Vortigaunt skeleton in Portal

Unless Kleiner worked for Aperture Science for a period of time. What if Episode 3's twist is he still has allegiances to Aperture?

That would make sense with Kleiner's desire to "use" the Borealis. He *did* refer to Aperture Science as "peers" rather than rivals, although the terms are interchangeable I guess...

Or it's just an easter egg...

And the other clipboard... it's a chicken.
Fried chicken cake.
Since when did computers (especially glados) use clipboards? Its from before she went crazy
It's probably a clever reference to the old secret levels joke.

thats either a big chicken or a chiken mutated by nukes and sh*t durin the seven years war:imu:
How can people possibly believe that's a vort skeleton?
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Isn't the kleiner-clipboard placed in a room that is impossible to enter without noclip? In that case, problem solved! If not...
Where did you find that one with "advanced knee replacement"?
The knee replacement is a reference to Narbacular Drop.