War of the worlds!


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
WAR OF THE WORLDS will be released in EIGHT days!

I just watched a few TV adverts and a few from the internet, IT LOOKS AWSOME!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
yeah, i liked the old teaser trailers which left more to the imagination.
I watched the first trailer and thought, "More CG garbage." Each subsequent trailer I saw further supported my theory. This movie looks completely abysmal. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell I'll pay a penny to see this movie. I guess I just don't understand what people see in this movie besides a bastardized Hollywood rip off of something that at one point in time was a great story.

Oh well to each their own. Hopefully the millions that go to see it enjoy it. I know I wouldn't.
I cannot fathom the depths of bad taste and misguided thinking that would lead to that post Fishlore. There no way to refute it, since I can't even understand it.
Fishlore said:
I watched the first trailer and thought, "More CG garbage." Each subsequent trailer I saw further supported my theory. This movie looks completely abysmal. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell I'll pay a penny to see this movie. I guess I just don't understand what people see in this movie besides a bastardized Hollywood rip off of something that at one point in time was a great story.

Oh well to each their own. Hopefully the millions that go to see it enjoy it. I know I wouldn't.

Surely you should give it a chance?
Fishlore said:
I watched the first trailer and thought, "More CG garbage." Each subsequent trailer I saw further supported my theory. This movie looks completely abysmal. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell I'll pay a penny to see this movie. I guess I just don't understand what people see in this movie besides a bastardized Hollywood rip off of something that at one point in time was a great story.

Oh well to each their own. Hopefully the millions that go to see it enjoy it. I know I wouldn't.

I take it you would prefer claymation effects? It's the new advancement in movies, CGI that is. Either get to liking it or blow off.
They should have used supermarionation (it has nothing to do with the little Italian plumber) for the aliens and their machines!
I thought the trailer looked pretty good. Just a shame the film has Tom Cruise in it.
Tom Cruise does well with Sci-Fi, Minority report being the best example.
Just because the film did well doesn't mean he could act his way out of a paper bag. And to be fair, even Minority Report wasn't that good.
Direwolf said:
Tom Cruise does well with Sci-Fi, Minority report being the best example.

Hehe, and the decent list of supporting actors didn't help?? There's probably only 2 films I've watched that star Tom Cruise where I thought he acted well on his own and they are The Last Samurai and Rain Man.

Minority Report was cool though.
He has a tendency to over-act, thus proclaiming his suckness. They should of got Ben Stiller pretending to be Tom Cruise, instead of Tom Cruise.
My brother got tickets to the premier from a client at work. Boy am I glad I didn't have to pay to see it.

Q: When is a special effect not a special effect?

A: When the effects are in every god damn scene.
Xune said:
My brother got tickets to the premier from a client at work. Boy am I glad I didn't have to pay to see it.
So... you've seen it already?!
Xune said:
My brother got tickets to the premier from a client at work. Boy am I glad I didn't have to pay to see it.

sure he did... :upstare:
Looks like its going to be a good movie, only the time and settings are all screwed up. It was supposed to be in London, or near it, during the 1900's. But the Modern Day twist to it should make things better. :)
I don't see how you guys have a problem with special effects...
Taken from an invterview with WoTW director.

Interviewer : Alot of people have been complaining about the high use of CGI in the trailers, is this film going to be a CGI fest?
Director : No, you see theres only very few CGI aliens, or there fighters in this film, most of the action is filmed with sock puppets.

I dont see why people go "Oh to much CGI!" Like people complained in every bit of SW3 there was CGI..what the hell? ITS SET IN SPACE, WITH LOTS OF ALIENS AND JEDIS. Of course its going to have tons of CGI. Morons. As War of the worlds is based on ALIENS theres going to be alot of CGi, as I dont think the director can employ real aliens.

If your going to hate a film, hate it for somthing more then "Its got CGI"


All you people who are saying this is just another action movie and "all special effects" should really get informed. Steven Spielberg said that he is mainly focusing on the family/survival part of this movie. That means you won't see any bird eye views of cities being destroyed by Tripods or massive militery clashes against the aliens. Everything will be from Tom and Dakota's perspective. I assume that most of you are making your judgements on the few trailers you have seen that include the bridge being destroyed, that happens to be one of the largest (If not the largest) special effect scenes in the movie. So don't expect to see things like that every few minutes. It's really a shame that they have to market the movie as a big popcorn fest, but that's where the money is. I guess you'll just have to wait till the reviews start appearing.
Xune said:
My brother got tickets to the premier from a client at work. Boy am I glad I didn't have to pay to see it.

