Virginia Tech Shootings - Gun Debate

oh, screw off. I'll just go back to Pirate4x4. Im done with this political bullshit.

I dont need a ****ing reason for my right to bare arms, goddamit. My country and my god both give me the right to protect myself, and Im not gonna let anyone change that. Some people will just never see the importance of owning and knowing how to use a gun until its too late. As for you, I pity you, I honestly do.

Good day sir, and enjoy your blissful ignorance.


Only reason I would ever wholeheartedly support needing a gun for.
oh, screw off. I'll just go back to Pirate4x4. Im done with this political bullshit.

I dont need a ****ing reason for my right to bare arms, goddamit. My country and my god both give me the right to protect myself, and Im not gonna let anyone change that. Some people will just never see the importance of owning and knowing how to use a gun until its too late. As for you, I pity you, I honestly do.

Good day sir, and enjoy your blissful ignorance.

Possibly the most hilariously ironic statement, ever.
oh, screw off. I'll just go back to Pirate4x4. Im done with this political bullshit.

I dont need a ****ing reason for my right to bare arms, goddamit. My country and my god both give me the right to protect myself, and Im not gonna let anyone change that. Some people will just never see the importance of owning and knowing how to use a gun until its too late. As for you, I pity you, I honestly do.

Good day sir, and enjoy your blissful ignorance.

*sighs* you just can't talk to some people.
Stern, you win purely for the Deliverance reference, rofl :D
Stern, stern, stern, you should stop using logic and intelligence against these people. They don't stand a chance.
The 2nd amendment is not going to change. Much like the 10 commandments.
kathaksung, if, IF, IF the government is as dastardly as you say, don't you believe that they would be a bit more secretive? I mean, if some pissant forum members can blow their cover, they are screwed.

But they are secretive enough. Read my post #485 and 487, (posted on 6/11 and 6/22 in this thread) about informants. There must be some in this forum, have you ever thought of that before?


498. Why VT shooting planned on 4/16 (12) (7/23/07)

On 4/8 and 4/13, I wrote #477 and #478, alleged there was an April plot and the action date would be 4/17. I thought Feds planned an unreasonable search that day based on I would file a tax return that day. With which as a reason they would activate a field raid to frame a drug case. (Detail see "478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)")

I didn't file tax return last year because I don't have to - I have little income which is below the margin IRS requires to file. IRS has no reason to raid a discontinued account unless there is special reason. I believe IRS told Feds (DOJ, FBI, DEA) to provoke me to re-file the tax return so they could have a reason to raid.

That was what I saw in bank statement in later March that IRS had added a refund at my account. I asked my wife why she used my account for tax purpose since we separate our finance for nearly a year. She said it was probably the last year's when she still used the joint account. But several days later (in early April) my wife informed me that IRS would withdraw from my account more than thousand dollars. Because there was just a refund from IRS, she had to admit that this time the withdrawal was from this year's tax file. (2007 file for fiscal year 2006) Of course, she had no words to explain why she used my account for her own tax return.

It really rattled me. Obviously, Feds tried to tie me to my wife's tax return. Last year, my wife and accountant firm filed a return without my consent which deliberately under reported and mis-reported. I had to separate my finance from my wife's because I didn't know what she actually did. But it seems that she still tied me with her tax return by my bank account. I guess she and the accountant firm might still file tax return as joint account without my consent. (with no my signature)

What the best way I can do? Maybe I should file a separate tax return (although I don't have to because I have little income) to prove my finance is separated from my wife? I almost did so before I realizing this was another trap. (I'll talk about it next time)

On 4/17, my wife left for a two weeks' trip. I learned it when she chatted with friend several days before. She refused to tell me where she would go when I asked her. Now I still don't know where had she been in these 16 days. So if something happened on 4/17, nobody knew what took place at my home. And to my experience, my wife would be murdered too in her travel. She played a role in the plot and could be a witness. Similar scene had been acted in 2005 when she, too, took a trip between 9/22 - 9/29. That was for 9/24 plot - a big plot in a created event famous for Katrina and Rita Hurricane. (see "339. The September plot (9/2/05)")

Why it was 4/16? Because I used to mail tax return on the day before the last day. ( in case something un-expected happens on the last day). So when I heard the news of VT shooting spree, I talked to myself, "Gosh, they (Feds) really studied my habit."

