Warning to you all.

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Originally posted by Uplink
Well, won't everyone?

by April I'll have a long list of things I need to try in Hammer/Source engine, so might be too busy to play the actual game itself

course thats even if I get around to buying a new machine for it
To busy making mods to play the game...tut tut... oh dear, dear dear :-)
me thinks there will be roughly a 1000 kids spamming the forums when HL2 is released, moaning about anything they possibly can and posting spoilers with no warning.
Originally posted by mrchimp
me thinks there will be roughly a 1000 kids spamming the forums when HL2 is released, moaning about anything they possibly can and posting spoilers with no warning.

we'll clean up the mess don't you worry :) I'll repeat what I said already "though if other users help out by reporting problem children and trying not to get involved in flame wars it would be really appreciated and really cool of everyone. The report button is a very handy but over looked tool, but I can assure you every single report is checked and acted on if its appropriate"

I honestly wouldn't worry, there's more than enough to look after the place 24/7. If it even has to come to that. There's enough mods to take one section each if we have to. It'll be fine :)

Besides, Shuzer will be around to drag all the threads off topic anyway lol j/k
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Besides, Shuzer will be around to drag all the threads off topic anyway lol j/k

I'm not THAT bad.. I really haven't had any threads go off-topic because of me lately! REALLY! Lol, I'm changing!
Aye, with the forums as dead as they are atm this thread serves no purpose. However when HL2 finally decides to show itself and the morons come back, we'll be ready ;)
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