War of the Worlds--- am I alone?

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The idea of an alien race smart enough to travel across space and through lighting to be so stupid to drink the blood of a forgeign species. Honestly, humans aren't stupid enough to drink the blood of dogs to get nutrients, and we can barely make it to the moon.

There was nothing good about the movie, except special effects, and the little girl did a good job.
I hated that little girl. She would never keep her damn mouth shut....I also hated the fact that these aliens studied us for millions of years, had technology to make energy shields, yet they totaly forgot about the effects of a different atmosphere, and new organisms. They died from freakin bacteria......
All I wanted from the movie was neat special effects, so I wasn't disappointed. I don't think they drank the blood of the people, they were using it as fertilizer for the red vines.
no you're not alone
it was rubbish
i could explain why but i would think the utter detritus on the projector screen would speak for itself
the only thing i liked about it was the tripods looking similar to the striders in hl2.even the laser beam looks alike too,but all in all ,i think it is the shittiest movie spielberg ever made
I really enjoyed this movie... but I respect your opinion... :thumbs:
Spielberg always said that this version would focus on the 'family', almost claustraphobic take on the invasion. If you want a global view look to I-Day, mind you that was'nt that great :p

Like its already been said, its only following what H.G.Wells wrote...except its not in England...and..
What bothered me was that if they could place the strider-things thousands, maybe millions of years a go, then mhy didn't they send the pods earlier, when humanity was at a much primitive stage? Did they really need that long time to plan the strike? (And the plan seemed to be to destroy pretty much everything.
chrisuk27 said:
Like its already been said, its only following what H.G.Wells wrote...except its not in England...and..

And they (thankfully) skipped this part:
"And before we judge them [the aliens] too harshly, we must remember what ruthless and utter destruction our own species has wrought, not only upon animals, such as the vanished bison and the dodo, but upon its own inferior races. The Tasmanians, in spite of their human likeness, were entirely swept out of existence in a war of extermination waged by European immigrants, in the space of fifty years. Are we such apostles of mercy as to complain if the Martians warred in the same spirit?"
- Chapter I The Eve of the War.
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