Wal-mart stampede leaves employee dead


May 5, 2004
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Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart Friday morning, witnesses said.

The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.

Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him.

I've been to wal-mart, I'm sure it was a few of these that delivered the final blow


and these


poor guy is probably just a smear on the wal-mart floor

best line in the article:

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," said Jimmy Overby, 43, a co-worker.

as horrible as this story is I cant help but :laugh:
I bet more than a few of those people rushing into the store were neckbeards after the Wal-Mart exclusive Marvel Legends wave. Gotta be the first fatass to grab Ben Riley Spider-Man and hawk it on eBay for $50.

I hope you're happy, basement-dwellers. Your wanton greed for Kang the Conqueror has killed a man.
Omg... I have no idea what a 'Wal-Mart' is but i assume its a shopping centre or something. But ohh God
wtf... thats AWESOME. :D
Omg... I have no idea what a 'Wal-Mart' is but i assume its a shopping centre or something. But ohh God
wtf... thats AWESOME. :D

are you kidding me? as loathsome as it is, wal-mart is the world's largest company, larger than exxon-mobil and general electric
Omg... I have no idea what a 'Wal-Mart' is but i assume its a shopping centre or something. But ohh God
wtf... thats AWESOME. :D

You are right. It is a shopping center that carries everything from electronics to toys to clothing. The above pictures are sadly accurate depictions of what a few of the shoppers at Wal-Mart do indeed look like, though I would hazard to say that the really interesting clientele only come out to shop at night. I kid you not. Go to a 24hr store & in the early morning hours, you will see the "underside" of human society. I'm not being mean or rude, i'm stating a fact. Some of the late-night shoppers are downright creepy. It was a decent store to shop at when it first opened several years ago here in California where I lived, but then it quickly went downhill, both in quality & in cleanliness. At least the stores here locally. A new "Super Wal-Mart" has come to town, this one also offering groceries. The wife & I went to it last week to see how it was. While it was clean, (We went the first week it was open) We won't be going back any time soon.


And people question why I refuse to leave the house on this day.
are you kidding me? as loathsome as it is, wal-mart is the world's largest company, larger than exxon-mobil and general electric

Wal Mart owns many other companies but it isn't everywhere. For example you won't find Walmart in the UK, but it owns ASDS which is a UK supermarket. If you didn't go to america then you wouldn't really have a reason to know.
Wal Mart owns many other companies but it isn't everywhere. For example you won't find Walmart in the UK, but it owns ASDS which is a UK supermarket. If you didn't go to america then you wouldn't really have a reason to know.

yes I realise this; at one point canada didnt have wal-mart either ..but wal-mart is the worlds largest company
Luckily I work my shift this afternoon, so I'm missing out on all the fun of today's morning surge.

Honestly though, stores should employ security that can mow down these throngs of stupid people in situations such as this.
I mean, seeriously, why can't they just do what other stores have done. Hand out numbers, and that ..well, somewhat...eliminates the huge rush.

Oh what the hell am I saying, we Americans are ****ing retarded.
24hr walmarts ftw. No death surges are possible, just impossibly long lines. BRB GOIN TO WALMART.

lol, but srsly. Hopefully this walmart wont be crazy considering we're in bum**** Louisiana with hardly anyone living around here.
Wtf, the Orange Box has been out for over a year already? God, how time flies.
are you kidding me? as loathsome as it is, wal-mart is the world's largest company, larger than exxon-mobil and general electric

If the states were the world that is.(Probably)

Tescos seem much more popular tbh
If the states were the world that is.(Probably)

Tescos seem much more popular tbh

sigh ...how this relates to wal-mart being the world's largest comapny is beyond me
This is the Wallmart by me, Valley Stream. D:

Now I am fully convinced that New Yorkers are 100% insane.
Not in the UK stern.

He wasn't claiming it was in the UK. He just said it was the largest corporation in the world which he would suspect everyone would know.

For example, I'm American, but I know that Stonehenge is in England. They don't have Stonehenge over here... but I still know it.

Has nothing to do with location. It's the largest corp, and it happens to be in the United States.
In what way is it the largest corporation; owning the most different companies, because i read or heard that it was the 3rd biggest employer in the world.
Down here we only have to deal with the horrors of BigW, Kmart, Target (Go American companies go), JB-Hifi, Harvey Norman (lolol), Office Works, etc.

Hate them all.
I got the Orange Box for $30. :D

Seriously? You went out to buy the OB for thirty dollars today?! Are you insane? Its been thirty dollars on Steam for a few weeks now.

Why does anyone even bother leaving the house today? I dread work tonight...
I hope those people feel eternal sorrow for their participation in this.
...and keep those damn kangaroos from international airports!
*Santa hat Stephen stares out across the Atlantic Ocean, past the random daffy ducks and terrifying Pi faces of Europe to Australia, where Koola Mena has tied himself to a fence post and taunts him with hand gestures, as if to say, "If you were over here you could get me so easily!". Santa hat Stephen shakes his head, turns around, and thanks Allah for letting him live to fight another day.*

I looked at your avatar, and then mine, and suddenly found myself typing that.
*Stephen is horrified when he looks into the future and sees this thread being locked and then regrets his bad behavior. He then rapes the monkey back*