Violence in video games and christianity views.


Dec 9, 2005
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Well, what I am writing here is about violence in games.

Now, video games and computer games had a hard pressure during the Columbine incident as parents call for the video games to be banned.

And anyway, further notice included fanaticial christian parents blaming video games for violence in children.

Satan sends his demons to enter and overpower those who are not covered with God's protection. Humans are spirits that have a soul and live in a body. If we embrace evil things this is an invitation for demon spirits to oppress us. Likewise, if we embrace Jesus and the things of God, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in us. As Christians, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and when our temple has filth in it, demons are attracted to that filth. Just as in the natural a house that becomes dirty and is not cleaned frequently will attract flies, mice, roaches, bugs, etc; so it is with our spiritual houses. This applies to children as well as adults.

Many of the children who committed these grievous crimes have been exposed to evil and demons through sources of witchcraft and cultic teachings that opened the door for the devil's thinking to enter their lives. Many parents do not realize when they allow their children to listen to hard rock music and go to rock concerts they are allowing their children to be exposed to possible demon invasion. Evil rock music is filled with themes of suicide, murder, witchcraft and sexual perversions. The musicians encourage the children to rebel against parents and authorities.

Other activities that also open the door to demonic attacks are certain computer and video games that have witchcraft and occultic subjects. Parents beware!! Do not allow your children access to every game room on the Internet. Many of these evil games will pervert your children's minds and hearts. One need only preview the titles of the games that are being offered our young people and realize the danger to which they are exposed. The names of some of the worst games are Battlezone, Blood, Armageddon, Dark Forces, Diablo, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Dungeon Keeper, Half-Life, Kingpin, Postal, Resident Evil, Total Annihilation and Quake just to name a few. There are also board games that attract demons such as "Dungeons and Dragons" and "Ouiji Boards." Even comic books and posters that have these same themes are dangerous for young people, as it draws them little by little into deeper levels of the glorification of violence.

This is insane. Really. This is the reason why I hate my own fellow fanaticial christians. Just to let you guys know about this though.

And what do you think about violence in video games?
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Diablo? Weren't you killing the minions of Hell in that game?
Resident Evil? Are you saying you wouldn't go zombie bashing for survival, Good Book in one hand and a shotgun in the other?
Half-Life? Well, I guess I missed out on the scene where Gordon sacrifices a goat to his Pagan god.

And frankly, I don't know anybody who played over an hour into Kingpin.

There's nothing wrong with violence in video games any more than violence in film. Responsible parents steer their impressionable younsters away from such content. But even then, I was playing Doom from a very young age and as far as I know, I haven't killed anybody. Anecdotal, granted. But it needs to be said.

Some people will respond abnormally when exposed to such violence. They may have their violent tendencies fostered. Such people were going to snap any way. You can't blame video games for crimes and anti-social behavior just because there's a few bad eggs out there with messed up wiring.
Ludah said:
Diablo? Weren't you killing the minions of Hell in that game?
Resident Evil? Are you saying you wouldn't go zombie bashing for survival, Good Book in one hand and a shotgun in the other?
Half-Life? Well, I guess I missed out on the scene where Gordon sacrifices a goat to his Pagan god.

And frankly, I don't know anybody who played over an hour into Kingpin.

There's nothing wrong with violence in video games any more than violence in film. Responsible parents steer their impressionable younsters away from such content. But even then, I was playing Doom from a very young age and as far as I know, I haven't killed anybody. Anecdotal, granted. But it needs to be said.

Some people will respond abnormally when exposed to such violence. They may have their violent tendencies fostered. Such people were going to snap any way. You can't blame video games for crimes and anti-social behavior just because there's a few bad eggs out there with messed up wiring.

Well, hmmm.... I agree with you on this one. This one has logic explanation.

The reason I post this one here is not only to tell people that violent video games does not make people violent but also tell people to avoid those christianity sites such as this with full of lies and propaganda and cramming their religion down our throats.
1) I play a video game that is violent
2) I am not really violent
3) God apparently dislikes violence that is real
4) Video game violence is not real
5) ???
6) Profit!!

If theres a God that would be pissed at me shooting grunts in HL, then I think that I am, in fact, wiser than God.

Bow down before me, mortals!
Once again, people attacking things they know nothing about. Last time I checked, Dark Forces was a Star Wars game.

The force is blasphemous!
ummm Battlezone? this Battlezone? or this one? ...not that it's all that much a surprise but they havent a clue as to what they're talking about. I just wish they would just cut themselves off from the rest of the world ..dont like a video game? make your own christian themed game and leave the rest of us alone
Theocrazy said:
they are allowing their children to be exposed to possible demon invasion.
Jesus Christ, I thought this was the real world, not Warcraft.
Evil rock music is filled with themes of suicide said:
I wonder if they bothered to consider that A. in general, rebellion is just a healthy process of a healthy society, like a dog with a cold, wet noes and B. Rock is filled with such themes either because it's using them as a defiance of traditional societal values - provoking reaction by being as satanic as possible - or because it's just being derivative.

