Warning to you all.

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Originally posted by D33
I'll keep this brief, basically there has been a influx of offensive, insulting users who spend their time posting crap and insulting others.

Every now and then we'll see a thread that's been made before and the first three replies will be along the lines of "stfu noob", "use the search button dumbass" or "yawn, old news - go away".

We're fed up with it and I'm fed up with decent community members contacting me about it. People here just want to be part of a close, friendly community and we don't want others spoiling that.

So from now on anyone who posts anything insulting / offensive when there's no need, especially at the start of new threads will be banned without warning.

A little nazi? You brought it upon yourselves.

Thank you very much. It's great to see something finally being done about this. I can't stand all that flaming stuff which is why I haven't been on here for awhile.

I'm happy that it's now going to be eliminated. :bounce: :cheers:
Has anyone actually noticed a difference recently? ( I have )
Would be interesting to see if people think things have changed.
I recently joined a photoshop users forums and I was amazed by how polite and patient the people were there. If anyone posted news that had already been posted no-body felt the need to comment. If anyone asked a really stupid question everybody did the best to answer it. Most of the users here should be ashamed of the conduct and how immature they really are.
Nice, if you follow through, this board should end up with some qaulity posts worth reading. :cheers:
Originally posted by derby
I recently joined a photoshop users forums and I was amazed by how polite and patient the people were there. If anyone posted news that had already been posted no-body felt the need to comment. If anyone asked a really stupid question everybody did the best to answer it. Most of the users here should be ashamed of the conduct and how immature they really are.

i know,

its a dissapointment really that people cant stand together as a community and act accordingly and be helpfull. for some reason we have attracted all sorts of assholes that abuse and rant for no reason.

before august, it was a realy great community where you could ask questions and not get STFU NOOB. but it all seamed to go down hill from about mid to late aug and has continued ever since.

i generaly try to help out where i can (ive had my fair share of arguments too :cheese: ) but i dont know much about the technical side of things programing wise so i generaly ask the questions and i would love to go back to the way things were but i cant see this happening.

i say we need to start a pre aug section of the board and then evaluate how other people act and invite them in accordingly. i think it would be a good idea to promote community good behaviour, kinda like a vip club.

anyway, enough from me, ill go now

Originally posted by burnzie i say we need to start a pre aug section of the board and then evaluate how other people act and invite them in accordingly. i think it would be a good idea to promote community good behaviour, kinda like a vip club.

Sadly enough however good that idea (which it is but has it's downsides) Wouldn't work because of the fact that the people can act to get their way then once in the invite forums become a complete and obliterate ... Forgive me if I sound down I really have no faith in people anymore. Sadly enough many of the people that would do these things would be young teenagers that do not know how to respect other people or their works. You just really can't stop people's rudness towards other people no matter what you do (Actually the only way to do this is to become a hermit which is self-defeating because of the fact that you then become rude towards other people do to lack of social skills).
Originally posted by Unreal Panther
Sadly enough however good that idea (which it is but has it's downsides) Wouldn't work because of the fact that the people can act to get their way then once in the invite forums become a complete and obliterate ... Forgive me if I sound down I really have no faith in people anymore. Sadly enough many of the people that would do these things would be young teenagers that do not know how to respect other people or their works. You just really can't stop people's rudness towards other people no matter what you do (Actually the only way to do this is to become a hermit which is self-defeating because of the fact that you then become rude towards other people do to lack of social skills).

wait wait wait...
your a hermit?

(lol kidding bro)
honestly I have noticed a MAJOR change in the forums lately, both how new people have been treated and how efficient the moderators have been with removing moronic / redundant / unrelated content.
you are all to be applauded.
I also however believe this whole beta and leak nonsense is blowing over (thankfully) and things are getting back to normal.
it would work if we only gave 1 chance to people, 1 slip up and your out.

you would get a chance to explane yourself but it would appear before a board of people and they can decide what to do with you.

atleast we could give it a trial run to see how it works.
I agree, I've been reading these boards for a while (though have only just joined) and some of the threads are brilliant and insightful (like Spitcodfry's trip to Valve thread). Some are also pretty funny and good for a laugh.

Other threads, though, seem to just turn into wild insults or you have two people arguing with each other over something the rest of us have no clue about. Sometimes if anyone tries to say anything else or get back on tangent all you will get is a STFU NOOB, which is very lovely. And don't get me started about the spoiler leaker folks... (such as interupting a good thread with "hey look at thizz!" and a photo of Alyx and Dr Kleiner being...um...rather friendly if you catch my drift).

