War of the worlds!

There was no NDA, just turn up, show ID and collect tickets. Tom didn't even come in to see the film, because of his walkabout. Hell, he was still there when we were leaving.

How this for a shit ending:

The invaders vulnerability is that their batteries for their protective devices run out! That's worse then the virus in Independance Day!
The one part ive seen in a commercial, where it shows the army going agaisnt the aliens it seems is only thing that made me interested. Love those huge epic battle seens.
Nnnooooo! I just ruined the ending for myself! :(

Damn those Tripods, I knew they should have used Energizer batteries :p.
A True Canadian said:
...(around $230 million, which would make it the most expensive film in history)...

Well if studios didn't have to overpay these pompous dickweed actors then movies would be cheaper to make and see. :hmph:
Without spoiling the movie for me, can someone tell me if there is human soldiers fighting aliens not fruitlessly?(IE: They don't get owned by Aliens)
If not, then I'm not going to bother seeing an entire movie of "omg alienz we r weak runz away!"
All battles are settled through Rock, Paper, Scissors and sometimes Dynamite.
A True Canadian said:
I'm having my doubts about this movie too. Here is the jist of what I've heard so far.

Tom Cruise is pretty much destroying his career with his silly antics right now, and that bad pr is rubbing off on the movie.
New rumors are surfacing that the films budget is reportadly much higher than what is expected (around $230 million, which would make it the most expensive film in history). Lots of CGI then?
The movie premiere was pushed back to a later date (which is usually in indication that the movie isn't as good as expected).
Spielberg and Cruise are also rumored to be trying to get increased cuts from the movie's profits as well (a lack of faith?).

This information was in CNN last night, and it sounds depressing. If this is true and the movie is as bad as the rumors are indicating, War of the Worlds could become the most expensive movie failure ever created. :(

Ok Im looking up how much a Boeing 757 aircraft costs...done. Ok the Unit cost of a Boeing 757 Aircraft is around 65 million dollars. Maybe Speilberg got a discount so lets just say 60 million buckaroos. Now lets just take another 30 million for actor paychecks. 90mil now...I dont know how much CGI costs...probably pretty expensive...maybe 10 mil? Ok so were at 100 mil right now...so Im probably putting in low numbers for some of these. But the cost of the 757 set is probably around 80 million including the plane. So Im going to take a very objective stance and say that the bulk of the budget was more on sets/filming than on CGI. As for the rest...I will wait and see the movie.
MilkMan12 said:
Ok Im looking up how much a Boeing 757 aircraft costs...done. Ok the Unit cost of a Boeing 757 Aircraft is around 65 million dollars. Maybe Speilberg got a discount so lets just say 60 million buckaroos. Now lets just take another 30 million for actor paychecks. 90mil now...

Actually, I think $30 million is enough to cover Tom Cruise alone. He is one of the most expensive actors in Hollywood. Then there's Spielberg who's up there too...
I am really hoping for the 100% CGI takeover in movies so these ahole actors will be out of a job.
It will be good it's only $4.00 American dollars were i live cheaper than renting a movie :)
chu said:
I am really hoping for the 100% CGI takeover in movies so these ahole actors will be out of a job.
Uh, movies have to be directed no matter what format you do them in. CGI doesn't make the artform go away.
Direwolf said:
Uh, movies have to be directed no matter what format you do them in. CGI doesn't make the artform go away.

I didn't say I want the directors gone, just the actors.
Direwolf said:
Uh, movies have to be directed no matter what format you do them in. CGI doesn't make the artform go away.

Well that's dumb, you don't have any actor improv with a computer, and I doubt you could recreate a great movie like The Godfather with CGI
A True Canadian said:
And the average rating so far is:
No, the average rating... as it says on that same page... is 8/10.

The 100% means all of the reviews (all 9 of them) thought it was good.

It's still a good sign if it doesn't have any terrible reviews... but they're not saying it's perfect.
Whoops. I'll change it.

