Warez users everywhere.

well if we mess their game up, it will leave them wanting cs:s even more to the point to where they buy it. So you let them play a little then BAM you crash em' then they will want to buy the danm thing just so they can continue to still play.
Mr. Redundant said:
thats it, from this point forward Im going to record steam ids and send them to Valve, they can inspect it further.

Im going to give gabe a tummy rub, ... :)

seriously, let Valve deal with it themselves, theres no need to be Valve's biatch,

Capitalist society sucks anyway, you know you have to rebel,

it just makes sense ;), but seriously im j/k, or am I,, :D
CB | Para said:
No it doesn't make any sense. Besides these guys are NOT going to buy HL² I can guarantee you that.

A hypocrit? how so? I'm not defending the software or the gaming industry by doing this, just Valve. Yeah I'm a fanboy so sue me!
Besides it's fun as hell :LOL:

On a side note: I've noticed that american servers don't have many players using cracked versions, it's mostly the european servers.

Edit: Wait a minute you're telling me the reason why Valve isn't doing anything about it is because these players are "probably" going to buy HL²? How does that make any sense? it should be the other way around, Valve should enfore anti-piracy measures so that they would buy HL² through Steam.

Read my damn post again and you'll find the anwser to all you're question. And do take the time to understand what I'm trying to say.
CB | Para said:
No it doesn't make any sense. Besides these guys are NOT going to buy HL² I can guarantee you that.

A hypocrit? how so? I'm not defending the software or the gaming industry by doing this, just Valve. Yeah I'm a fanboy so sue me!
Besides it's fun as hell :LOL:

On a side note: I've noticed that american servers don't have many players using cracked versions, it's mostly the european servers.

Edit: Wait a minute you're telling me the reason why Valve isn't doing anything about it is because these players are "probably" going to buy HL²? How does that make any sense? it should be the other way around, Valve should enfore anti-piracy measures so that they would buy HL² through Steam.

How do you know they're not going to buy it when it comes in stores?

My friend is, that's for sure.
so freaking stupid steam defiantly needs an update
maybe vac2 to ban or kick all warez kidies
Laguna said:
A guy did that on a server I played on today.. lol
16 players %n, kill .. blam.. 4 players left xD
I did it on a 32 player server (cbble) and the entire terrorist team except me and one other guy, timed out.
I didnt think of getting ready to take a ss at the time, but I got one that kinda shows it.

next time I will have to use fraps :)


great fun regardless.

@Clarky003: I don't, and wouldn't really do that (too much effort on my part anyway), I just said that because I feel it unfair that I paid a good amount for two copies of HL2/CS:S and others are taking advantage of it, and thats merely how I expressed it.

Grey Fox said:
Read my damn post again and you'll find the anwser to all you're question. And do take the time to understand what I'm trying to say.

Dude explain yourself, you can't just say "read my post" over and over again like a drone.

Mr. Redundant said:
I just came from a server where 5 people on my team, via mic were discussing how much they liked CS:S... and that they were going to buy HL2.

To which you replied:

Well there you go, thats why Valve is allowing this to go.

Who the hell cares if they plan on buying HL² or not (odds are they won't) that has **** all to do with it. The problem is that these players are using a cracked version of the game to play online.

And Baal, it's cool that your "friend" is going to buy HL² but most of these S3RIOUS players won't.

Edit: and here's a screenshot of (almost) a full team of Ts using cracked copies :LOL:

ROFL thats to sweet, for once a bug that works for us. Sad it won't last they well fix it soon enough.
yeah they just need to get the update#2 from emporio and bam the crash won't work anymore.
but if you paid for the game, there's no need to be jealous of warez people getting it for free. they just shopped around more than you did. thats what people said to me when im complained about cs:s. "lol you are getting it for FREE! if you dont like it you should have looked at more reviews before you bought it"
these guys are getting it for free too ;)
and they just managed to get the cheapest package on steam.

dont cry, mummy will ban the cracked version soon. in the meantime, get over it geez. but then emporio will release another crack, oh the hilarity.

just for final confirmation, i bought the silver package. i have no problem with warez gamers. end of story.

also, i find it terribly amusing that you were all so down on "losers" who used the %n crash before, but now you find it to be hilarious. it's still doing the same thing, nothing has changed, you are all hypocrites. just because someone paid or not doesnt mean crashing them is ok.
Wesisapie said:
yeah they just need to get the update#2 from emporio and bam the crash won't work anymore.