If Cho Seung Hui was the real gunman, then he should have been identified immediately. Because no dead person else should have a gun (or two guns) and bullets in his pocket. (You don't expect that when police broke in the building was the time he just exhausted his bullets, do you?)
But it took a day to identify him.
Quote, "MSNBC's FBI profiler: 'students lined up and shot execution style'

19 hours after the first shooting, the shooter(s) has/have not been identified. [00:15 EDT 17 Apr 2007]
Dead Gunman Yet to Be ID'd 16 Apr 2007 In a press conference tonight"

The fact is: The shooting spree took place at about 9:39 am, 4/16.
The gunman was a Chinese from Shanghai via San Francisco was reported several hours later on same day. Very efficient.
Another report that gunman was out of state broadcast at same time. Very efficient too.
Only next day ( 4/17), people knew the gunman was Cho Seung Hui.
On 4/18, large quantity of Cho's life were reported by media. What he said, what he wrote, his life details. All got in hours. Very very efficient. Seems there was a file get ready already. (consider Cho's ID revealed on 4/17 and the newspaper must be printed at midnight of 4/17)

Then why the gunman's ID was released so inefficient? My interpretation is: Feds was waiting for a tax return to be mailed that day. When I didn't do it, they knew plan went soured. Feds released a second scheme the next day. (Cho became gunman.)

My family came from Shanghai and live in San Francisco. I allege Feds framed a big drug case on me and my family. I talk about this very clearly. I also predicted 4/17 was their action day. Obviously their first scheme of VT shooting spree tried to connect the gunman to my case. Please read the origin news again at #480.

478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)

In the end of last month, when I received the bank statement, I saw there was a tax refund from IRS. That bank account, though is a joint account, is used generally by me when my wife opened an individual account of her own. I asked her what was it. She said that is her tax refund, she still uses that joint account for tax file. (We file tax return separately).

Then I knew Feds planned tax trap on I for the April plot. They try to link me to my wife's tax return.

What will it be? I think it will be an unreasonable search in the name of IRS.

When I quit the business. There was still some merchandise left unsold. I piled them up in the garage. Each year in tax return, I filed a Schedule C (form 1040) report a merchandise stock unchanged. Never missing a year.

Then in January 2006 (for the tax year 2005) the tax book I received from IRS missing the form Schedule C. I had to pick it up from the post office. This has never happened before. I started to suspect the Feds would play trick on the stock. I think Feds has planted drug somewhere in garage and attic. They tried to carry out an unreasonable search by replacing garage door and roof change before. This time they tried to create a condition of "under report the merchandise stock" and carry out a search in my garage.

When I prepared a joint return for year 2005, my wife informed me that she had reported it already by an accountant firm. They filed it electronically without my consent. What lacked was my signature. I was angry. It was a mandate. But since they filed the return already. I had no choice. I examined the return and found big mistake on it. It didn't report the interest and dividend income from a Security company. It didn't report free ticket from Air line company. And, of course, they didn't file Schedule C report the unchanged stock.

I wrote a notice to the accountant company, listing the mistake, demanding a correction. I later even gave them the return I had prepared as a model. Finally they made an amendment. But still missed to file Schedule C about the unchanged merchandise stock. This assured me the Feds had prepared an excuse to search my garage. I refused to sign the amendment, insisted that it must include a Schedule C. My wife said the accountant firm was very busy, they wouldn't do amendment any more. They said, I could do the amendment myself. But I dare not to change other's work. My last word was, if they didn't change it to my wish, then we had to file the tax return separately. They didn't do it to my wish, a very simple one. .

I did prepared a separate tax return and found except that Schedule C, I have little to report. I almost had no income. I checked the tax book and knew that according to the IRS rule, I don't have to file it. So I didn't material file the tax return.

As a revenge to my notice of "file separate tax return". My wife stopped to deposit her paycheck into our joint account and opened an individual account. I had to cancel one of my life insurance and borrow from the other's to support my life.

