Vote For HL2 !!


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
IGN posted a poll about :
DOOM 3 vs Half-Life 2 -- which one do you think will be the better game?

Go Vote For HL2 now :D
IGN :bounce:
I voted for it yesterday night - and at that time it was 85% voted HL2 and the rest 15% voted doom 3. Today the Doom fans took revenge, but still HL2 is on top.

Kinda pointless though, we do polls like these everyday on this forum! :p
I don't see how Doom3 can compete with HL2 to be honest. Both have superb technologes behind them, but HL2 has a superb story and setting. Doom3 has a very weak plot.

But yes, it has all been said before :rolling:
Killing minions from hell! what could be a better story for a video game? :)

Doom 3 should be scary - it'll be the video gaming equivalent of Aliens \o/ ....... but even more terrifying.
I think this thread will be moved soon.... so im just going to say HI MA!
No doubt in my mind HL2 will be the better game, voted :)
What do you think is more tasty?

a) Apples

b) Oranges

Silly poll.
The_Don said:
I don't see how Doom3 can compete with HL2 to be honest. Both have superb technologes behind them, but HL2 has a superb story and setting. Doom3 has a very weak plot.

But yes, it has all been said before :rolling:
How do you know DOOM3 has a weak plot, Id could be keeping a superb plot under wraps for all we know.

HL2 got my vote.
Warbie said:
it'll be the video gaming equivalent of Aliens \o/ ....... but even more terrifying.
Maybe Aliens but not so much Alien - which is the better horror film IMO. Alien builds up the characters & atmosphere to captivate & lull the audience and then uses suspense and fear of the unkown. You don't even get to see the alien until about 40 minutes in to the film... I'm just guessing, but I don't think id's approach is going to be that subtle. Lots of "boo moments" for cheap thrills rather than being psychological.

I'd love to be wrong though. It would be awesome if they really went to town with the pre-accident space station crew at the start and truly integrated the PDA communication thing to develop characters & plot before it just degenerates into a linear monster-mash...
Warbie said:
What a silly poll.


Its only a war between 2 fractions of fanboys, nothing more.

"What will be better, the 'mercedes hovercraft mk27' or the 'bmw total destructor 7'? "
Wolf said:
Maybe Aliens but not so much Alien IMO - which is the better horror film.

I'm sure it was scary for the marines in Aliens :) (but I agree, Alien is a better horror movie)

Wolf said:
I'm just guessing, but I don't think id's approach is going to be that subtle. Lots of "boo moments" for cheap thrills rather than being pychological.

I'm not sure about that. ID have stated that they're taking a different approach with Doom 3. Levels won't be teeming with monsters this time around, encounters will be less frequent but more dramatic. As you mentioned in regards to Alien, much of the time we'll find ourselves alone, not knowing what may lurk in the shadows :) We'll hear groans in the distance and find mutilated bodies. The experience sounds very psychological to me. (of course, badies will come charging out of the mist and we'll have to open a can of whoop ass too ;) )

Doom 3 sounds more like Alien than Aliens, or perhaps a healthy mix.
brink's said:
How do you know DOOM3 has a weak plot, Id could be keeping a superb plot under wraps for all we know.

I'd like to think that too. But it's very unlikely considering the information available. Even if it is better than expected, it would have to be one hell of an improvement to beat HL2.
The_Don said:
I'd like to think that too. But it's very unlikely considering the information available. Even if it is better than expected, it would have to be one hell of an improvement to beat HL2.

I don't see why. Both games are trying to provide a very different experience, the only real similarity being that they're played in a first person view.

Each title will be clearly better/worse than the other in various areas.
Warbie said:
I don't see why. Both games are trying to provide a very different experience, the only real similarity being that they're played in a first person view.

Each title will be clearly better/worse than the other in various areas.

This may be true, but HL2 will still have my preference, and that's why i voted HL2.
Half-life has triple the amount of votes than doom 3! Go Half-life 2!
It's pointless, Half-Life has a larger community...and like Pvt Ryan said it's comparing Apples to Oranges.
I vote for Doom 3 because:

For me it feels like it's more fun because every single second of the game your going to be on the edge of your seat and its going to scare the ever living shit out of you.

and because it has a solid release date.
blindvomit said:
I vote for Doom 3 because:

For me it feels like it's more fun because every single second of the game your going to be on the edge of your seat and its going to scare the ever living shit out of you.

and because it has a solid release date.

I don't know how you can say that, as I'm sure you haven't played the game.. I voted HL2 because...well this is a HL2 fansite is it not? :p
Once you get up to the best of the best (where Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 will most likely be) the determining factor is no longer quality, but preference. I think Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 will both be incredibly well made games but I prefer the style of Half-Life 2.

Another reason (and it's a big one) that people should stop comparing Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 is because neither of them have been released.
Six Three said:
I don't know how you can say that, as I'm sure you haven't played the game.. I voted HL2 because...well this is a HL2 fansite is it not? :p

I said I FEEL like it's going to be. And yes this is a Half-Life 2 fansite, but just because it is I should throw away all my games and get Half-Life 2? I don't think so...
blindvomit said:
I said I FEEL like it's going to be. And yes this is a Half-Life 2 fansite, but just because it is I should throw away all my games and get Half-Life 2? I don't think so...

Nice response :p I can't argue with that :)
How can they compare these games to eachother?

Doom 3 will probably have some better graphics and less gameplay, while Half-Life2 will have a little bit less graphics, good gameplay, and good multiplayer with mod support.
blindvomit said:
Thanks but I wasn't really trying to start an arguement.

That's not what he meant - me thinks you want an argument :) (or is that me? ;) )
Warbie said:
That's not what he meant - me thinks you want an argument :) (or is that me? ;) )

What if I was to have posted a reply with no sence, thus making him keep arguing, so please don't do that.
^Thomas^ said:
How can they compare these games to eachother?

Doom 3 will probably have some better graphics and less gameplay, while Half-Life2 will have a little bit less graphics, good gameplay, and good multiplayer with mod support.

You just did.
The_Don said:
I'd like to think that too. But it's very unlikely considering the information available. Even if it is better than expected, it would have to be one hell of an improvement to beat HL2.

Why would it have to be an improvement? it has nothing to improve over ffs.


There is next to no information regarding doom3 thats official really...yes alot of websites have got things like "the new improved pinky - half robot half monster" but that is just common sense, its in a picture...actually find me proper information on doom3 and the plot (apart from it being based on mars and in hell) and i might take it back, as long as it isnt something unofficial that is speculation ...

I voted Doom3 because half life 2 really isnt looking at all impressive anymore...1 year ago it would be been the best thing since sliced bread but now...heh. That does'nt go to say it wont be good but doom3 looks "better" as it asks.
blindvomit said:
Originally Posted by ^Thomas^
How can they compare these games to eachother?

Doom 3 will probably have some better graphics and less gameplay, while Half-Life2 will have a little bit less graphics, good gameplay, and good multiplayer with mod support.
You just did
lol.......... :bounce:
TBH I was expecting Doom to be winning that, on a site that caters for consolers. :O
Alig said:
I voted Doom3 because half life 2 really isnt looking at all impressive anymore...1 year ago it would be been the best thing since sliced bread but now...heh. That does'nt go to say it wont be good but doom3 looks "better" as it asks.

I think they say which game looks better - in the sense which has more to offer NOT which is graphically better.

Anyway, It's your opinion if you like Doom 3 better, and no one can argue, so good luck with your game! :)