Watching Battlestar Galactica

I never apologise! If you really wanted to take it back you could have edited out the entire section. YOU'LL GET NO SYMPATHY FROM ME WITH YOUR MEDIOCRE FACE.
West Wing is pretty awesome until the later seasons.
True, though even the later seasons are still better than most shows on TV and they still have the occasional episode of sheer perfection.
I think we've covered everything, worth a watch, not worth a buy, anyone who disagrees is just wrong and they're sillyheads.
Oh, yeah, that's true. Let's go back to talking about The West Wing.

I missed the last season and a half, actually. I own Seasons 1-5. Worth getting the last two?
Well the overall quality is down somewhat imo but it still has some stellar episodes, particularly in Season 7 when John Spencer died during filming and it all came full circle. Some of the new actors are worth watching too, such as Jimmy Smits as a Democratic presidential hopeful and Alan Alda as that of the Republicans.
If they're on sale or you've got a good bit of cash spare then probably, but not at full price. Definitely worth a week's rental if you know somewhere that stocks them.
I was kind of turned off by

some of the regulars for like 7 years quitting / getting fired, mainly Toby

So I wasn't too sure how the end really played out.
Toby still appears now and then. Can't think of anyone else leaving who doesn't remain a true regular - some leave for presidential campaigns but the show changes to focus at least as much on that as on the White House itself. Also some characters who left return, at least for a few episodes or smaller parts.

Given the premise of the show it was inevitable they'd have to mix things up after the second term's midterms, but I think they pulled it off as well as one could hope. Like I said, some episodes are still up there with the very best of those in the early seasons despite the changes.
Political show that revolves around the inner workings of the White House, iirc.
Tried to watch a couple episodes a few years ago and couldn't really get into it, but I really wasn't that interested in politics then.

Might give it another shot.
Can someone sum up for me why this show becomes really disappointing towards the end just so I know?
Can someone sum up for me why this show becomes really disappointing towards the end just so I know?


All of the characters with a few exceptions are pretty unlikable. The show isn't so much about their flaws as it is you see them make the same stupid mistakes over and over. The "flashback" effect is overused to an unbelievable degree, where we see the same scenes over and over, or scenes that merely highly aspects of people that we know already. Yes, Gaius is a jerk, Thrace is a whore, we ****ing get it already.

The worst part is the shows finale, which misses a lot of opportunities for touching moments, has characters do things that are quite unbelievable (not like them, not what anyone would do, etc) and a lot of the previous arcs and mystery that had been set up since Season 1 and proven to this point to be pretty interesting are all basically concluded with the phrase "God did it". While the show itself was religious throughout, the last season of the show basically simply showcases that the writers never had any idea where the show was going, and only sought to use that religious theme as a scapegoat.

TLDR: Lazy, poor writing.
BSG: Pretty much agree with the consensus here. Great from the first season to the beginning eps of season three.
I think the New Caprica arc is one of the best things the show did.

The rest of season three is rather poor, I do think season four picks up again (although not as high as previously)
I liked where it was going, Earth being a wasteland, Starbuck being 'dead', Leoben confused, Cylon-Human intergration and tension, the story of the Final Five, etc.
But, yeah, where it ended up was terrible on many levels.
At the end of the day I think the show could have been a lot better with more planning rather than making the whole thing up as they went. However overall it is well worth watching and next time I feel like watching it I will be buying it on Blu-Ray.

And yeah The West Wing is definitely worth watching.
It's amazing how quickly my opinions on some of the characters can change so rapidly. Some characters I at times like and respect, and at other times I find myself truly loathing them.

Some of those ones are Kara, Lee, Roslyn, Tigh, Baltar, Dee. I can at times really like these characters... but often I find myself wishing they would just shrivel away.

Though some of the characters I've always liked throughout the seasons I've watched so far(I'm in season 3). Cally, Billy, Adama, Gaeta, Sharon, Chief. For some reason these characters never seem to get under my skin quite like the others.
I really hated cally. Whines all the time. If there was one character I did not like it was cally. Cavil was my favourite character.
I really hated cally. Whines all the time. If there was one character I did not like it was cally. Cavil was my favourite character.

Whines all the time?

Like when she almost gets raped and ****s the guy over, and when she gets beat to shit by an uncontrolled Tyrol? Or when she blasts the shit out of Boomer?

Please... she's a strong one. Lots of guts.
I'm watching the final two hours right now!

I have to say, reading the reviews of each episode from this review site(below) has been a fabulous experience. They are a perfect compliment to each episode and helps me dig into possibly deeper meaning I might not have seen before, and give me that sense of joy that someone else was thinking exactly the way I was thinking about events in each episode, good and bad.

I would recommend them to anybody who watches the series, to read each review as they finish the episode. I actually didn't find the site until a couple seasons already in.
I just watched the first episode of the first series and didn't have a ****ing clue what was going on O_o Then I realised there was a mini series before it :(

You would think being called series 1 I could just jump in at that point but no.
Can someone sum up for me why this show becomes really disappointing towards the end just so I know?
Personally, i felt this real closeness in the crew in the first two seasons. I felt a real sense of the mission for finding earth. I always envisioned they'd arrive at earth and it would be a futuristic earth with a huge fleet of warships. The cylons would be chasing a tattered Galactica through the solar system then are intercepted by a hundred earth ships.

The first two seasons had this really awesome sense of survival, hope and providence.

Some of the characters i loved who turned out to be cylons annoyed me too much. Reminds me a bit of how the Matrix ended. Not in terms of plot but in terms of asking questions like "what the ****, why? what ?? what the **** WHAT THE **** GODDAMN YOU WAKOWSKI BROTHER YOU ****S WHAT THE **** DID YOU DO??". You know that kind of reaction.

Nevertheless, it's still sci-fi so is by default it's better than all the crime shows that permeate our television and internets.
Okay I still need to watch the mini series but seeing as I have already rented the first series I thought I'd push on. So far I've watched about 4 and a half episodes. Got to say I am very underwhelmed.

I don't know what it is, it's not a bad show but I don't think it's that good either. I think a large part is that I either don't like alot of the characters or don't care about them and so I've found it kinda boring. Namely starbuck (who so far I've found annoying) and baltar (okay I don't know wtf is going on in his head but does no one ever think that he isn't right in the head? Conisdering he appears to be an important character urely he should be kept an eye on if any suspicions are raised?).

Some scenes I have no context for like the scenes on caprica bore me silly cos I don't know what's going on but I feel like I've got the idea and even then I still don't care -_- plus the cylons look like crap. Although I did think colonel Adama was probably the best character I have seen so far.

EDIT: This isn't a big complaint (I suppose it depends on how it is used later on in the series) but I did not know that there were copies of the six cylons. I feel as if that defeats the whole purpose of finding out the moles in the crew cos doesn't it mean that enemy can just keep coming back? I mean in 4 episodes so far I've already seen 3 copies of no. 6 O_o