"We don't go to Falluja anymore"

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Forgive me a political comment, but the reports of Falluja now as a ghost town into which entry is strictly controlled by U.S. soldiers, filled with rotting bodies, booby traps, and destruction sure seems more than an apt comparison.

[SARCASM]Long live Ravenholm.[/SARCASM]
Expect for the fact that there isnt zombies anywhere... OR thats what they tell us!
Weapons of Mass Destruction: FOUND!

Headcrab canisters. ;)
Heh, US forces should be on the lookout for a cackling Saddam-lookalike urging them to "step into the light."
am i the only 1 who doesnt find this thread funny at all?
jimbo118 said:
am i the only 1 who doesnt find this thread funny at all?
No, I'm with you. Guys, this isn't some fantasy place you're talking about. This is home to to thousands of people. A home they can't get to... and it's not in the least funny what has happened to it.
"Today the Iraq Body Count (IBC) website has published its analysis of the civilian dealth toll in the April 2004 siege of Falluja. This analysis leads to the conclusion that betweeen 572 and 616 of the approximately 800 reported deaths were of civilians, with over 300 of these being women and children."

no, not funny at all

thank you steve and stern for restoring my faith in forum users
CptStern said:
"Today the Iraq Body Count (IBC) website has published its analysis of the civilian dealth toll in the April 2004 siege of Falluja. This analysis leads to the conclusion that betweeen 572 and 616 of the approximately 800 reported deaths were of civilians, with over 300 of these being women and children."

no, not funny at all

Did you expect anything else? The US policy in Iraq has always been shoot first and shoot again.

I would hate what would happen to me in Iraq... I got dark hair, might conceil an AK47 in it.
and then after u shoot, it it up more to make sure it doeesnt have a land mine under it
CptStern said:
"Today the Iraq Body Count (IBC) website has published its analysis of the civilian dealth toll in the April 2004 siege of Falluja. This analysis leads to the conclusion that betweeen 572 and 616 of the approximately 800 reported deaths were of civilians, with over 300 of these being women and children."

no, not funny at all


no that isnt funny,

nor innocent iraqis and worldwide hossies being killed by carbombs, gunfire and kidnaps is funny at all.

down with these Terrorists! :flame:
Yeah man down with the terrorists, well find those nucular guns in Eyeraq soon. God i love USA, were the best, I mean is there anyone better than us? I think not. Why do these terrorists want destroy everything that stands for freedom and liberty, I mean were out there helping those camel jockeys why would they shoot us? *starts singing the national anthom and drapes American flag around self*
My intent on starting this thread was not to be funny, it was to make a not-so-subtle point about things in the world that are happening which are incredible enough to approach the unreal.

Fact is that Falluja is a place where the most terrible reality exists (which most of us will never know. . . .for good reason has it been compared to what the Allies did in Dresden near the end of WW2), mixed with a heavy dose of unreality, even fantasy thanks to the mediatization of the whole war in Iraq where news is replaced by images and images convey almost nothing except....unreality. . . .and where "liberation" comes in the form of overkill and overkill is now taken to be an effective form of "counterterrorism" and "precision weapons" do not prevent the killing of hundreds and hundreds of civilians because frankly, it's hard for a U.S. soldier to distinguish them when you don't have any real contact with the people.

Maybe a game like Half-Life 2 has in a certain way captured that strange mixture of the real and unreal which we are all drowning in.

So there's my point.

Perhaps there are zombies in Falluja. Zombies wander around aimlesslly, wailing to the skies after the headcrab shells have fallen on their heads.

Long live Ravenholm.
Long live Father Griorgi. Long live Father Griorgi.*US army invades ravenholm and finds the father hiding in a hole*
1) Keep your ass inside the house and maybe you won't get shot.

2) When a US team is asking you questions, STFU about your gayass pride or religious beliefs, and answer to the best of your knowledge.

3) Don't resist. Ever. I'd shoot you myself if I could.

Never knew remembering three things was so hard. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind, many of those women and childrem deaths were NOT caused by US soldiers. Regardless, a few were, it's called collateral damage, and it's part of a war. We still supported the US, after a jocky pilot annihilated a squad of our soldiers.
firemachine69 said:
1) Keep your ass inside the house and maybe you won't get shot.

2) When a US team is asking you questions, STFU about your gayass pride or religious beliefs, and answer to the best of your knowledge.

3) Don't resist. Ever. I'd shoot you myself if I could.

Never knew remembering three things was so hard. :rolleyes:

this is exactly why some people in iraq see the us as an evil oppressive force and feel like fighting back.
Thats not winning the hearts and minds of local people!
can anyone really believe than in a city of 200 000 people there are only 800 deaths?
firemachine69 said:
1) Keep your ass inside the house and maybe you won't get shot.

