Warez users everywhere.


Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
I thought once Valve released a patch these idiots wouldn't be able to log on anymore?... they're still here and I see 'em on every server I go to. What the hell happened here? Doesn't anybody care? :|
I just came from a server where 5 people on my team, via mic were discussing how much they liked CS:S... and that they were going to buy HL2.

I was like... Uhm... WTF?
Yeah I know, the ones I've seen actually brag about using the cracked version.
Mr. Redundant said:
I just came from a server where 5 people on my team, via mic were discussing how much they liked CS:S... and that they were going to buy HL2.

I was like... Uhm... WTF?

Well there you go, thats why Valve is allowing this to go.
Now since I myslef do not have a creditcard and thus have to wait a really long time to play css, could any of you pm the torrent sites wich have those cracked css, with wich you can play on normal servers.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Grey Fox said:
Well there you go, thats why Valve is allowing this to go.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Absolutely no sense at all!!! :O
thats it, from this point forward Im going to record steam ids and send them to Valve, they can inspect it further.

it pisses me off, that people can play with me, and **** up my game that I payed for.. and they did not.
Raoulduke's tip #1:

Cracked version doesn't have %n name fix update. So change name to %n and type kill in console - all hacked players now timeout - you see them hanging in the air!!

I saw someone do this today on meatfactory server, out of 40 people 22 used hacked version :(

It works, but we fight a losing battle.
raoulduke said:
Raoulduke's tip #1:

Cracked version doesn't have %n name fix update. So change name to %n and type kill in console - all hacked players now timeout - you see them hanging in the air!!

I saw someone do this today on meatfactory server, out of 40 people 22 used hacked version :(

It works, but we fight a losing battle.

Are you sure about this?
raoulduke said:
Raoulduke's tip #1:

Cracked version doesn't have %n name fix update. So change name to %n and type kill in console - all hacked players now timeout - you see them hanging in the air!!

I saw someone do this today on meatfactory server, out of 40 people 22 used hacked version :(

It works, but we fight a losing battle.

fantastic, Im going to try this
it works like a freaking charm.

nice find bro.

I just crashed like 12 people (3 of which had the name emporio, and one mygoats heh)

note: it will not crash the server, or anyone with a legit copy.
Mr. Redundant said:
it works like a freaking charm.

nice find bro.

I just crashed like 12 people (3 of which had the name emporio, and one mygoats heh)

note: it will not crash the server, or anyone with a legit copy.

Yeah I'm having fun too.

I go in and say "Warez is evil! Buy the game!"

Then I explain that the warez players didn't get a patch, this is the way to cleanse the server :D

But it's really sad to see that over 50% of all players are using a cracked version, I saw a full team of 16 players crash on one swedish server.

Some people even thanked me lol :LOL:

CB | Para said:
Yeah I'm having fun too.

I go in and say "Warez is evil! Buy the game!"

Then I explain that the warez players didn't get a patch, this is the way to cleanse the server :D

But it's really sad to see that over 50% of all players are using a cracked version, I saw a full team of 16 players crash on one swedish server.

Some people even thanked me lol :LOL:


I do the exact same thing

"I wonder how many people are using illegal copies of CS:S.. lets see!'

"Name %n"

I get called lame for changing my name, but then I explain that it only effects warez users now (and they notice like 10-16 people timeing out)

its damn shameful.
Heheh, gona do this EVERY SINGLE TIME i enter a server from now on.

Spread the word people. Next post it on steampowered.com. :D
Hit the big servers!

What's funny is that I ran into another guy doing the exact same thing lol :LOL: must have been you Redundant, on aztec?
Wouldn't "kill" in the console kill me too? Is there any other way of spotting these tards? :) I bet Valve can see if there are crackers out there actually playing so sending them SteamIDs seems rather useless to me.

Or should I type "kill" (without "" I presume?) when I'm already dead?
CB | Para said:
Hit the big servers!

What's funny is that I ran into another guy doing the exact same thing lol :LOL: must have been you Redundant, on aztec?
yessir :)
CB | Para said:
That doesn't make any sense at all. Absolutely no sense at all!!! :O

Offcourse it does, he said that alot of those people said that thjey were going to buy hl2, don't you get it, if there wan't a warezd version they would not have played css and would not want to buy hl2, now they will, once hl2 is retail, valve will turn vac2 on and then either they will buy the game or they will not be able to play.
Was it really that hard to understand.
And most of you people are big hypocrits, l bet if all the software you have or have had on you're comp was legal it would have cost you 5 times the hardware cost. I mean do you think someone will pay 600,- for adobe so they can make a spray or 6000,- for 3dsmax.
Grey Fox said:
Offcourse it does, he said that alot of those people said that thjey were going to buy hl2, don't you get it, if there wan't a warezd version they would not have played css and would not want to buy hl2, now they will, once hl2 is retail, valve will turn vac2 on and then either they will buy the game or they will not be able to play.
Was it really that hard to understand.
And most of you people are big hypocrits, l bet if all the software you have or have had on you're comp was legal it would have cost you 5 times the hardware cost. I mean do you think someone will pay 600,- for adobe so they can make a spray or 6000,- for 3dsmax.

