We Are Now In Single Digits Until Hl2 Is Bug Free!!!!


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Just posted last night from Gabe:
"Still on target for zero bugs on the 5th."

Start the count down boys! :bounce:

i can no longer give my trust to a game company, i dont want to be hurt once again...
chimpmunk said:
i can no longer give my trust to a game company, i dont want to be hurt once again...

Dude, you're talking about 'em like they're your girlfriend who you saw with someone else.
There's no point making a countdown thread. All it will do is get people's hopes up too much. There is still the chance that Valve won't be bug-free by then, so people will be dissappointed if they don't make it. And if they do make it, well the countdown hits 0 days, and people will realise that they've got at almost another month to wait for the game to come out, quite possibly more so. If we had a release date, fair enough, but I don't think this deserves it's own countdown thread.
Thats your opinion, ill keep it going, thanks for visiting you depressing oaf. :bonce:
0 days = RC = another week or 2 publisher testing = GOLD!! = 4 weeks to make CDs etc = HL2 in my hands. if only it were true :/ btw i'm bein optimistic :rolling:
nickanderson said:
Thats your opinion, ill keep it going, thanks for visiting you depressing oaf. :bonce:

Well, it is my opinion, but no need to call me a depressing oaf, I'm just being realistic. :p I just think people's hopes are too high, they're running the risk of being incredibly dissapointed and frustrated if something goes wrong. Everyone who survived Spetember 30th should know what I'm saying here.
nickanderson said:
Just posted last night from Gabe:
"Still on target for zero bugs on the 5th."

Start the count down boys! :bounce:

Dude, you have to remember, Gabe said "At the rate we are going..." Dont forget all the DOS attacks on steam, you know? When someone says at the rate we are going, that dosent mean that rate is always the same, dont be counting down, and even if it is 9 days, they still need a RC at vivendi which will take long, then gold, then publishing, still a long while to go
meh... a countdown to a supposed date that valve is estimating that the game will have no bugs. at least wait until there's something worth counting down til, like a release date maybe?

oh well, let the spamming commence
we can start a countdown only when the gold copy is with VU and AFTER they set a release date, before that is not very good to have a countdown.
They couldn't possibly announce HL2 GOLD until after August 24th. The whole point of giving out the CS:S beta was to test source and etc with the community to see how it would run. So thinking a week or two after that it could possibly go GOLD early September and be out late September/early October. That's the best explanation you guys will get.
ACLeroK212 said:
meh... a countdown to a supposed date that valve is estimating that the game will have no bugs. at least wait until there's something worth counting down til, like a release date maybe?

Was going to write the same thing.

Still too much time left, and too many things which need to be done. There are too many places which may have "issues" which MAY need to be corrected and those certainly will screw up any dates they have given estimates for.

Too much of a chance to be dissapointed right now if you set your hopes too high.
tokin said:
They couldn't possibly announce HL2 GOLD until after August 24th. The whole point of giving out the CS:S beta was to test source and etc with the community to see how it would run. So thinking a week or two after that it could possibly go GOLD early September and be out late September/early October. That's the best explanation you guys will get.

Alright, all I ask is that you and everyone thinking of a response to this, stop now. You do not know valve's plan, or their agenda, therefore this is just speculation at best. So please, just give it a rest before this turns into another huge flame war.
Headwires said:
0 days = RC = another week or 2 publisher testing = GOLD!! = 4 weeks to make CDs etc = HL2 in my hands. if only it were true :/ btw i'm bein optimistic :rolling:

That's not optimistic, there's no way HL2 is going to spend 4 weeks getting published. I bet it goes gold with the first RC.


0 bugs on Aug 5th... Aug 7th VALVe sends RC. It gets tested and goes gold (week?) and another week for making CD's and hitting shelves. So that makes ummm... Aug 21st!

HL2 available August 21st!
Noooooooooooooooo way! 2 weeks into September at least...(best not to be too optimistic)
You can marvel at my forecasting powers when you're playing HL2 Aug 21st (possibly Sept 3rd at the latest)
Screw the 2 weeks of replicating the discs, It should be on steam the nextday after it went gold.
What I want to know is what kind of moron attacks Valve these days. They allready caught the last guy that screwed with them. Some arrogant prick thinks he's so cool, like, look at me attack authority.

The DOS attacks on steam are just out-right retarded. If your caught you WILL face jail time.