2) When a US team is asking you questions, STFU about your gayass pride or religious beliefs, and answer to the best of your knowledge.

3) Don't resist. Ever. I'd shoot you myself if I could.

Never knew remembering three things was so hard. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind, many of those women and childrem deaths were NOT caused by US soldiers. Regardless, a few were, it's called collateral damage, and it's part of a war. We still supported the US, after a jocky pilot annihilated a squad of our soldiers.

This is the kind of attitude that makes the rest of the world hate America.
wayne white said:
can anyone really believe than in a city of 200 000 people there are only 800 deaths?
About 3/4 of the people in the city left before the battle.
firemachine69 said:
1) Keep your ass inside the house and maybe you won't get shot.

2) When a US team is asking you questions, STFU about your gayass pride or religious beliefs, and answer to the best of your knowledge.

3) Don't resist. Ever. I'd shoot you myself if I could.

Never knew remembering three things was so hard. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind, many of those women and childrem deaths were NOT caused by US soldiers. Regardless, a few were, it's called collateral damage, and it's part of a war. We still supported the US, after a jocky pilot annihilated a squad of our soldiers.

Where do you live? Let's say... Townton, just for this purpose.

I've just invaded your country, and I come to your town shooting bullets. I kill 800 of your fellow town people including family members. Of course, you wouldn't be pissed off... I mean... what the hell was your family doing out and about in their town aye? And I;m actually quite polite, I wouldn't come to your house, so you'll be safe in there...
...so anyway, when I come knocking on your door asking questions about where the people are trying to protect Townton, of course you'll sing and shout about it - screw all that 'gayness' about pride for your dead family. I'd personally be glad to help, afterall these invaders blatently deserve my respect.
Resist? Pah! No one would do that. But surely if they didn't want to speak, for some silly reason like.. oo... i dunno... viewing it as being unloyal to your people, both dead and alive... they deserve to die.
Let's free the lovely people of townton, by shooting the sh*t out of them.

You're an idiot, and it's people like you that created global hatred for the west.
This is the kind of attitude that makes the rest of the world hate America.

Well, if you chose to stay in your own home or at least some kind of shelter, your chances of living would go up based upon the chosen level of prudency.

If you choose not to protest against our questioning, using voluntary patriotic spills of "Allah is better then God"; it might not be so hard for us to leave you in peace ... and we might actuall get something done.

Finally, if you dont shoot at us -- who do we have to shoot? Noone. Then, the setup goes a lot smoother; and a lot faster.

Let's free the lovely people of townton, by shooting the sh*t out of them.

It was'nt like that. According to a source a certain, "Stern" posted -- most of the deaths in Fallujah were caused by Crossfire, or Shrapnel. Of course, this was made by Iraqis ... so I dont know if its relevance will hold. :rolleyes:

You're an idiot, and it's people like you that created global hatred for the west.

Ah, your trying to find a scapegoat ... but before you go find "someone" else to be your cowards punching bag, go look in the mirrior and ask, "am I considered Western or not?" Because sometimes just being Western is all it takes ...
Thanks, but that was'nt my point. Middle-Eastern's have a different perspective on what God is, and should be doing.

So, it would be correct if I compared them, sufficing I used the variables in the terminology.

The bullets the US uses are going to rip through houses.

So thats BS.

Collateral damage, yeh, ok, hmmmm, it's people like you who will say the insurgents that try to blow the shit outta american soldiers but kill some iraqis is wrong.

Same shit, different bag.
Well I have a feeling the origin of the problem was our fault...the western forces had a lot of control of the middle east pre WW2. After WW2, they were happy "We're getting our freedom! Our independance etc"
But most of them were landed with dictatorships, and the people of palestian were driven out by a jewish state being plonked on their homeland.
I'm not opposed to the Jewish state, but I do think it was nieve of us to give them it and not expect any trouble...
It can't help too when 2 lots of people consider the same place home.

Imagine you came home one day and another family was living there. You took them to court, but you find you both own the rights to live there...:|

Yup, the world is still suffering from post-Colonialism. Africa and middle east the most.
Pericolos0 said:
allah = god


omg! im g0nna ki11 myself!!111

I find it horrible that people are relating real deaths to a video game, and make fun of it too. If you had been on another place on earth it could have been your house that was destroyed, the bodies of your family members that is decomposing on the streets.
The bullets the US uses are going to rip through houses.

Just like every other bullet has.

Collateral damage, yeh, ok, hmmmm, it's people like you who will say the insurgents that try to blow the shit outta american soldiers but kill some iraqis is wrong.

This came out of left field ...