sorry I should have specified, they were talking about how they were using cracked copies, how much valve sucked.. and when I asked how the hell they were playing if they didn't buy Hl2, their answer was they "had the intention to" but changed their mind.

the point here is, a lot of these cracked people are kids/hackers.. so this %n is a great way of cleansing servers.
illegal is illegal, regardless of what proggy it is.
*note to self* Don't do this when Pimuhro is on. He's mean ;( ;) :thumbs:
A friend of mine pirated CS:Source. He plans on buying it when it is released in stores...

I don't blame him.
Yeah I was just on the official beef server (1), and saw this guy change his name to %n because he was losing. 3 seconds later and:
"What the f*ck? Why isn't it working?*
While Pi Mu Rho replies by kicking him haha!
We all had a good laugh.
dekstar said:
Yeah I was just on the official beef server (1), and saw this guy change his name to %n because he was losing. 3 seconds later and:
"What the f*ck? Why isn't it working?*
While Pi Mu Rho replies by kicking him haha!
We all had a good laugh.
That was ME :E And I said no such thing! I said "Umm?" because I changed the name to %n while dead & then changed it back while still dead to my original name. But when the new round started my name was still %n which made me go "WTF?" practically. An unjustified kick imho but I don't blame him for abusing his powers ;)

Edit: Hmm might've been more on but I sure as heck wasn't losing. It was my first round :D
Haha! omfg! this really works! I love it! DIE WAREZERS!
Be warned warezers! Your day of reckoning (sp?) has finally come. This is gerilla warfare :D I'm going to the meatfactory next I think :E
Grey Fox said:
Offcourse it does, he said that alot of those people said that thjey were going to buy hl2, don't you get it, if there wan't a warezd version they would not have played css and would not want to buy hl2, now they will, once hl2 is retail, valve will turn vac2 on and then either they will buy the game or they will not be able to play.
Was it really that hard to understand.
And most of you people are big hypocrits, l bet if all the software you have or have had on you're comp was legal it would have cost you 5 times the hardware cost. I mean do you think someone will pay 600,- for adobe so they can make a spray or 6000,- for 3dsmax.

No it doesn't make any sense. Besides these guys are NOT going to buy HL² I can guarantee you that.

A hypocrit? how so? I'm not defending the software or the gaming industry by doing this, just Valve. Yeah I'm a fanboy so sue me!
Besides it's fun as hell :LOL:

On a side note: I've noticed that american servers don't have many players using cracked versions, it's mostly the european servers.

Edit: Wait a minute you're telling me the reason why Valve isn't doing anything about it is because these players are "probably" going to buy HL²? How does that make any sense? it should be the other way around, Valve should enfore anti-piracy measures so that they would buy HL² through Steam.
I'm going to do this too. Servers them right for playing for free on such a great game!
I wonder what happens wen someone with the cracked version tries that.... Im gonna go check now
You will crash along with anyone else with the cracked version.

Emporio released a new update to fix it.

yupp the bastards that leaked and got source patched so you can play on all servers.
all of the cracked version dudes seem to have a common spray unless they change it. Its of gabe holding a piece of chicken
I'll upload some pictures :D This is hilarious. Serves them right. Had a nice conversation with one of them. It went like: "Valve sucks. I'll buy this when it comes to my store..." "can I mute everyone to stop the crashes?" "is there a patch for this STUPID crash shit?" :angry:

Edit: Added a cobble picture.


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man this is freakin awesome. i was getting pissed at the warez users too... if i had css i would join in the fun
Alec_85 said:
I'll upload some pictures :D This is hilarious. Serves them right. Had a nice conversation with one of them. It went like: "Valve sucks. I'll buy this when it comes to my store..." "can I mute everyone to stop the crashes?" "is there a patch for this STUPID crash shit?" :angry:

Edit: Added a cobble picture.

wow, thats owned.
A guy did that on a server I played on today.. lol
16 players %n, kill .. blam.. 4 players left xD
Hehe, after reading this post I had to give it a go.

I went on one of those "No Steam" servers and there were roughly 18 players online. I did the %n thing and everyone just stopped!

This is what I call justice! :cheers: