Warren Spector. Steam. Orgasm.


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
In what has been a great week for incredible Steam news, we found out today that Warren Spector, the lead man behind Deus Ex, is working together with Valve to create a new game for the Steam platform.
"We are currently working with Valve on a new game using the Source Engine to be delivered via Steam, and are looking for top talent from within the industry to help us out."

His company, Junction Point Studios, is advertising for jobs.[br]</br>Warren Spector? Digital distribution? The combination is enough to make most gamers weak at the knees. With their "focus on player-driven, improvisational gameplay in the context of strong, traditional narratives" and their goal "to tell stories with players, not to them," Junction Point Studios look to be a force to be reckoned with.[br]</br>More information at the website. Think you can be of help? Take a look at the jobs on offer.
wow Sulky, u really are on a roll with these announcements eh? ;)
anyway this really sounds promising!! :thumbs:
Oh my GOD!

My jaw literally and involuntarily dropped and I couldn't close it again until I'd finished reading.

Warren Spector is a GOD said:
We’re looking for artists who can conceive, sketch (and maybe even model and animate) cartoon mice, cats and wabbits. We need help creating and fleshing out surreal Wagnerian opera sets and places like Balloonyland or Wackyland. (If you have to ask about Balloonyland and Wackyland you might not be right for this job…)
This is going to be weird.
OH F*CK. No retail? I seriously need broadband.
no deus ex 3 so

*mutters about the illuminati of the illuminati
john3571000 said:
*mutters about the illuminati of the illuminati
Rofl it's funny because it's true :D

Deus Ex was teh sechs, and Deus Ex 2 had a weaker story, but the (albeit weird) graphics made up for it (seeing it was the first that seemed really 'next-gen' to me).
Can we stop having orgasms in the news? Thanks. ^_^
I hope it's something better than "Deus Ex" Invisible war. That let me down,big time.
I would certainly be "weak at the knees" if Deus Ex 3 didn't exist.
There will be Deus Ex 3, There will be Deus Ex 3. *Rocks back and forth

And Steam! No X-Box! No shitty interface!
DoctorBonz said:
We both seem to be stuck in the same hellhole. ;(

And the solution is SOOOOO easy to fix. at work i have bb, at my moms and my brothers i have bb, but at home, 56k. I don't play mp, but i have a steam account. I can't play anything though for hl2 with steam, cause i play so rarly, everytime i start it it updates.

valve PLEASE don't update twice a week, and PLEASE create executable patches you can put on a website we can log in with our steam account. I don't need broadband, I like sp games, and all my porn is still on beta max. but i would like to be able to purchase these games for 10 dollars online somewhere as a download if possible
Update Steam at work, transfer GCFs home on recordable media...
hm the cartoon things doesnt quicken my interests (woo that translation doesnt sound good) .... hopefully its not a totaly mess like Thief 3 or Deus Ex 2 ... they both just suck.
Well ... will take aprox. 1 1/2 years anyway.
Can't wait. I hope this offering is more like Deus Ex and less like Deus Ex 2.
this rocks. steam is really coming into its own. valve have made something special and its starting to pay off.


*ennui is most happy*
steam + source + warren spector + talented staff + reasonable budget could result in a game of hl2 magnitude. Ofcourse, nobody knows what the timeframe and budget is on this project, so I doubt we will see any results soon, and when we do it may noe be aaa.

They should let him make a hl2-episode. That could be very different, yet very very good.

boglito said:
steam + source + warren spector + talented staff + reasonable budget could result in a game of hl2 magnitude.

Hope it's more than that :O .

*ennui explodes with happiness*
Ennui said:

*ennui explodes with happiness*
im too lazy to check links. please explain this surrealist game.