Walter Chaw from FILM FREAK CENTRAL wasn't there when I posted earlier. He's the only one who thought it was bad so far.
chu said:
I didn't say I want the directors gone, just the actors.
But sometimes the directors choose the actors. They don't have to choose a 30 million per movie actor if they don't want to, but they do.
I saw it last night as it premiered. I was coming out of The Longest Yard and saw that War of the Worlds was on so me and my friends bought tickets and went straight in. Not a bad movie. The first hour is really really good, 5-star stuff, easily. But then as Tim Robbins character is introduced it begins to go downhill, until it reaches the ending which is just so anti-climatic compared to everything else that happened in the film.

Still worth the money to see it though.

*** 1/2 out of ***** from me

Xune said:
The invaders vulnerability is that their batteries for their protective devices run out! That's worse then the virus in Independance Day!
Thats not it at all, what happens is....

Their immune system begins to weaken the longer they stay on Earth. Its obvious because the opening and closing shots of the movie are of microscopic organisms. So it stays true to the book. They way i intrepretted it was that the Alien Machines were biomechanical, kinda like the striders. Some part of it was alive and the rest was machine.

Still i have to reiterate that the first hour of the movie is really really really intense stuff. It seriously makes Independance Day look like shit.
You can't really complain about an anticlimatic ending; if the script writers had chosen something more 'Hollywood' then people would be up in arms about that.
Sparta said:
Thats not it at all, what happens is....

Ok, fair enough. I was ready to leave half way through the film but my brother stopped me, so excuse me if I wasn't paying enough attention. That was what I thought was going on.

The acting works really well! Especially Dakota Fanning is ****ing brilliant! She's gonna be the new hot chick from Hollywood who everybody wants to have in their movies - even though she's only 10 or 11 years old! ...she's probably gonna be really hot! wub.gif
Tom Cruise did a decent job aswell, but Robbie (Justin Chatwin) was the problem! I know he was suppose to play the angry young American who wants to fight for his country to slaughter these *terrorists*, but suffered from the same shit as Hayden Christensen did in Episode III. He only had two facial expressions: The evil looking one, and the confused one - so he was pain in the ass.
One of the things I missed was a climax. I mean it takes 20 minutes before all breaks loose and once it's loose it doesn't stop - except from the basement scene - and therefore it seemed as if the movie tried to be one big climax because the action never stopped, even though sometimes they stopped to get their breathe but soon they were on the run again. And so it keeps on going and going and going...
The ending of the movie was far by the biggest let down ever! It can be excused by the fact that the script was actually done before Independence Day, but when the final big boom scene came around I couldn't help thinking that it was waaayy too Independence Day-ish, buuut what are you gonna do about it?
I think that was all I had to say about the negative things...
The positive things:
First of all the editing and cinematography was superb and it really added something to panicky action scenes! Never in my life have I ever seen a catastrophy-movie that really made me feel claustrophobic because it all seemed so damned realistic! The first action scene was perfect! There was no quick editing that made it all seem confusing, such as in Van Helsing, and by the time Ray (Tom Cruise) runs into the store where cars get thrown at him I thought it was really tense!So overall the action was extremely cool! The same goes for the effects! Nothing much to say about them...
The sound design was awesome! The big kinda sirene sound the tripods made was fantastic! I loved it! It really reminded me of Half-Life2 and the striders! Loved it!
Overall it's rather hard to rate because I was entertained for 2 hours straight, but the last 10 minutes kinda ruined the fun... sad.gif Really an anti-climax for sure!
Going to see it tommrow... By the way frank, use spoiler tags.
Sparta said:
Their immune system begins to weaken the longer they stay on Earth. Its obvious because the opening and closing shots of the movie are of microscopic organisms. So it stays true to the book. They way i intrepretted it was that the Alien Machines were biomechanical, kinda like the striders. Some part of it was alive and the rest was machine.