I filed tax return every year until 2005. I honestly report everything. To frame a case against me, I alleged the Feds (DOJ and FBI, DEA) committed:
1. Manipulated IRS to cut the supply of Form Schedule C in mail.
2. Manipulated my wife to file tax return without my consent.
3. Manipulated the accountant office to file tax return without my signature.
4. Attempted to frame a case of "no report of interest and dividend income".
5. Manipulated the accountant firm refusing my request to file Schedule C which lead to separate filing of tax return at last.

I don't know why my wife still uses that joint account as address for her own tax return. I think it was an attempt to link me to my wife's tax return. Feds have manipulated another framed case related to tax. That's why five days ago, I related the Attorney General Gonzales' hearing of April 17 to the final date of tax return. I have to say again I was very correct. Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go. The tour will last 2 weeks or so. Unusual long compare with her former travels. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17) Though I did everything to the rule, you never know what a villain will do. I also worry about the safety of my wife. She is a key witness to the case. She may be eliminated in travel "accident" even though she cooperated with Feds.
But they are secretive enough. Read my post #485 and 487, (posted on 6/11 and 6/22 in this thread) about informants. There must be some in this forum, have you ever thought of that before?


498. Why VT shooting planned on 4/16 (12) (7/23/07)

On 4/8 and 4/13, I wrote #477 and #478, alleged there was an April plot and the action date would be 4/17. I thought Feds planned an unreasonable search that day based on I would file a tax return that day. With which as a reason they would activate a field raid to frame a drug case. (Detail see "478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)")

I didn't file tax return last year because I don't have to - I have little income which is below the margin IRS requires to file. IRS has no reason to raid a discontinued account unless there is special reason. I believe IRS told Feds (DOJ, FBI, DEA) to provoke me to re-file the tax return so they could have a reason to raid.

That was what I saw in bank statement in later March that IRS had added a refund at my account. I asked my wife why she used my account for tax purpose since we separate our finance for nearly a year. She said it was probably the last year's when she still used the joint account. But several days later (in early April) my wife informed me that IRS would withdraw from my account more than thousand dollars. Because there was just a refund from IRS, she had to admit that this time the withdrawal was from this year's tax file. (2007 file for fiscal year 2006) Of course, she had no words to explain why she used my account for her own tax return.

It really rattled me. Obviously, Feds tried to tie me to my wife's tax return. Last year, my wife and accountant firm filed a return without my consent which deliberately under reported and mis-reported. I had to separate my finance from my wife's because I didn't know what she actually did. But it seems that she still tied me with her tax return by my bank account. I guess she and the accountant firm might still file tax return as joint account without my consent. (with no my signature)

What the best way I can do? Maybe I should file a separate tax return (although I don't have to because I have little income) to prove my finance is separated from my wife? I almost did so before I realizing this was another trap. (I'll talk about it next time)

On 4/17, my wife left for a two weeks' trip. I learned it when she chatted with friend several days before. She refused to tell me where she would go when I asked her. Now I still don't know where had she been in these 16 days. So if something happened on 4/17, nobody knew what took place at my home. And to my experience, my wife would be murdered too in her travel. She played a role in the plot and could be a witness. Similar scene had been acted in 2005 when she, too, took a trip between 9/22 - 9/29. That was for 9/24 plot - a big plot in a created event famous for Katrina and Rita Hurricane. (see "339. The September plot (9/2/05)")

Why it was 4/16? Because I used to mail tax return on the day before the last day. ( in case something un-expected happens on the last day). So when I heard the news of VT shooting spree, I talked to myself, "Gosh, they (Feds) really studied my habit."

If Cho Seung Hui was the real gunman, then he should have been identified immediately. Because no dead person else should have a gun (or two guns) and bullets in his pocket. (You don't expect that when police broke in the building was the time he just exhausted his bullets, do you?)
But it took a day to identify him.
Quote, "MSNBC's FBI profiler: 'students lined up and shot execution style'

19 hours after the first shooting, the shooter(s) has/have not been identified. [00:15 EDT 17 Apr 2007]
Dead Gunman Yet to Be ID'd 16 Apr 2007 In a press conference tonight"

The fact is: The shooting spree took place at about 9:39 am, 4/16.
The gunman was a Chinese from Shanghai via San Francisco was reported several hours later on same day. Very efficient.
Another report that gunman was out of state broadcast at same time. Very efficient too.
Only next day ( 4/17), people knew the gunman was Cho Seung Hui.
On 4/18, large quantity of Cho's life were reported by media. What he said, what he wrote, his life details. All got in hours. Very very efficient. Seems there was a file get ready already. (consider Cho's ID revealed on 4/17 and the newspaper must be printed at midnight of 4/17)

Then why the gunman's ID was released so inefficient? My interpretation is: Feds was waiting for a tax return to be mailed that day. When I didn't do it, they knew plan went soured. Feds released a second scheme the next day. (Cho became gunman.)