I'm up for a good argument of what we know about HL2 but some of the things said make me want to check another website. So good luck to the mods in bringing some order here, as well!!
I have noticed people being much better on these boards now. Although it may have something to do with the fact that far fewer people are online at any one time than before.

Originally posted by Unreal Panther
Sadly enough however good that idea (which it is but has it's downsides) Wouldn't work because of the fact that the people can act to get their way then once in the invite forums become a complete and obliterate ... Forgive me if I sound down I really have no faith in people anymore. Sadly enough many of the people that would do these things would be young teenagers that do not know how to respect other people or their works. You just really can't stop people's rudness towards other people no matter what you do (Actually the only way to do this is to become a hermit which is self-defeating because of the fact that you then become rude towards other people do to lack of social skills).
It would still work. Lets say someone gets in and starts ruining the place by posting crap and flaming and then invites a whole bunch of other flamers in. The mods could ban that original member from the the special forum and as a result anyone that he invited is automatically kicked out as well as well.

It would be something like this:

Kick this guy out
Original guy

These guys will get kicked automatically
Guy he invited
Guy he invited
Guy he invited
A warning script has been tried and tested on another staff members forums. We're just waiting for Munro's thumbs up to install it.
Could you tell us a bit more of what it does?
Probably when/if it's integrated.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Probably when/if it's integrated.

Nah, we can explain now. Basically what it does is give everyone a set amount of 'points' (Example: 10). Let's say you troll once off, that's something like a 2 point penalty, leaving you with 8 points. Use up all the points, and you get banned. Obviously, more serious 'crimes' give more points- racism, personal comments etc. will merit 7,8,9.. maybe even 10 points in this case.

That was just an example though, it's still being finalized.
How much points will for instance, posting a game spoiler , posting a huge gamespoiler (i.e telling how the ending will be) and posting a/some screenshot of the betaversion of HL2, use up?
Posting a huge spoiler should be an instant ban if it was obvious they did it just to cause problems.

Is there any way of recovering lost points?
Well, saving the life of a moderator should do it , I guess.
Originally posted by D33
Has anyone actually noticed a difference recently? ( I have )
Would be interesting to see if people think things have changed.
Yes, the difference is that the traffic to this site has dropped since the delay was confirmed. The only people surfing now are true die hard fans waiting for the game.

Oh, and I've coined a word for people who screw up threads. They're not trols, because those are people who post messages to make others mad.

Noid - Someone who posts a message in a thread that adds nothing to the conversation, and flames someone with an opinion (usually a 1 line flamer)
Get it? Noid sounds like Nothing, and there was also that goofy cartoon character for Dominos a few years ago.

These are the people you're looking to get rid of. Those who attack others, and add nothing to the conversation. If someone disagrees with my opinion, fine, as long as they post their opinion, instead of stuf, this post sucks, go away, bla bla bla, or one of those dumb pictures.
Originally posted by NoGodForMe
Yes, the difference is that the traffic to this site has dropped since the delay was confirmed. The only people surfing now are true die hard fans waiting for the game.

Oh, and I've coined a word for people who screw up threads. They're not trols, because those are people who post messages to make others mad.

Noid - Someone who posts a message in a thread that adds nothing to the conversation, and flames someone with an opinion (usually a 1 line flamer)
Get it? Noid sounds like Nothing, and there was also that goofy cartoon character for Dominos a few years ago.

These are the people you're looking to get rid of. Those who attack others, and add nothing to the conversation. If someone disagrees with my opinion, fine, as long as they post their opinion, instead of stuf, this post sucks, go away, bla bla bla, or one of those dumb pictures.

This post sucks. :laugh:

Kidding, I actually agree with you, and I'd use your "noid" name, but, people would look at me oddly and think I was a weirdo, and I get that enough :)

What gets me is the fact that the people who are sticking around ARE the diehard fans, but, I start to wonder what's with the "Will HL2 suck?" "The hype is dead" "I won't buy HL2" etc. etc. threads popping up lately..
Originally posted by Shuzer
This post sucks. :laugh:

Kidding, I actually agree with you, and I'd use your "noid" name, but, people would look at me oddly and think I was a weirdo, and I get that enough :)

What gets me is the fact that the people who are sticking around ARE the diehard fans, but, I start to wonder what's with the "Will HL2 suck?" "The hype is dead" "I won't buy HL2" etc. etc. threads popping up lately..

just people worried I reckon. Oh and D3 fanboys who would think it funny HL2 got put back (funny how they've shut up now though isn't it heheh).