Ludah said:
Diablo? Weren't you killing the minions of Hell in that game?
Resident Evil? Are you saying you wouldn't go zombie bashing for survival, Good Book in one hand and a shotgun in the other?
Half-Life? Well, I guess I missed out on the scene where Gordon sacrifices a goat to his Pagan god.
IF YOU HAD READ THE POST PROPERLY (lol) you'd see they actually didn't bother even finding out about the games, let alone playing them:

Theocrazy said:
One need only preview the titles of the games that are being offered our young people and realize the danger to which they are exposed.

It seems as if they have a presumption that the default state of any media is satanism. If it's not actually called 'happy land' or something then it's obvious evil.
Sulkdodds said:
IF YOU HAD READ THE POST PROPERLY (lol) you'd see they actually didn't bother even finding out about the games, let alone playing them:


That was my point. I was just highlighting their complete ignorance with the titles in question. :)
Ah right, I thought you were just decrying the standard anti-game-zealot practise of not actually bothering to play the games. I didn't realise you were also acknowledging that in this case they actually admitted that they only looked at the titles. D:

Which is pretty hilarious.

"Oh shit, it's called Dark Forces! It must be bad!"
Violence in video games is as normal as reading an engaging, exciting book that depicts violence. I'm not being changed by it. So its fine. I don't need anybody to tell me otherwise.
Why don't they censor the Bible?

There's loads of violence in that. Probably the classical age's equivilent of GTA.
by their reasoning, we should be an unstoppable army of mass murdering sodomites.... we can obviously see that they're at least half wrong :cheese:

They obviously don't play games and thus don't understand, and as we all know, people fear what they don't understand. Games are a convienent target.

But as a wise christian friend once told me, "Satan wears camoflage." If it's overtly occult themed, he probably has nothing to do with it. Whereas a man who professes the word of god and has complete control over his followers (Pat Robertson etc) are far more likely to be a minion of evil.

And, it should be noted, as George Carlin pointed out, that despite the ten commandments, "the Bible has never really had a problem with murder... not really ... it just depends on who's doing the killing, and who's getting killed."
lol, I remember gamespy or PCgamer reviewing an FPS christian game about christianity called "zion" or something like that. I think they gave it half a star....but said it had an interesting gameplay technique, since you can't kill anybody yet have this massive sword you just go about converting them or something silly like that....

sorry if this post isn't based so heavily on factual evidence, just my own foggy memory :D
I have played many violent games. Some very violent. And I have trouble killing anything bigger than a frog. Unless its a snake or something that decides it wants to eat or poison me.

Anywayz most violent games have you being the good guy anyway.

If they're going to blame video games then they might as well blame music and movies and the news, and dad beating me up when I was a kid, and when I saw players beating the shit outta eachother at a football game...

...and the list goes on.
Why don't they censor the Bible?

There's loads of violence in that. Probably the classical age's equivilent of GTA.

I would'nt call it the equivelant of Grand Theft Auto. Jesus does'nt steal Jeeps.
jesus totally was a cheater though

infinite ammo h4x for fish and bread gun
respawning in a 1 life game
infinite cures cheat
changing material properties h4x
and water h4x
Flyingdebris said:
jesus totally was a cheater though

infinite ammo h4x for fish and bread gun
respawning in a 1 life game
infinite cures cheat
changing material properties h4x
and water h4x

Oh man classic :D
Flyingdebris said:
jesus totally was a cheater though

infinite ammo h4x for fish and bread gun
respawning in a 1 life game
infinite cures cheat
changing material properties h4x
and water h4x

omg :p haha.
Dont forget Moses was cheating too.
I heard WoW admins can do similar stuff to the world environment :p
Well, WoW makes it easily possible to walk on water.

Damn shamans. >_>
I gotta say, I'm a christian, and I don't think theres anything wrong with the level of violence in video games. Sexual content on the other hand, could be done without. I read a book one time by a christian author, who really had it out for video games in general, and more specifically RPG's. He told a story about a guy who walked into a school classroom, shot the teacher, and the kids thought it was a joke. The guy blamed the video game world for desensitzing (dont know how to spell that, hehe) the kids. Violent games had nothing to with that, stupid kids was the problem there. In the end, it all depends on the kid and how the kid/person takes it. If you're a person that cant tell the difference between reality and fiction, then dont play video games.
Manhack #5678 said:
I gotta say, I'm a christian, and I don't think theres anything wrong with the level of violence in video games. Sexual content on the other hand, could be done without. I read a book one time by a christian author, who really had it out for video games in general, and more specifically RPG's. He told a story about a guy who walked into a school classroom, shot the teacher, and the kids thought it was a joke. The guy blamed the video game world for desensitzing (dont know how to spell that, hehe) the kids. Violent games had nothing to with that, stupid kids was the problem there. In the end, it all depends on the kid and how the kid/person takes it. If you're a person that cant tell the difference between reality and fiction, then dont play video games.