My family came from Shanghai and live in San Francisco. I allege Feds framed a big drug case on me and my family. I talk about this very clearly. I also predicted 4/17 was their action day. Obviously their first scheme of VT shooting spree tried to connect the gunman to my case. Please read the origin news again at #480.

478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)

In the end of last month, when I received the bank statement, I saw there was a tax refund from IRS. That bank account, though is a joint account, is used generally by me when my wife opened an individual account of her own. I asked her what was it. She said that is her tax refund, she still uses that joint account for tax file. (We file tax return separately).

Then I knew Feds planned tax trap on I for the April plot. They try to link me to my wife's tax return.

What will it be? I think it will be an unreasonable search in the name of IRS.

When I quit the business. There was still some merchandise left unsold. I piled them up in the garage. Each year in tax return, I filed a Schedule C (form 1040) report a merchandise stock unchanged. Never missing a year.

Then in January 2006 (for the tax year 2005) the tax book I received from IRS missing the form Schedule C. I had to pick it up from the post office. This has never happened before. I started to suspect the Feds would play trick on the stock. I think Feds has planted drug somewhere in garage and attic. They tried to carry out an unreasonable search by replacing garage door and roof change before. This time they tried to create a condition of "under report the merchandise stock" and carry out a search in my garage.

When I prepared a joint return for year 2005, my wife informed me that she had reported it already by an accountant firm. They filed it electronically without my consent. What lacked was my signature. I was angry. It was a mandate. But since they filed the return already. I had no choice. I examined the return and found big mistake on it. It didn't report the interest and dividend income from a Security company. It didn't report free ticket from Air line company. And, of course, they didn't file Schedule C report the unchanged stock.

I wrote a notice to the accountant company, listing the mistake, demanding a correction. I later even gave them the return I had prepared as a model. Finally they made an amendment. But still missed to file Schedule C about the unchanged merchandise stock. This assured me the Feds had prepared an excuse to search my garage. I refused to sign the amendment, insisted that it must include a Schedule C. My wife said the accountant firm was very busy, they wouldn't do amendment any more. They said, I could do the amendment myself. But I dare not to change other's work. My last word was, if they didn't change it to my wish, then we had to file the tax return separately. They didn't do it to my wish, a very simple one. .

I did prepared a separate tax return and found except that Schedule C, I have little to report. I almost had no income. I checked the tax book and knew that according to the IRS rule, I don't have to file it. So I didn't material file the tax return.

As a revenge to my notice of "file separate tax return". My wife stopped to deposit her paycheck into our joint account and opened an individual account. I had to cancel one of my life insurance and borrow from the other's to support my life.

I filed tax return every year until 2005. I honestly report everything. To frame a case against me, I alleged the Feds (DOJ and FBI, DEA) committed:
1. Manipulated IRS to cut the supply of Form Schedule C in mail.
2. Manipulated my wife to file tax return without my consent.
3. Manipulated the accountant office to file tax return without my signature.
4. Attempted to frame a case of "no report of interest and dividend income".
5. Manipulated the accountant firm refusing my request to file Schedule C which lead to separate filing of tax return at last.

I don't know why my wife still uses that joint account as address for her own tax return. I think it was an attempt to link me to my wife's tax return. Feds have manipulated another framed case related to tax. That's why five days ago, I related the Attorney General Gonzales' hearing of April 17 to the final date of tax return. I have to say again I was very correct. Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go. The tour will last 2 weeks or so. Unusual long compare with her former travels. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17) Though I did everything to the rule, you never know what a villain will do. I also worry about the safety of my wife. She is a key witness to the case. She may be eliminated in travel "accident" even though she cooperated with Feds.