I've read the book, radio show and seen the first movie. It was pretty clear the aliens where merley inside giant war machines.

Listen to the first couple of minutes from Jeff Wayne's musical version.
Book spoiler

They stay with the book and have bataria kill them? I can see how that would be anti-climax, it worked well in the books but i cant see it working on a film. I can see why people disliked the ending, I look forward to how they do it..
StardogChampion said:
Errr, spoilers...

Oh no I'm releasing spoilers from a series that's been around for how many years now?
The ending was way too sudden, I mean one moment the striders are pwning everyone then two minutes later they suddenly stop functioning and then BOOM movie over. It kinda went out with a whimper.
Kyo said:
Oh no I'm releasing spoilers from a series that's been around for how many years now?
Fact: Most people on these forums have no idea what the story is about.
Not everyone has read the book or seen the original movie...
If your going to post the ending, put it in spoiler tags! For hells sake stop being so elistist, who cares if someones not read the book.
Its kinda like not knowing how Little Red Riding Hood ends. :D

That said, amazing movie. Doesn't need to be analyzed any deeper than that.
I think it's good that they ended it with nature beating the invaders as oppose to man (it would have been terrible if they'd developed some type of super-virus or whatever) but I think Spielberg has probably gone about it in the wrong way. Take the 1950's version of the movie, the Martians die in the same way in that movie as they do in the book but it's done in a way that doesn't make it seem anti-climactic.

I've yet to see the movie so I'm just going on other people's comments here. I'm still going to see it though.
Probably seeing the Matinee before work tomarow, by myself.......pantless.
Just saw War of the Worlds today (1st show :) GREAT MOVIE. 10/10 everyone should go see this masterpiece.
Just saw it, very good.

- "Tripods" aka STRYYYYYYYYDAR
- "Coming out of the ground" scene
- Dakota Fanning
- Heat Ray
- All the action bits

- Robbie
- Ogilvy (was not needed)
:) I liked the movie. But, I got the feel like things went too fast, the beginning and ending.
Also, they should cut some people some slack that didn't read the book(like me). Or maybe I didn't listen to the narration well enough... but, why did the aliens decide to invade? Since they've planned this shit since millions and millions of years ago, having SUPERIOR power over us humans, we defeat them? Boy oh boy, this movie kind of gave me the feel,"Humanity unite to fight aliens, not each other!" Also, what the hell happened to their shield things? Lastly, in my opinion the movie would have made me felt better if they would show scenes from other countries... like maybe at the end showing different nations beating the shit out of the Striders, like Gordon in City 17 crowbarring one.

I thought Dakota was annoying though... especially when she would scream, UGH, so annoying! The teen boy too... at the start you'd get the feeling he's some anti-social punker, but getting more into the movie it shows him as some soft,"OMG, I LOVE YOU LIL SISTER!" Tom Cruise's role was pretty good though.
ailevation said:
:) I liked the movie. But, I got the feel like things went too fast, the beginning and ending. Also, they should cut some people some slack that didn't read the book(like me). Or maybe I didn't listen to the narration well enough... but, why did the aliens decide to invade? Since they've planned this shit since millions and millions of years ago, having SUPERIOR power over us humans, we defeat them? Boy oh boy, this movie kind of gave me the feel,"Humanity unite to fight aliens, not each other!" Also, what the hell happened to their shield things? Lastly, in my opinion the movie would have made me felt better if they would show scenes from other countries... like maybe at the end showing different nations beating the shit out of the Striders, like Gordon in City 17 crowbarring one.

I thought Dakota was annoying though... especially when she would scream, UGH, so annoying! The teen boy too... at the start you'd get the feeling he's some anti-social punker, but getting more into the movie it shows him as some soft,"OMG, I LOVE YOU LIL SISTER!" Tom Cruise's role was pretty good though.

I read the book too. In it the aliens home planet was dying and they needed to find a new pad to crash at.