The last thing we need is Steam down & HL2 delayed. Not that the person responsible would read this but who's with me on the (attacking Valve is Suicide thing) ?

Here's hoping HL2 is on schedual!
wonkers said:
What I want to know is what kind of moron attacks Valve these days. They allready caught the last guy that screwed with them. Some arrogant prick thinks he's so cool, like, look at me attack authority.

The DOS attacks on steam are just out-right retarded. If your caught you WILL face jail time.

The last thing we need is Steam down & HL2 delayed. Not that the person responsible would read this but who's with me on the (attacking Valve is Suicide thing) ?

Here's hoping HL2 is on schedual!

I'm with you. :cheers:
Looking at the Steam forums, it was probably a WON diehard.
Of course - the last bugs are always the hardest to solve...
Dagobert said:
Why does everyone expect the first RC to be accepted?

Because Half-Life's first RC was accepted as well. I guess people are expecting history to repeat itself.
I believe HL2 will be released at the end of September. Being a WorldWide release, I am guessing September 23 or 30th. That's my logical estimation.

Obviously, much like the other people on this board (even the ones who claim to hate HL2), I want it NOW!!!!
Because Half-Life's first RC was accepted as well. I guess people are expecting history to repeat itself.

Hmmmm.... I'm not sure that's a very goods reason to expect that to happen. Bigger project, bigger team, higher profile project and for all we know Vivendi's procedure could be different from Sierra's.
Yes, but even though valve isnt that great with release timings and getting the game out, they are extremly good with making sure their games are of the highest quality and have all major kinks worked out. They are no doubt working extremly hard on getting every bug out, is it possible for the RC to be accepted first try? Yes, you add that its a bigger project, bigger team, and higher profile project and that is all true i wont disgaree there, but they did it with half life 1 when they were a brand new company making their first game, now they are highly experinced, i believe they can do it again.

Hoping for a late august release date... :cheers:
AgentXen said:
Screw the 2 weeks of replicating the discs, It should be on steam the nextday after it went gold.

Valve's already announced the game wont be unlocked on Steam until it hits the store shelves. They plan on a simultaneous release, so Steam customers won't get to play the game any day(s) earlier than someone who buys the game off the shelf.
1 day until my 18th Birthday

A much better countdown in my opinion :bounce:
Because HL2 is the ownz0r, and Valve wouldn't bother sending it unless they thought it was possible it could be released. Hence release candidate. We just have to hope Valve has stringent testing themselves.
My two cents:

1. 9th august: Valve sends RC to Vivendi <-- three days spent in final annoying bugs
2. 13th august: Vivendi finds bugs and report to Valve. Valve get the first CS:S beta bug reports not from CS:S itself but the source engine with a few rare hardware combos.
3. 20th august: CS:S got hacked on steam
4. 25th august: Valve sends RC2 to Vivendi, after fixing the Vivendi's reported bugs, a few critical bugs from CS:S public test, and the hack.
5. 5th september: Vivendi signs RC2 as Gold and sends to duplicators.
6. 23nd september: HL2 hits stores and steam.

Today I'm feeling optimistic :E
|_HeLL_| said:
2. 13th august: Vivendi finds bugs and report to Valve. Valve get the first CS:S beta bug reports not from CS:S itself but the source engine with a few rare hardware combos.

I hope you realise that, that's Friday The Thirteenth! :x
Nah wont take that long to duplicate.

I predict mid september to early october!
lol 23th...
I think the game will be out, final version, all duplicated, sitting on the shelves of everyones local PC Game outlet on September 10th :) Dont ask why, it just sounds like a good date.... and im on holiday camping, away from my gorgeous pc ! :x
|_HeLL_| said:
6. 23th september: HL2 hits stores and steam.

I would think they'd pick September 30th again, especially if the earliest date they can get this thing on the shelves would be ther 23rd. It's just too big an opportunity to pick fun at themselves. They can also claim the age old joke "we never said which year". Right, seeing games are usually released on tuesdays in the US, I would think it'd be great to unlock the game on Steam on the 30th ( a monday), and have the game released in stores on the 31st (a tuesday). They'd be stupid not to do it!! :bounce: :bounce: [EDIT]: eep, I was looking at August, not September. Silly me. :) I still say they should do it! :p

I've been sticking to September 30th 2004 for a long time now, and it just gets more and more likely. :)
September doesnt havea 31st... :x But yeah, we see your point ;)
in fact the 30th this year is a Thursday... in England anyway... :rolling: