Vote for Breen!

General What versus one of the best videogame villains of all time? Hardly a fair contest. More of a, let's say, stupid contest.
General What versus one of the best videogame villains of all time? Hardly a fair contest. More of a, let's say, stupid contest.

At least he avenged Revolver Ocelot's defeat and took out Team Rocket. I was routing for GTA's Officer Tenpenny or GLaDos but they have both been eliminated :(.
I don't even know why Team Rocket even had a chance against him.

I mean, a criminal team that gets beaten by a ten year old often or a scientist who sold out mankind for a comfy office?

God damn kids.
*waits for Valve to pull what they did last time*

That would be most excellent.
Breen is winning, but barely. I'm quite surprised that a lot of oblivious fools have never heard of Dr. Breen, one of the most notorious and memorable villains featured in a video game. I must admit, I've never played Gears of War nor witnessed this General Who before, but supposedly the voters in favor of him are suggesting he has a character equal in quality to Dr. Breen, which I think is unlikely. The filth that walks the corridors of the Internet is repulsive.
Having played Gear of War more than once, I can say I dont understand why people like General RAAM so much. As a villain, he did absolutely nothing. He killed one supporting character and was the final boss in the game. Those were his only two scenes in the game. His motives are non-existent, he doesnt even say anything throughout the whole game.
Breen is currently winning by nearly 3,00 votes :)
@Shem We are with you, my brother. Breen is probably the most cold blooded video game vilain I have ever met. He makes his speaches sound so warm and optimistic, despite having big gruesome plans for mother Earth.

I wish we would have had a chance to meet him again and hope his voice actor still lives somewhere out there, beyond.

seriously you guys dont even know do you? This General RAAM from Gears is a ****ing joke! There is these guys at some forum (4chan? or some thing like that) that thin it would be funny to have the worst character in the contest win it all. RAAM has already eliminated the likse of Sephiroth and Shao Kahn, easily two of the top game villains ever.

They are just using proxies and troll/spam voting for RAAM over and over and over. That is the only reason RAAM wasnt eliminated from the start because the contest is being fixed for him to win.

seriously you guys dont even know do you? This General RAAM from Gears is a ****ing joke! There is these guys at some forum (4chan? or some thing like that) that thin it would be funny to have the worst character in the contest win it all. RAAM has already eliminated the likse of Sephiroth and Shao Kahn, easily two of the top game villains ever.

They are just using proxies and troll/spam voting for RAAM over and over and over. That is the only reason RAAM wasnt eliminated from the start because the contest is being fixed for him to win.

>any good at all
hurr one winged angel i have a katana
the generic evil dude from Gears of War is top contender for best bad guy of all time? really? did they just pull his name out of a hat? I couldnt even remember what game he was in despite playing both GoW games
Wow, it's close: 65.078 for Raam versus 65.082 for Breen atm.
I had to vote, the fact that Raam is winning is a disgrace.
I voted and turns out Breen's winning.

49.9% - 50.1%
I'm as shocked as you are, Morgan, but the people that ran the poll also allowed fools to vote, and in this case, there were a lot of fools.
He said like 3 lines and was a boss. HOW in anybody's right mind did he win?
Wow somehow Ram got 1,000 votes in a day. Rigggeeddd
Meh. The people from 4chan and whatnot obviously recognized Breen as the better villain, otherwise they wouldn't have voted for RAAM just to piss the better half of the gaming community off. So for all intents and purposes, Breen still gets the recognition he deserves from most of the community anyway. That's all that matters.
You mean, you get the recognition?

But yeah, you're right. We all know it wasn't a fair fight. So.. he's still ace.

Or maybe you're ace?