
So who wants to start taking bets on how long before he comes back? I say 2 weeks.
Good luck dude. And like Ennui said: drop by to let us know how you are doing.
Safe travels, and best of luck in your future endeavors.
I never really uderstood "leaving". I mean it's not like you have to travel IRL a few miles to a special "forum building" or something. It's on the Internet, only a few mouse clicks away, and it takes a minute to see what's going on and drop a message.

Exactly what I was thinking. I post on here frequently but that doesn't mean my actual life is on hold, I spend most of my free time with my girlfriend or with my band, and I'm starting a job next Wednesday. I still plan to handle all of that and post on here if there anything worth posting about, takes 5 minutes top to browse here.

Anywho, good look with your future plans Virus!
Good luck dude. You'll be back soon enough though. :p