Vote! Freeman or Chief!

Who would win in a fight?

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  • Poll closed .



Maybe, maybe not. Either way you don't have to vote so don't flame me. I'm sensitive ._.
I'm gonna vote MC 'cause this is a hl2 site and I know who will win...
As a charcter, I think Master Cheif is really horrible. But in a fight, he would obvisously win due to him being some "super" guy or somthing stupid like that. Not to mention he actually wears a helmet.
Dumb Dude said:
As a charcter, I think Master Cheif is really horrible. But in a fight, he would obvisously win due to him being some "super" guy or somthing stupid like that. Not to mention he actually wears a helmet.
Wether or not theres something(a head) in the helmet is another story. But in the end its just armor with a breakable visor.
why why why, 6 posts on this forum and you decide to jump in make a name for yourself as, the one who start gf vs mc again WHY


/me leaves with taste of aftershave in mouth

btw, I voted gordon because this is and guess whatIi prefer halflife 2 !!!, why don't ya make a poll about that?:p
Master Chief has a sexual deep voice. Gordy-baby doesn't say anything. I think we have a clear winner.

Bitches should be seen but not heard. :|
Master Chief's armour is non-organic.. no contest if Freeman has his good ol' gravity gun :p
Freeman should just leave the HEV suit at home. He seems to be invunerable without it. :|
heh, you might as well ask PW whether they prefer Bush or Howard Dean :p
half life 2 sucked so i voted for master chief.
MC has cheesy lines... so f*ck him, besides, he's always travelling around with that holo bitch, and she nags a lot
So what, they both walk up to each other and explode? Tie? XD
Actually MC would win.
Gordon is just a nerdy scientist...
MC is like ...I don't know what he is, but he's bred for combat and has that shield thing.
The next person to post in this thread is a complete idiot. That goes for everyone that posts after him/her.

Please, it should never have been born, let it die.
Gordon would win since he can swim and MC dies if he hits water, if water can kill you, you suck at life.

The End
Reginald said:
Whoop! :bounce:

Look what you've done!!

Now I'm an idiot too.

(Threads like these makes those Halo 2 forums look like an intelligent place to debate)
Icarusintel said:
xLostx should be banned for this post! :p
cause we all know Jesus would win....:angel:

Does that make xLostx the devil?
I voted master chief, just to be special! :cat:
and why isn't this thread locked?
Gordon Freeman for sure. He is to cool.

But this is like the 300th thread on the same topic same poll.
Freeman is an everyday scientist with no combat experience but was just lucky enough to have an awesome super suit.
Master Chief is a superman with a superman suit and super futuristic weapons.

Getting the answer to that question right would mean nothing when put on an iq test.
Thinking about it, Master Chief would probably win. Unless Gordon had a Super gravity gun.
Chief definately wins, but he can only carry 3 weapons on him at all times. In HL1, Gordon can carry about 14 different weapons. Now that's hardcore.

1. Crowbar
2. Glock, Magnum
3. MP5, Shotgun, Crossbow
4. RPG, Gauss Gun, Gluon Gun, Hornet gun
5. Snark, Grenades, Satchels, Laser tripmines

Correct me if i missed anything
They were both cooler in the first games, they both were lamer in the second games.

I think they're pretty even in those terms i guess.
Angry Lawyer said:
AR2 secondary fire - instant win. Freeman all the way.

-Angry Lawyer

Bounces of the MC's energy shield!

Hmmm... MC?

*attempts to imagine master chief rapping*

Actually, don't go there.