Q: When is a special effect not a special effect?

A: When the effects are in every god damn scene.
My brother works at the movie theater, so he gets to see it before it comes out, and I get to see it for free.
Man, that looks freakin' fantastic!!! I'm dying to see this movie!

I don't really care about the CG. I'm a CG nut anyways so it doesn't bother me.
I hope this movie is not going to be like The Day After Tomorrow...It does look very good in the trailers, so hopefully it really is that good.
:naughty: I love this movie! I want to see it soo badly! Stop bitching about CGI!
Its directed by Steven Spielberg. The chances of it being shit are very very slim. The only film i can think of that was directed by Spielberg that was shit is A.I
I rather liked AI actually, had a good story to it. A bit like something Tim Burton might have had a hand in but clear a bit brighter.
Great minds think alike.

He was talking about Star Bores anyway.
Xune said:
Don't hold your breath.
Have you seen it? Please tell me! I would actually like to know! Because as of now, most of the reviews I have read say that it's damn good, while some others say it's only OK.

Edit: Why whenever I ask you that you don't answer me? I'm just going to guess that you haven't seen it, and ignore how you assume the movie will be.
I'm having my doubts about this movie too. Here is the jist of what I've heard so far.

Tom Cruise is pretty much destroying his career with his silly antics right now, and that bad pr is rubbing off on the movie.
New rumors are surfacing that the films budget is reportadly much higher than what is expected (around $230 million, which would make it the most expensive film in history). Lots of CGI then?
The movie premiere was pushed back to a later date (which is usually in indication that the movie isn't as good as expected).
Spielberg and Cruise are also rumored to be trying to get increased cuts from the movie's profits as well (a lack of faith?).

This information was in CNN last night, and it sounds depressing. If this is true and the movie is as bad as the rumors are indicating, War of the Worlds could become the most expensive movie failure ever created. :(
A True Canadian said:
I'm having my doubts about this movie too. Here is the jist of what I've heard so far.

Tom Cruise is pretty much destroying his career with his silly antics right now, and that bad pr is rubbing off on the movie.
New rumors are surfacing that the films budget is reportadly much higher than what is expected (around $230 million, which would make it the most expensive film in history). Lots of CGI then?
The movie premiere was pushed back to a later date (which is usually in indication that the movie isn't as good as expected).
Spielberg and Cruise are also rumored to be trying to get increased cuts from the movie's profits as well (a lack of faith?).

This information was in CNN last night, and it sounds depressing. If this is true and the movie is as bad as the rumors are indicating, War of the Worlds could become the most expensive movie failure ever created. :(
It sounds like the film industry's equivalent of "Springtime for Hitler." :LOL:

Spielberg and Cruise = Bialystock and Bloom?
Datrix said:
Have you seen it? Please tell me! I would actually like to know! Because as of now, most of the reviews I have read say that it's damn good, while some others say it's only OK.

Edit: Why whenever I ask you that you don't answer me? I'm just going to guess that you haven't seen it, and ignore how you assume the movie will be.

I don't always hang around this section of the forum, so sorry for missing your questions.

Yes I have seen it, I went to the premier with my brother, remember? I would say the movie is ok, just overloaded with special effects. Obviously the invaders require them but the sheer over the top use of effects just causes it to become dull. Also the ending is really trite and a bit too convenient.

If you are happy to watch movies that require you to switch your brain off (I'm not talking about a suspension of belief, but a complete lack of thinking) then this will entertain you. But it's not good and definitely not my type of movie.
Xune said:
I don't always hang around this section of the forum, so sorry for missing your questions.

Yes I have seen it, I went to the premier with my brother, remember? I would say the movie is ok, just overloaded with special effects. Obviously the invaders require them but the sheer over the top use of effects just causes it to become dull. Also the ending is really trite and a bit too convenient.

If you are happy to watch movies that require you to switch your brain off (I'm not talking about a suspension of belief, but a complete lack of thinking) then this will entertain you. But it's not good and definitely not my type of movie.
Thought I was going to ask a third time :p. Now how about breaking some of those NDAs ;) :naughty:.

Well, as long as the acting is decent I can drool through an action filled movie. I have heard rumors about the poor ending.... oh well, guess I'll have to live with that :(. I'm sure I'll enjoy the movie, though.