Wait...So when's the game coming out?

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april from what i know i love u avatar ive been starin at it for hours
i couldnt care about the release date... i just wanted to post and keep this thread alive cos of that avatar... its 2.30 am and i cant tear myself away...


(p.s. hopefully november for the 5 year anniversary of HalfLife)
it comes out in breast....I mean breast!
I dont know man. I have been hearing both Holidays and April. All from reliable people.

Also in the #halflife2 IRC channel, for the past week or so it has said "Countdown to Ship : Only the 8 Ball Knows". But earlier this week it said "Countdown to Ship : Holidays '03".

And that is your channel. Unless that little Holiday '03 thing was a little joke (bastards :p ).

my favorite part is when shes holding her breasts

nnone knows for sure when its comming out, but its looking doubtful it will come out this year
This year, trust us on this one. By us, I mean people who believe it, or do I mean I speak in multiples? You decide...

Personaly, i think its coming out in November. EB said Novamber 14, my friend said of the 13th of this month that valve "updated" the release date. November 14 (be in stores 15th) is the best guess right now. Man...who the hell is that chick, nice chest. And she really knows how to work em! Love women like that. Aka my love of my life, and possibly future wife. =)
gaaaaaaaaaammmeeee????? whaaat gaaaaaaaammmmmmeee????
You guys are so immature, looking at breasts like that, sheesh
... I dont know whats worse.. the fact you decided to call someone (in fact one of the few intelligent and informative people on this forum) a grammarian... for one comment
or that its something that was already made up and you couldnt muster the originality to create a decent retort.

lemme beat you to the punchline
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
... I dont know whats worse.. the fact you decided to call someone (in fact one of the few intelligent and informative people on this forum) a grammarian... for one comment
or that its something that was already made up and you couldnt muster the originality to create a decent retort.

lemme beat you to the punchline

aww can i be a grammarian AND a jerk?!?!?! geesh its so hard to choose, i Do love being sarcastic...
Originally posted by Hexx
Personaly, i think its coming out in November. EB said Novamber 14, my friend said of the 13th of this month that valve "updated" the release date. November 14 (be in stores 15th) is the best guess right now. Man...who the hell is that chick, nice chest. And she really knows how to work em! Love women like that. Aka my love of my life, and possibly future wife. =)

You couldn't be more wrong Hexx, she's my future wife!

Originally posted by Cutey_Kaite
You guys are so immature, looking at breasts like that, sheesh


Anyway, just so I'm not spamming I'll say this... No one knows when HL2 is coming out. Valve probably doesn't even have a set date as of yet.
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat

Anyway, just so I'm not spamming I'll say this... No one knows when HL2 is coming out. Valve probably doesn't even have a set date as of yet.

That's what they want you to think, then BAM! Next thing you know, your best-friend's walking over you, to get his copy.

Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
... I dont know whats worse.. the fact you decided to call someone (in fact one of the few intelligent and informative people on this forum) a grammarian... for one comment
or that its something that was already made up and you couldnt muster the originality to create a decent retort.

lemme beat you to the punchline

so now can we call u Mr. Punchline? :LOL: :E

give Cutey_Kaite an A for effort in punchlines :)
Well my personal opinion is Holidays 03. Another thread stated they are starting to advertise in magazines. Also Valve said "The guy from vivendi is talking out of his butt" about the April 04 release date.

But yet again no official word from Valve. Let's hope they don't wait till mid November and say 'ooops April 2004'. ;)

But last 'official' announcement was Holidays 2003.
Immature? well some of us are men, and not boys here. And whats wrong with appreciating a good body?
The game WILL be released in November! arrrr if me name isent Haruko Kurosawa
November, 99.3% sure.

April 0.7% sure.

Off topic, Man your avatar is hot, I mean really fuking hot.
Just a pair of silicon filled boobs, what's so hot in it?? ;)
Poor guy, I did feel once a silicon boob and its really like jelly. nice and makes the blood pop in your head.
Release date?......the way things are going it's anyones guess!!!
Wouldn't suprise me if it was Nov 2004!?!?!
I'm hoping for a holiday release, although I think this may be dubious now.

Y'see, I think holidays is most likely to mean Thanksgiving, which is 27th November. But CS: CZ is now gold and in shops, here in the UK, on the 18th Nov.

Doesn't give much exclusive sales time to CZ now does it?

It could be a tester for a steam release though I suppose :)
i want gabe to dress up as santa and come down my chimney and give me hl2 for the holidays! (after i preorder it of course)
My personal opinion is Mid Nov release or intime for xmas. The reason for this is what I have heard about the beta is that is was a very early Pre-e3 version of the game which bears little resemblance to the vid's we have seen from valave at E3 and since.

Valve's last "offical" (don't believe Vivendi) statement said Holidays '03. No statement from them inclines me to believe this date still and the fact thet they must be working their asses off to get the game finished.

I'm going to stick with VALVe's official word. Holidays '03.
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