We just need to get a steam update and bam the cracks won't work anymore.

there's no need to be jealous of warez people getting it for free. they just shopped around more than you did.

It's not about that, it's about pissing them off. Why? for the fun of it.

dont cry, mummy will ban the cracked version soon. in the meantime, get over it geez. but then emporio will release another crack, oh the hilarity.

Don't antagonize me.

i have no problem with warez gamers. end of story.

Thank God! I was so anxious to hear what you think.

also, i find it terribly amusing that you were all so down on "losers" who used the %n crash before, but now you find it to be hilarious. it's still doing the same thing, nothing has changed, you are all hypocrites.

It's not the same thing. And I couldn't care less what you think but I like to argue pointlessly with trolls.

just because hasn't paid for it mean crashing them is ok.

Yes it does. :D
Most, if not all, are using dummy steam accounts to play, so theres no real point in taking down their steamids.
From steampowered.com forums

clicknext: What does Valve plan to do about CS:S piracy?

I remember how piracy was pretty much non-existent in CS because of the cd key and WON system, which was very good.

But now, just a week after CS:S is released, there are already exploits to play on Source servers without having a legitimate account. Does Valve have plans to do something about this? I, just like most honest customers, don't like the idea that people are simply playing for free with hacks.

Smash: VALVe has a few tricks up their sleeve. Use your imagination for now.

Original thread.
heh heh..use my imagination he says... I'm sure I'm not the only one here with a nice vivid imagination....too many splatter flicks...heh heh
I think your fun is over. Patch has been released for the warezed version.

i found a server called something like:

*NO STEAM* cracked CS:S

Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
Connected to

Counter-Strike:Source Bots Enabled
Map: de_piranesi
Players: 11 / 20
Build 2153
Server Number 106
Your .dll [bin\client.dll] differs from the server's.
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Initializing renderer...
FthrJACK connected
nyuszi killed flavorice with mp5navy.
Rogean: ./....
] name %n
CBaseClientState::FileReceived: downloads/2f51b779.dat.
] kill
%n suicided.
%n: lol warez nubs
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
nyuszi connected
It's good to see you guys are having fun with my little trick. For now, it still works perfectly for most warez users as they tend not to update it. I for one don't mind crashing warezed copies, it's fun to do and serves them right, IMHO.
Use my imagination?

I imagine a Steam fix that causes the monitors of the warez folks to explode.
You're righ CB I PARA I should have explained myslef, but I guess I was a little moody and it was late.

The reason I thin a lot of those people are hypocrits is because well 90% of the folks of this site have illigal sofware I think( I don't know so flmae me but I just think that it is so), and the thing is a lot of people use adobe photoshop for sprays and 3ds max, and those things cost more than computers, and all the downloaded music,so in essance the same people that complain about this have at least 3 times the worth of their computer on illegal software on their computer.
And about the thing that valve is letting this on purpose, wel I think that, simply becasue fof steam, I mean with steam and the way its easy tio update and stuff they could easily make the life for warez player a living hell, steam isthe most fullproof anti online warez software their is. The reason they still aren't doing something about the warez is simple, the ywan't as many people as they can to play css, so you can see css as free demo, and the nyou have the players that are just using the warez version because they have no creditcard( like me, although I can only play on cracked servers, so you won't ever be seeing me probably), the reason it is os many folks in europe is simple 1) for credit cards you have to pay a yearly fee here( her in holland about 18 euro,-) and I'm not getting a crdit card just for that, because for everything else you can use here the atm card,so exept for hl2 there is no reason to buy creditcard, secondly it is because in eurpa the laws aren't as strikt on warezing.

And about ****ing those warez players, though I use warezd css myslef I can definatly see the humor in it, in fact could any of you make a video and post it here.
Yeah I see what you mean Grey Fox, almost all the software I have on my pc is cracked (except PowerDvD which I got with the 9800 card hehe). I don't have any mp3s though, but I do download movies almost every day. The thing is I'm not defending the software industry or the gaming industry or anything, I don't care at all: it's just that the first week when CS:S was released there were no assholes anywhere, players were friendly and polite, servers were clean - no wallhackers or ***** lamers. Then came the cracked version, all of a sudden CS:S was flooded with the usual gang of idiots from 1.6. I know there are good people amongst them but most of them are kids who have no respect for anything.

It's like a plague, everywhere I go I see spam, pr0n sprays, bad language, ***** pricks lagging servers, etc... It's just like 1.6 now. :|
Oh my god..

I went into a server and used that...

32 people down to 7...
Hehe, knocked a 32 player server down to 15.

That was somewhat entertaining. Everyone was pissed at me when half the people timed out, but when I explained it they laughed.
Now think about it this way. Valve won't let me buy CSS because of their glorious oversight dismissed debit cards and alienated customers.

Ever think some of the cracked players are using it because of that?

EDIT: Oh and I agree with Paras last comment.

EDIT 2: For the record on Photoshop. 400 quid difference between Photoshop 6 and 7, what do you get? Buffed up buttons.
If you don't have a credit card, or any way to access one, then wait for retail. You have no automatic right to play CS:S.
Rossell said:
Now think about it this way. Valve won't let me buy CSS because of their glorious oversight dismissed debit cards and alienated customers.

Ever think some of the cracked players are using it because of that?

EDIT: Oh and I agree with Paras last comment.

EDIT 2: For the record on Photoshop. 400 quid difference between Photoshop 6 and 7, what do you get? Buffed up buttons.

You can always just reconnect to another server.

In the mean time I'm having fun with this. :p
Lets think of it another way. Hands up everyone who has a debit card.

Now lets look at the ratio of debit to credit.

Realise the massive mistake Valve have made by not making debit cards available. Then shock horror realise that the people who missed out on the game due to debit cards are now warez'ing the bugger.

Most of the warez peeps out there are interested in harm. Most do rudimentary wallhax, porn sprays, you name it. But some are there simply because of an oversight and didn't wanna feel left out.

Me? Im not that much of a menace. I hang out on about 4 servers, 2 created by my respective forums, the Beef server and one public. Im not going to do anything major, just play what was given to me and enjoy it. When my retail copy arrives, I'll start playing it safe in the knowledge im not causing a detriment to Valve. That itself is a promise. I'm not gonna have waited 6 years for a game (and yes I have been waiting the entire time) and then warez it. HL2 deserves money and money it shall receive, but until I'll be playing my version of CSS and counting down the days.

And thats my 2 cents on the subject. Feel free to insult/flame/ban whatever. And hey, why don't you go after the people who put CSS up for the masses to download in the first place Hmmm?
HL2 and CS:S need no "free advertizing" that is complete and utter bullshit (you just being on these boards is proof enough of that) you can rationalize it anyway you want, it is still illegal.

**Playing CS:S is a privilege that you pay for, NOT A RIGHT.
if you cannot afford it, can't get access to it, whatever, DOES not mean suddenly its ok to pirate it.
I lived in South Africa (a third world country) for 17 years of my life, we didn't get anything until like 5-8 months (sometimes a year) after America did, know what we had to do? WAIT.

**Two wrongs do not make a right.
Simply because you are using Warez software does not mean EVERYONE is, I Pay for all my hardware, all my games, and yes all my damn software (ever heard of student packages?)
although I am no angel, I have downloaded things in the past, music etc.. But I knew it was wrong (as you do in your heart) even back then (which is why I buy all my stuff now)

@Rossel: I have neither a debit nor a credit card.
yet I paid for and own two copies of the silver package via steam.

I made a plan to get my copies.. I made damn well sure I was ready with my cash and credit cardS on hand.
Oh, I understand your point and I can symphasize with you. But technically Valve has every right to do whatever they want with the game and if that means only selling it by credit card they are allowed to do that. So you are actually still in the wrong by circumventing that system.