So your a christian and you don't have a problem with violence in video games but you do with the sexual stuff, which is all part of being human.

Hmm interesting.
Manhack #5678 said:
I gotta say, I'm a christian, and I don't think theres anything wrong with the level of violence in video games. Sexual content on the other hand, could be done without. I read a book one time by a christian author, who really had it out for video games in general, and more specifically RPG's. He told a story about a guy who walked into a school classroom, shot the teacher, and the kids thought it was a joke. The guy blamed the video game world for desensitzing (dont know how to spell that, hehe) the kids. Violent games had nothing to with that, stupid kids was the problem there. In the end, it all depends on the kid and how the kid/person takes it. If you're a person that cant tell the difference between reality and fiction, then dont play video games.

Hmm.... At least there are good christians that can join the club of ours.

What can fanaticial christians do? Ranting and raving and cramming their christianity into people's throats who doesn't want to listen. I hate those kind of christians and I swore I would never make friends with any of them as they are too picky on things.
Ooo look at me I play HL2 during the day and murder little Christian children by night!! :devil:
99.vikram said:
Ooo look at me I play HL2 during the day and murder little Christian children by night!! :devil:

hahahhaa... That makes me laugh.

And oh, on the side note, that fanaticial christian who wrote that violent games kill article is named Betty Miller. She writes books too also in some line criticizes movies and video games. I had to say, she wasted trees to produce paper and as a result on writing, produces wasted paper that needs to be recycled!

Don't buy her books! I had bought one before, my comment on it is it sucked and full of jokes and cramming religions down people's throats instead of seriously gentle preaching. Anyway, I had already asked for a refund. And it worked...
I'm also a christian and i've played almost every violent game i can think of, of course my parents didn't let me play the games that i have until i was mature enough to take in the fact that what i'm doing in the videogame stays in the videogame:p , But that article really irritates me that they would not even take the time to analize what each of the 10 or so games was about. Also the reason so much sexuality shouldn't be in video games is becuase those sort of details are usually left off the cases, except for the esrb details which i bet 90% of parents ignore. If a parent sees a game with no guns they'll probably buy their 10 year old son(i've seen this occur and i'd be lying if i said that you havn't) that game turns out there 10 year old son, applied some of the same general principles in the game to real life... I think you guys might be supprised about how much a game can influence a 10 year old kid. But really it all comes down the parent not the game developers, don't buy the game if you don't want your kids to view it, ok?
I'm listening to a 'rock' (metal really) song right now. What's it about? A guy who misses his dead mother. The 2 before that? Anti-war. And the one before that was love. It's all so evil.
We really shouldn't pay too much attention to these extremist views. That's what keeps them alive.
I noticed Total Annihilation was in that list. Whats so evil about having robots, destroy the other robots?

As a matter of fact, in that case, C&C should be on the list. After all as NOD you can kill civvies
I noticed Total Annihilation was in that list. Whats so evil about having robots, destroy the other robots?

As a matter of fact, in that case, C&C should be on the list. After all as NOD you can kill civvies
Not always. And on at least one Tiberian Dawn mission GDI shoot civies aswell.
If you look closely on that anti-game article, it also says that christians who likes entertainment are fake christians (they said "so-called christians") and Satan worshippers.

If they love saying Satan so much, I can tell that they are the real Satan worshippers who are disguising as christians.

Anyway, I think Im planning to start a website "Say no to fanaticial christians". But it is not known whether I should put, hmmm....
In most games you FIGHT evil, in Diablo you kill evil and destroy the devil! Shouldnt they be posetive for that?

However, i understand their views about some games, such as Dungeon Keeper where you actually ARE the devil, taking over the human race. For example you can tourture humans in sick ways...such as hitting them in the ballz with a huge iron club...the game is awesome btw :D
kirovman said:
That was NOD disguised as GDI!
No, it's in a Nod mission where you protect a village from GDI 'harrasment'. The GDI units destroy the village if you leave them.
Ravioli said:
In most games you FIGHT evil, in Diablo you kill evil and destroy the devil! Shouldnt they be posetive for that?

However, i understand their views about some games, such as Dungeon Keeper where you actually ARE the devil, taking over the human race. For example you can tourture humans in sick ways...such as hitting them in the ballz with a huge iron club...the game is awesome btw :D

They aren't satisfied at all. Their purpose is just to offend our culture. Fanaticial christians and especially soccer christian moms have the tendency to blame video games and they are often racist because islamic people are different from them. That caused me not to join them and you should... too.

I mean, sure you can always blame something but hey, responsibility still abides in you and there's no way, blaming can help you escape your wrong-doings, this same goes to the fanaticial christian parents who are not responsible for their actions.

Didn't your charecter become the devil after destroying him?