunt damage that physically knocks you down to the ground. Like a if a huge troll punches you. So not many games should have it.
I don't play that many other shooters besides HL2 and associated products, so I dunno.

I don't really mind it in HL2...
I don't mind it at all.
Getting hit by a fully automatic rifle and some guy is emptying the clip into you; things must shake including you. That's the reality anyone who's getting shot faces.
IN COD4 when in confrontation; you can actually see who has the better aim, and who has the first shot. If your opponents have the first shot (Before taking any shot or trying to fire your gun) you better get out of the way find a cover then use your lean keys.
You cannot try to find a shot and kill your opponents while being shot at and you are in the disadvantage; it takes whatever advantages your artificial opponents have, and makes you godlike.

Take Care.
I actually love that. I also love it when you move and the screen sort of moves with your walking, and that adds a whole lot of realism.
I hate it when that happens. I have my aim perfectly lined up, then some stray bullet pegs me, sending my aim up, the second I fire....*sigh*

And for some reason, when I'm shooting somebody, they always hit me. I guess the aim only jumps on me --;
I don't think for those of you complaining the shaky and the disorientation when get hit with a bullet, ever played a game called MOHAA and the snipers last stand, around the City Hall.

One sniper bullet would freaking shake you and turn you the other way. You can call it; the jerking view on steroid.

I agree with Skeletor; every game should have this. I mean, how else would you know that you're being impacted by a flying bullets.

I hate it when that happens. I have my aim perfectly lined up, then some stray bullet pegs me, sending my aim up, the second I fire....*sigh*

And for some reason, when I'm shooting somebody, they always hit me. I guess the aim only jumps on me --;

I hate when that happens too but, this is the reality of getting shot and how your body absorbs impacts.

I also hate dying at the worst place possible. I guess that's why we love to play these games; so we die (SOB!!!) and respawn ever pissed.
I don't think for those of you complaining the shaky and the disorientation when get hit with a bullet, ever played a game called MOHAA and the snipers last stand, around the City Hall.

One sniper bullet would freaking shake you and turn you the other way. You can call it; the jerking view on steroid.

I abso-****ing-lutely hated that level, and any level with snipers in that game. I almost stopped playing the game when i hit that level.

I agree with Skeletor; every game should have this. I mean, how else would you know that you're being impacted by a flying bullets.
Reddening view.

I hate when that happens too but, this is the reality of getting shot and how your body absorbs impacts.
Orly? How many times have you been shot? From all the footage ive seen of people getting shot, they dont spin around when a bullet hits them.
But they do flinch.


How else would being hit by bullets work?
The non-reactive scenario is the equivalent of slowly feeding (carefully shooting) a vending machine (you the player) with 5 cent coins (bullets) until a Coca Cola can abruptly rolls out (you suddenly fall down dead). All evidence to the contrary, people are not vending machines.
I'm not saying that the player shouldn't feel a thing when hit. There should be some response to being hit, but not such a crippling disadvantage. Let's consider -

The gameplay: The opponent has already shot you and disrupted your aim - he has gotten his reward. But when your view is messed up, it means he will get a second and a third shot at killing you while you are confused. Just not fair, and makes firefights play out more like Camperstrike (not a good thing).

The realism: From what little I've read, being mortally wounded heightens your senses, and it definitely doesn't blur your vision unless you're bleeding to death or something. So it's not "realistic" either. The ONLY time your view should shake is when you are melee'd.

a) A simple reddening of the view (HL2, Farcry etc.)
b) Being shot messes up your aim and slows you down.

Both of these are better ways to bring tension than that irritating camera gimmick. :x
I saw that on the military channel when they were talking about body armor. Saved his life.