Warhammer 40k or Battlefront

what should I get

  • Dawn of War

    Votes: 34 72.3%
  • Star wars battlefront

    Votes: 13 27.7%

  • Total voters
Ive been playing the full version of DoW today and its a great game. :)
DoW for sure man great game and battlefront suxors.
DOW! but yet i cant help feeling intrigued by battlefront. is it good?
after playing SWB for a while the ground battles are instense and are more fun than using the starships.
i agree, battlefront. dow kind of sucks.
Well hopefully the Battlefront demo will be out soon. <to original poster> And are you planning to get RTW also? Because you can't count that out of the picture.
If ya want wait for demos but I'm going to go play some Battlefront, later. ;)
go and get Dawn of war, if your into strategy games you will love it. Its fast furious and looks great. IMO its one of the few real time strategy games, in which you feel like commanding frontline troops instead of some mindless peons beating eachother up with sticks.
I'd say SW:battlefront will get old soon, to me its like a nice Battlefield mod, cool to have, but at the end of a day nothing new or thrilling.
Dawn of War of course - It's a fantastic game.

Battlefront is ok, but not anything I'd waste a lot of cash on.
After playing both i'd definately go with Dawn of War...its amazing to say the least :D
I have played neither but nevertheless I shall say....Ground Control 2 is worth a look as well.
Jesus Lincon said:
sheesh, research before you say there isnt a demo its simple... go to www.google.com and query Warhammer 40k Dawn of war demo--WELCOME TO THE INTERNET, watch out for *******!

Whoaaaaaa, it's captain sarcasm! I belive he just pulled out his marvel stick. Watch you don't rape yourself with it.

And what do you mean "research before you say there isn't a demo" I never said there wasn't a demo.
I know, I was quoting you to show gh0st that he was dumb, he posted right before you and said, there is no demo
Okay, actually DoW is really, really good. Like a slightly stripped-down, super-accelerated warhammer-themed Generals: Fun campaign, brilliant skirmish, tough AI, and most importantly no transport chopper/dropship pilots who make bad puns along the lines of "taking your command to new hights" in extremely annoying voices! I consider this very important for a good RTS game. Although if you don't like C&C Generals then you should probably not buy this.
Its not identical to generals though, its much better :D I think even those who don't like generals would like this game...

If they don't, well they shouldn't be allowed to play games :P
I found it quite similiar-ish to generals (fast pace, buildings and upgrade system, emphasis on dominating control points) but more, shall we say...explosive (MASS MURDER DEATH KILL CLOSE COMBAT WAAAGH HITTING WITH SWORDS GIANT ROBOTS!). Massively more explosive :D
Sulkdodds said:
Although if you don't like C&C Generals then you should probably not buy this.

I disliked Generals. Yet, I'm all over DoW like a rash.
i love DoW, i love Generals, i love Wc3 and Ground Controll 2. Ive never played the real Warhammer in my life but i love DoW. it absolutly rocks ! It's so fun and the animations in battle are so good. :D