Want a more "realistic" Hl2 experience?


Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not sure if this have been posted before, but at least I find hl2 being alot more fun to play this way.

Simply play on hard difficulty and fill these 2 commands in your hl2 config or just set them in the console, it's pretty obvious what they do.

sk_dmg_take_scale3 "8" // if I'm not mistaken, Default is "2"
sk_dmg_inflict_scale3 "4" // and "0.75"

tweak them to your own liking.

I find this more enjoying since you have to watch your back more carefully and think more about finding cover when in combat, and it effectively gets rid of the whole 'spray a mag in the face of Mr combine, see him survive, reload, spray some more, kill" wich is what bothered me the most when playing through the series. Now, I haven't played through the whole game like this yet but there may be places in the game where you simply cant survive, but just set difficulty to medium then as number 3 in "scale3" defines the difficulty

just to clarify scale1 = easy // scale2 = medium // scale3 = hard
This is a post apocalyptic future game
The three most realistic things in the games are
The building/towns/sewers
The .357
And the Humans

That's about it if i'm not mistaken
This is a post apocalyptic future game
The three most realistic things in the games are
The building/towns/sewers
The .357
And the Humans

That's about it if i'm not mistaken

Yup, so why not add the fighting system to that list by reducing the amount of damage you/the enemy can take :)

I've never encountered a strider with this setting and I'm not sure how damage is calculated but I just looked through a list of commands and I noticed this: sk_strider_num_missiles3 // Default 7. As with the inflict/take_scale there are 1, 2 and 3. So that might be how many missiles a strider can take. I guess 1 or 2 would be reasonable as they would kill you off pretty fast with dmg_take set to 8.
realistic may have been a poor choice of word seeing as it and gaming seem to ignite passioned irrational debate. challenging or unforgiving would have been better

You might just be right, we'll see how it goes. If it looses control I'll just delete thread (if I can?!)
Now remember all, If you find the words "more realistic Hl2 experience" umm.. shall we say, "offensive" (tho I find that hard to believe) please, don't bother commenting, I'm just presenting an idea here that I like and thought I'd share and eventually making someone else happy.
Farmer, if you like a challenge, may I recommend you try out if you haven't already SMOD Tactical

SMOD tactical is awesome :sniper: !
Too bad I can't get SMOD for my own comp yet since I still have to buy Cstrike to get it working so I've only played it at friend's house...

Also, in addition of making the firefights more intense, it also removes the stupid looking headcrabs from the zombies. You wouldn't know the console command for that, Farmer?
Oh i'm not offended but it was indeed a bad choice of words in my opinion
Also, in addition of making the firefights more intense, it also removes the stupid looking headcrabs from the zombies.

So it basically removes the "half-life" from the game eh? Im glad I have yet to play it then.
hmm, that SMOD looks cool, I don't own cs:s tho, so it's a no go.

As far as removing the headcrab from zombies, I don't think you can do that with console commands.
Here's that client commands list I'm looking at


I have now run into some problems, it seems as if some of the commands resets every map change or when you die and load. There is a somewhat acceptable solution tho and that is to set all commands in a "userconfig.cfg" in the same folder as config.cfg and every mapchange/load simply bring up the console and "exec userconfig.cfg" If anyone else know a better fix I'd be happy to hear it!
SMOD tactical is awesome :sniper: !
Too bad I can't get SMOD for my own comp yet since I still have to buy Cstrike to get it working so I've only played it at friend's house...

Also, in addition of making the firefights more intense, it also removes the stupid looking headcrabs from the zombies. You wouldn't know the console command for that, Farmer?

Mate aside from freeman an the crowbar the headcrab is the Symbol of HL2
Take away the headcrab you might as well remove Xen from HL1 altogether
Mate aside from freeman an the crowbar the headcrab is the Symbol of HL2
Take away the headcrab you might as well remove Xen from HL1 altogether

Yes, that is the case... For the Half-Life and Half-Life 2 story modes. Hey, I thought headcrab zombies were quite awesome back in Hl2 and Hl1 (especially when you could see the outlines of the victims' skulls through the headcrab, quite morbid)...

But when making a map pack/mod that has nothing to do with the Hl2 storyline whatsoever, the headcrabs look too much out of place.

SMOD is great once you've played the game through first time "normally" and want to shoot through Hl2 again, but if one wants to be immersed in the universe or something like that, then the Cstrike skins(including player) and sounds might interfere with that unique "Half-Life" feel.

Edit : oh whoops, it read there somewhere, just didn't notice it.