"Wake Up and Smell The Ashes"


May 9, 2004
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Has anyone done any research on this quote on the web? The reason I ask is somehow it actually has a ring of familiarity to it for me - perhaps some literary reference? The most I could find was a reference on a website about song lyrics and it was a line in a song called "Run" by a group called Project 86.

I'm just curious because it's a really great line.
that's the Christian band, isn't it? Cool conincidence.. I need to hear that song, I guess.
Has anyone done any research on this quote on the web? The reason I ask is somehow it actually has a ring of familiarity to it for me - perhaps some literary reference? The most I could find was a reference on a website about song lyrics and it was a line in a song called "Run" by a group called Project 86.

I'm just curious because it's a really great line.

Probably just the G-Man's version of "Wake up and smell the coffee". I don't think there's much else to it.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Wake up and smell the roses.
Wake up and smell your pits.

Very common phrases :D
The ashes, The burning remains of the battle torn earth, ...

Or maybe the gman has been toasting marsh mellows for 10 years.
Oh I realize that Wake Up and Smell The (fill in the blank) is a very common phrase. I'm just wondering about the choice of using "ashes". Personally, I think G-Man is referring to the "ashes" of a world that has been destroyed since Gordon was "asleep".
Yeah we know for a fact that the combine and the citadel are taking over City 17. We know that the coastline (buggy) vid from E3 2003 was all dried up for some reason to do with the aliens or the combine. The place is being eaten and destroyed.

And Gordon's waking up and smelling the ashes.
Well it sure sounds more fitting than if he would say "Wake up and smell the cooties".
I think, if you hear him saying this to your face like this, it makes you feel somewhat guilty, because after all, it was your fault releasing all these stuff on earth. It's like saying "Now look what you have done, I hope you are happy". Time for Gordon to fix things he started 15 years ago.
the only good project 86 song I have heard is "hollow again" great song actually :)
SMT said:
Maybe everyone smokes in City 17.

Or maybe Gordon and G-Man are living together in a house sit com style. With Hilarious consequences.

"Wake up and Smell the ashes"
"The damn ashes. I TOLD YOU NOT TO SMOKE IN THE FRIGGIN HOUSE and what do you do? You friggin smoke and I walk in here after a hard day and wake to find you drunk and asleep with the whole place stinking of smoke."

and so on.
Luckily it doesn't take place outside of earth:

G-Man: "Wake up and smell Uranus" Barney: "Huhuhuhu, he said 'anus'!"

(they should prohibit the use of uranus jokes by law :sleep: )
Perhaps the G-Man is talking about the ashes of human civilization since the earth was once a bright, burning flame of trade and culture that has now been reduced to nothing but mere cinders of war and rebellion...

Or Marc Laidlaw just wanted something catchy to start the game off with...

Love that line, though I think a more provoking one is. . .
"Not that I want to suggest you havn't deserved your rest. In fact, all the effort in the world would have gone to waist if. . .<weird breath> well let's just say your time has come."
I think he means the ashes of your mom... AHAHAHAH11!11!1! LPLPLOL:P:;p;p
Mr.Reak said:
I think, if you hear him saying this to your face like this, it makes you feel somewhat guilty, because after all, it was your fault releasing all these stuff on earth. It's like saying "Now look what you have done, I hope you are happy". Time for Gordon to fix things he started 15 years ago.
Wasn't really Gordon's fault in HL1. Was the administrator that told the scientists to crank up the machine thing. Or something.

But yes, its a very awesome line. Gave me goosebumps
Jadewolf5675 said:
Wasn't really Gordon's fault in HL1. Was the administrator that told the scientists to crank up the machine thing. Or something.

But yes, its a very awesome line. Gave me goosebumps

Well I know that, but they way G-man delivered it, plus I myself felt like it was my fault, and when I heard this line for the first time, I was like “holy shit, what have I done?”
all it means is that gordon got knocked the **** out.
Feath said:
Or maybe Gordon and G-Man are living together in a house sit com style. With Hilarious consequences.

"Wake up and Smell the ashes"
"The damn ashes. I TOLD YOU NOT TO SMOKE IN THE FRIGGIN HOUSE and what do you do? You friggin smoke and I walk in here after a hard day and wake to find you drunk and asleep with the whole place stinking of smoke."

and so on.

omg Feath stop revealing the HL2 storyline :upstare: :p
It's a cool phrase, but nothing more imo...
0mg is there going to be somekind of smell stimulants in half-life 2??? It would super kool.. i think i'm going to mail this to Doug Lombardi right now..anymore other stupid things I could ask, anyone?
some of you people reply with most dumb, absurd and annoying sh**t, why can't you just use your brain and say something intelligent?

it's obvious the alien invasion hasn't been halted and the world is still up shit creek!
something intelligent

I'm sorry I just couldn't refuse to do that :P
Makes me think.........."Wake up and smell the PUUUUUU SAYYYYYYYYYYYY"

Oh yeah....raises a glass to smelling pussy!!!! :thumbs:
Cunni said:
Makes me think.........."Wake up and smell the PUUUUUU SAYYYYYYYYYYYY"

Oh yeah....raises a glass to smelling pussy!!!! :thumbs:

Yeah, maybe that scene isn't from the beginning of the game but from the end :O when Gorgon and Alyx have ..had..you get the idea !