Did you sign up for because you liked half life 2? Or just to spread your conspiracy theories? I'm just wondering why you would want to spread the word on an internet forum, of all places.
But its just a remnant of revolutionary days! It has no meaning today.
Well by that logic lets throw out the first one as well. Why not the whole constitution? The constitution was founded on the first ten amendments. Again just like the 10 commandments it's not something you can "just change".

I can see you're from South England, not the US. So if anything this subject does not pertain to you or many other Europeans. It's our constitution. Not yours.
500. IRS raid (8/3/07)

In later March, I learned from my bank statement that IRS has added a refund at the balance. I think it was a tactic Feds tried to tie me to my wife's tax file. A trick to push me to file my own to separate from my wife's. If there were two conflict tax files, then Feds could do a field raid (in the name of IRS). I didn't react.

Then in early April, my wife noticed me that IRS would withdraw thousand of dollars from my account. It was interesting to observe the psychology of the Feds. When they saw I didn't response, they thought that was because increasing balance wouldn't touch me. They immediately change the method by decreasing the balance. But I would not know there was a withdrawal until in later April when I received monthly statement. What Feds wanted was to push me filing another tax return. The final date was 4/17. So they let my wife inform me orally. How could she know what IRS would do on my account?

At same time, there was something unusual happened.

In later March, my wife told me that Lady R.P. (a relative of hers who live in Philippines) having a trip in US and would live at my home for several days. Lady R.P. had stayed at my home for a short period 17 years ago. She didn't come this time anyway. Then in early April, Mrs. Mao visited my house. She said she intended to live at my house for several days too. (Mrs. Mao was my tenant about 20 years ago.) The sudden requests to live at my house were unusual, apparently it was arranged by Feds. What was their purpose? I puzzled.

A rain forecast solved my problem.

In that period, for continual Saturdays, the weather forecast reported rain. It was evident when there was only one rain logo (for Saturday) compare with other days' sun logo. I knew why. It was a trick to frame my brother in law to a drug case. His merchandise - umbrella - came from China. Secret police must have planted drug in it. My brother in law would deliver umbrella himself at week-ends when his employee were on vacation

Anyhow, there was little rain on Saturdays because Feds had to frame me first. Then I saw a change. On 4/9, it forecast 4/11 (Wednesday) as rain day. I was watchful on rain days because I collect rain water. (Feds has poisoned tap water and sometimes contaminated it
with radioactive material.) I knew Feds controlled the weather these particular days, they had no reason to supply me the water I needed. So there was other purpose.

I worried there would be a house raid in the name of "IRS". Should I collect rainwater on Wednesday? Then the raid team could coincidentally meet me at front yard. All of a sudden, I solved the puzzle of request to "live at my house".

I don't answer the door when I am home alone. "IRS" team may not enter my home unless there was someone else at the house. So Feds planted someone to answer the door. But why they changed Lady R.P. with Mrs. Mao? Because Lady R.P. speaks English. The search, anyhow, would be an unreasonable search. There would be argument. Feds didn't want a witness telling the truth. So they changed her by Mrs. Mao - an old Chinese lady speaks little English. And finally, they decided no one should witness the truth. They thought of rain.

Feds really did a lot of work in April plot. They manipulated IRS to access my bank account in a month, by first adding some money then withdrawing some. They really studied my behavior and relative history by picking up two people whom had once lived at my house so I could hardly refuse their request. I surprisingly saw how quickly they changed their scheme several times by answer door people to natural rain.

I didn't do to the Feds' wish. So there was little rain and no one come to live at my house in
the end.
If everything went on to their plan, Virginia Tech would have a terror bombing to distract in early April. That's how we saw bombing threat from 4/2 to 4/13. (see #494)
That is quite possibly the most entertaining post I have ever been lucky enough to read.
Anyhow, there was little rain on Saturdays because Feds had to frame me first. Then I saw a change. On 4/9, it forecast 4/11 (Wednesday) as rain day. I was watchful on rain days because I collect rain water. (Feds has poisoned tap water and sometimes contaminated it with radioactive material.) I knew Feds controlled the weather these particular days, they had no reason to supply me the water I needed. So there was other purpose.


i find it hard to believe your married for some reason
Why is kathakasung so terrified and paranoid that the feds might search his garage? What does he think they will find?