Virgin Media Lag?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just wondering if anyone with VM was experiencing some serious decreases in download speeds and browsing speed?

Suddenly everything plummeted sunday afternoon-ish. Im suspecting a probable line fault on their end as its still the same today, but only half as bad as yesterday.
Just wondering if anyone with VM was experiencing some serious decreases in download speeds and browsing speed?

Suddenly everything plummeted sunday afternoon-ish. Im suspecting a probable line fault on their end as its still the same today, but only half as bad as yesterday.

Virgin Media is no longer a virgin. It took a heavy pounding and you were experiencing the after effects.
just to let ye know I am so angry with virgin at the moment I was busy killing people on cod 4 when my ping jumped from 60 to 600 !!!!

I couldnt believe it i was like hey what ???!??
And the worst thing is its when i go online and play !! If I want to play games itl have to be 'off peak' times as they call it so al have to play it at around say 10:30 pm onwards to stop it spiking.

I called them last week about it and they said I should contact the 24 helpline , i did no answer for the 5th time now , complete bull.

I'm on the 2 meg package with no phone line and no tv what are you on Dynasty
Its terrible.

My friend pays for 20meg and at the moment they're getting (just about) 1. They have improved for us recently in the fact that there's not as much down-time, but we still get lower speeds than what we pay for, which I believe is 2 or 4.
What they should do is credit for the amount of loss you ahve on the speed so if you lost about say 3 meg of speed to gain that back in getting a discount on your next bill
Virgin have been shit ever since they changed from Blueyonder.

I can't really complain since they're upgrading my 4mb to 10mb for free soon.
ye is woith that am still stuck on 2 meg thats as fast as 512k !!!

I'm on 2meg, and my modem crapped out on me last week, but it got replaced and everything seems to look peachy now
It seems to be fine now, got my old speeds back, if a little slower. COuldve just been a sunday afternoon overload or something.

But the fact that theyre such a big company, worldwide, and still use call centres in India etc, and the queues when you call are insane, its almost pathetic.