I do agree they should support debit cards though. I actually wasn't aware that they didn't. I'm curious as to the reason as you should be able to verify debit cards online just as easily as credit cards. And sure, I admit I'm somewhat hypocritcal as I've had illegal software in the past. But I still think it's funny and I bet the majority of the people who warez it never plan on paying for it.
some are there simply because of an oversight and didn't wanna feel left out.

"Feeling left out" isn't a justification. How many of those people are going to be moral enough to actually buy the game when they don't actually need to?
Intentions are irrevelant, there is no defence for it, it is wrong plain and simple.

no matter if you dont have the finances/credit card/aren't/old enough/house exploded/got attacked by rabid badgers/etc.
i'm suprised some of you openly admitted using the [fixed] %n exploit, saying how "fun" it was. your complete asshats.
Rossell said:
Lets think of it another way. Hands up everyone who has a debit card.

Now lets look at the ratio of debit to credit.

Realise the massive mistake Valve have made by not making debit cards available. Then shock horror realise that the people who missed out on the game due to debit cards are now warez'ing the bugger.

Every debit card I've ever used had a little visa logo in the corner and worked just like a credit card. I used my debit card to purchase the HL2 silver package, so I don't know what your complaining about.

Every server i enter now i just use my bind xD

If you want them enter this into your console.

bind "a" "name %n; wait; kill"
bind "s" "name yourname"

Then just hit A and S and in seconds you will have cleansed the server of illegalness >:D
destrukt said:
i'm suprised some of you openly admitted using the [fixed] %n exploit, saying how "fun" it was. your complete asshats.

Um....did you even read this thread?
destrukt said:
i'm suprised some of you openly admitted using the [fixed] %n exploit, saying how "fun" it was. your complete asshats.

I wouldn't consider myself an asshat for getting rid of warez ****ers from servers.
not one person complained, they all thanked me. (initially they said I was a lamer, for using the %n exploit, but once I explained and they realized that it was fixed, and only booted warez copies now.. they appreciated it and appologized to me, every time)

the %n exploit was fixed, that is why we used it. IT DOES NOT AFFECT PEOPLE WITH LEGIT COPIES OF CS:S.

I never used an exploit/cheat/hack or anything that would be unfair to other users... this was only on servers I WANTED to play on, and only on servers where there were a bunch of asshats with CRACKED COPIES OF CS:S on steam (I had suspicions, with the gabe spray, mic spamming, 10 year old voices, cussing and general ass-hattery)

If I am an asshole for kicking people out of a game that they have no ****ing right to be playing in the first place... then I guess I am an asshole.
Stealth_Wolf said:

Every server i enter now i just use my bind xD

If you want them enter this into your console.

bind "a" "name %n; wait; kill"
bind "s" "name yourname"

Then just hit A and S and in seconds you will have cleansed the server of illegalness >:D

Don't kill yourself, just put %n somewhere in your name and play a few rounds. When you kill someone it still works, then you can clean up the rest of them when they're bugged :LOL:

And destrukt you're an asshat too. GG!
I'm going to start doing the same, sick to death of the little shits yelling on the mic and the spray. Bye bye warezers when I get in game :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
If you don't have a credit card, or any way to access one, then wait for retail. You have no automatic right to play CS:S.
Wait... You're on our side now? :D Don't kick me next time then ;)
All of a sudden, I like bugs. ^_^

And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et filii...
...et spiritus sancti.
-Boondock Saints.
i like how all of the warez'rs are trying to justify the fact that they're stealing by turning the tables on everyone that's actually paid for it.

*Whine* Don't be a shill for a large multinational company!
*Whine* I'm only playing a warez version now to see if i want to buy HL2 later! [HA!]
*Whine* Why are you being Valve's bitches?
*Whine* Why does CS:S suck so bad [i'm playing a warezed version and i'm an idiot and] it crashes every 5 minutes!!! Valve sux!!!11

You know what? It is a club. It's the "we paid for it and you didn't you whining little bitches" club, and i'm seeking office.

The tables are finally turned, and everyone that's sick of seeing warez players on their favorite servers is taking action. You don't like it? Too bad. Buy the damn game.