Warning: Nintendo Wii may lead to anal rape

This is like... the third time it's been posted on these forums. :O

The second time is like... two threads down.
....and I just noticed it's posted already ...death to the first person who says it's old

edit2: well what do you know ..it's death to Raziaar, 2 birds with one stone

Well I'm sorry you hate me, but it's true. It's old, and it was posted just TWO threads below, so before you made these edits, I had to mention that. If I didn't, someone else would have.
Well I'm sorry you hate me, but it's true. It's old, and it was posted just TWO threads below, so before you made these edits, I had to mention that. If I didn't, someone else would have.

I dont hate you, I was just making a funny ..and much like pesmerga's comment, the funny may be hard to find

His parents or gaurdian were laughing while their relative is ass raped by the family dog.

I laughed, but I have this shocked look on my face.

someone smack the ****ing dog, insertion imminent!!