Water won't render?



I've been working on a crappy little map, and I can't get the water to work. It's invisible, but you can swim in it and it loks normal when you're under water. Why isn't it working?
I think water is a bit bugged in hammer at the moment, I had this chaps same problem, though mine rendered fine the first time, no matter what I did I could not get the water to appear, even if I created a new brush.

So I created a new map and the water displayed fine, except for the pink squared environment map, which I got rid of by using the tip on the VERC forum - That tip was to create the water as per above, no draw, then apply a water texture (e.g. Pretty) then create an env_cubemap and put it 16 inches above the water and choose in properties set it to the bottom of the water brush (no draw)..

Tried that and have had perfect water, only thing I noticed though is each time I change something in the scene I have to move my cubemap slightly everytime I render, if not the pink squares come back :)