IMO I think HL2 will be seen as better than we hoped, the hype machine often does more harm than good, making people expect too much, so when the product finally arrives, it stands no hope of living up to the hype (look at phantom menace, an actually good film, but the hype screwed its chances when no film possible could have lived up to that sort of hype). Valve are gonna make millions from HL2, no doubt about that, so they can only gain from losing the hype that was generated to the extent it was before and whatever they do deliver will be considered great

I'm mostly now though looking forward to the SDK and being able to try a bunch of theories out on the engine, put it through its paces and see what I can do with it. The game itself is just a really cool bonus
All the people who say they aren't gonna buy HL2 are going to anyway, we all know it, they all know it (unless the reason they aren't buying it is because their pc is crap ;))
Originally posted by NoGodForMe
Yes, the difference is that the traffic to this site has dropped since the delay was confirmed. The only people surfing now are true die hard fans waiting for the game.

I actually posted that a while before the drop but aye, I agree :)
Originally posted by D33
I actually posted that a while before the drop but aye, I agree :)

I think its quite plesant right now, everyone gets on with everyone else and its a nice atmosphere. So long as the site doesn't shut down because its quiet though, that would be silly and murphy's law would dictate the game is released a week later, damn law :)
I was on a furious posting spree, but the last couple days been working rl, things to take care of.

However the forums are back to normality (sans the sporadic troll and frustration postings, these are to be expected though)
we have some great new members, as well as old ones coming back to the collective.... I mean... resistance is futile... err
:) heres hoping to a holiday release :cheers: hopefully ... hoping... with hope....

hey when it does finally come out steam will keep us all in contact, might even want to put up a HL2net official server where we can all get together and chat about hl2!!!!... or kill eachother in DM, whichever comes first. :)

much love, to the first, best, and only (in my mind) HL2 community, HalfLife2.net
Why is every single thread in this forum being moved? How ridiculous.
Originally posted by Eternity
Why is every single thread in this forum being moved? How ridiculous.

Because they're in the wrong forum...
I totally agree. Becasue, you know, I'm a newb so its good to ban/delete newb bashers/newb bashing posts
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I think its quite plesant right now, everyone gets on with everyone else and its a nice atmosphere. So long as the site doesn't shut down because its quiet though, that would be silly and murphy's law would dictate the game is released a week later, damn law :)

somehow this reminds me of a hurricane, we'r in the eye right now...
Originally posted by mrchimp
somehow this reminds me of a hurricane, we'r in the eye right now...

Just wait until HL2.net gets a post regarding something or other from Gabe.. then, traffic will start flowing and in comes another influx of trolls!
It's the gold date I'm more worried about.

BTW whats going to happen to the forums when the game is released? there's no way it's going to be kept under control.
Originally posted by mrchimp
BTW whats going to happen to the forums when the game is released? there's no way it's going to be kept under control.

I wouldn't worry, there's plenty of mods around to keep an eye on things, atleast one normal mod and one super mod on almost all the time through a single day, so always someone around to fix problems.

Most of the rubbish if it crops up will be dealt with quickly, though if other users help out by reporting problem children and trying not to get involved in flame wars it would be really appreciated and really cool of everyone. The report button is a very handy but over looked tool, but I can assure you every single report is checked and acted on if its appropriate

It'll all be fine, trust me, I'm a doctor ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I wouldn't worry, there's plenty of mods around to keep an eye on things, atleast one normal mod and one super mod on almost all the time through a single day, so always someone around to fix problems.

Most of the rubbish if it crops up will be dealt with quickly, though if other users help out by reporting problem children and trying not to get involved in flame wars it would be really appreciated and really cool of everyone. The report button is a very handy but over looked tool, but I can assure you every single report is checked and acted on if its appropriate

It'll all be fine, trust me, I'm a doctor ;)

/me clicks Report on Fenric's post

..oops :) lol, kidding
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I wouldn't worry, there's plenty of mods around to keep an eye on things, atleast one normal mod and one super mod on almost all the time through a single day, so always someone around to fix problems.

Usually it's just me and Fenric :hmph: :P
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